Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I'm so not used to my hair not being brown.
Like it has been brown for so long already. Lol
Due to the lousy skill of the hair dresser, my scalp is peeling.
That's a long story.
In short, is I paid for a senior, the senior got a 2 months noob to dye my hair. That noob applied hair dye on my scalp.
And now, my scalp is burnt and injured. :(
My Saturday was spent sleeping at home cos toh hsien yew slept from 12pm-10pm.
And I almost bored to death!
Oh ya. And morning grocery shopping for new year goodies!
Hmm. We went town hoping to get some shopping done. But none catches our eyes
Met my dear Xunci for dinner and movie!
Shaolin is damn nice!
No regrets watching!!!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Oh my god. I can get even lazier to update! Lol
Hmmm, let's see what can I remember.
Went to Toa payoh last Monday after work to see dermatologist again. It's since year 2007 that I've last seen them.
Yeap, hence, my face is peeling like again. Super hate it.
Ok, toh hsien yew was being nice for a day. For the fact that he accompanied me there!
Koi while waiting for him. Forever late!!

Dearies meet up on wed. Like finally we get to exchange our pressies.

Went to JB again. To rebond my hair.
Thanks to toh hsien yew who accompanied me there. Though he grumbled like mad and was sick too. Hahaha.
Together with that wangz who is so 笨 to have his bubble gums thrown away. Lol
My new hair. Old pattern. Lol

Went to city plaza with my new found friends, Sharon and shu hui.
I bought many but not them! :(
Bugis after CP. And we ended up chit chating at mcdonald. Lol
Met toh hsien yew after work ended and went to sim to get his admission done.
School changes quite a bit in a short period of time.
His super toot pic. I swear I couldn't control my laughter when he was in the photo booth.
Cos he was like, leaning forward and tip toeing to get the picture done!

Cabbed over to acer to get my lappy fixed, before warranty expires. It's damn far can!
Hence we opted for delivery, with a delivery charge of $15.
Pay $ for convenience. Cos I should be working when it's ready, and there no reason to take off for that particular reason right!
Managed to get a cab to bring us out of the ulu area before we went back to woodlands and have our lunch+dinner!

Took off to do my hair again! Lol
Went into jb like again! I'm so sick of going to jb already!
With my mum, toh hsien yew and my tenant, ah bee!
Did my hair, I'm brown/gold hair no more!
I'm officially a dark purple! And it's so dark can!
Not very satisfied with the service this time round!
Yawn! Work today....
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Our 1 day JB tour
With pang and Edmund
We headed put early like 10am and went over to sheng siong to change currencies
Then to the custom.
Thankfully, the traffic was rather smooth.
We hailed a cab to jusco and arrived around 11?
The first thing to do was to find food!
We had Kenny Roger!! :)
*all smiles* cos it was cheap!
After lunch was ... shopping time!!!
We left jusco for city square with lots of shopping bags. Heavy like siao. Luckily there's pang; who carried everything!
Look what we've got:
Pang's book

The old school pen that I used to ask Hann Yee to buy for me in Malaysia. Lol!!!

Shu uemura! Omg! The make up base is only rm109 can!
*typical singaporean*

Mango sales :) just bought it for fun. I know Singapore has it too

Watsons!!! My all time favourite!
Omg I spent more than rm200 there

Vivi!! Heavy can!

Backed to city sq and dinner @ Kim Gary
While Edmund continued shopping at city sq. he's a big time shopper!! Lol
Just before we wanted to leave city sq for the custom...
We got stucked at FOS
And got ourselves tshirts!


And his edc tshirt. Lol

Super tired and exhausted from all the walking
But it's all worth it!! :))
JB again someday!
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Sunday, January 09, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
been so long.
just some random photo bloggings of the last month in 2010!
some random day after work on Monday, for Christmas shopping!
Q-ing for bubble tea @ wisma

xie jiao ting. share tea.

one random day after work, dinner @ a Japanese restaurant at north point

well, we went to town, but avoided the crowd!

toh hsien yew insisted on eating samurai burger
we done some shopping before meeting the others

Christmas pressie for pang pang

dinner at Aoba, and then movie.
this is how we spent our chirstmas!
and not forgetting, playing with this bo liao thing at orchard.
which is like, damn fun!
my christmas pressie to myself!

boxing day!
toh hsien yew clearing his wallet and changing to the new one.

and keep till the pic bong bong already!

trying to get some shopping done. but none leh!
dinner @ ayam penyet. i think my sore throat originated from there

toh hsien wang joined us out of no where.
and we had to change table!
met up with bk and ben before we headed to nex cause toh hsien yew had to work.
met up with her on the 27th! been so long.

wonderful dinner, wonderful company.LOVE GOSSIPING!
new year eve was spent at toh hsien yew's mama house.
playing MJ!
and eating ma la soup.
and supper at thomson road after that.
with eileen and friends!
my voice was GONE after ma la soup and prata!
new year day

tell me, how to club without voice.grrr.
it was a crazy night.
Sunday, was dinner @ taos with the girls to celebrate nicole's birthday!
and my voice was GONE ++
wait for photos okie!
went to KKH after work.
cabbed there.
going for appointment is such a waste of money.
always have to cab there and also consultation fees and whatever!
i hope I'm fine.
i really hope so.
pray for me alrights?!
went for blood test
and toh hsien yew says its retribution, cos i take blood for others everyday
while im taking blood, toh hsien yew played with a stupid app that shouted "HUAT AH!"
which sets everyone eyes at him
udders ice cream after that.

toh hsien yew is a murderer.he ordered mango and mao shan wang to kill my voice! when i wanted pistachio

can i have my voice back please.
and school please not start?!
i feel like I'm at the crossroad of my life.
I've been pondering which route should i embark on for my career.
who will render me the support that i needed in whatever i wanted to do.
will you?
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Tuesday, January 04, 2011