Sunday, November 28, 2010
i dared him to swallow this spoonful of chili and give him $50. but he chickened out.KIA SI!

big pimple~!
hmm... and on 25th, Thursday.
toh hsien yew accompanied me to KK for my appointment
not pregnant please.! stupid onglidan!
needed another ultrasound pelvis, to rule out polyps.
we had McDonalds' breakfast!
and off we went to bugis, when all shops are still closed.
loved shopping liked i always do.
he bought 2 shirts..
and i bought random things. didn't buy too much cos we still had to go sitex so, yah, don't wanna carry too much things.
lip gloss. lol, yes, Watson's again
cute but expensive monkey water bottle

clothes again

m)phosis. finally available on the racks again!

some other random clothes.

and, coach

met bk and went over to sitex
hmm. should i buy a semi-pro or dslr?
i should consider properly first before buying.
and not impulse buying! though i almost wanted to lay my hands on sony
dinner at pastamania with toh hsien yew before heading home for sleep.
I'm sleeping like 10pm every night.
my god.
Friday, TGIF!
work as usual and clinic closed early.
met the girls at bugis to celebrate wenrui birthday
wore my maxi dress and i seriously feared of falling down!
we had ah chew desserts while waiting for porn's to call us.
that pornsak Thai restaurant.
portion sooooo small.
went to topone for k, as usual. lol
had some beer.
went back home and toh hsien yew came
talking nonsense, refusing to sleep. doing nonsensical things.
such as asking me why is the tv on and refusing to let me watch tv.
kept hugging me so tightly that i almost suffocated!
kept smiling and smiling at me. like some ah siao.
i only managed to sleep after i heard him snore. LOL
i fell asleep after dinner on saturday, and woke up at 2.30am to accompany toh hsien yew downstairs for supper.
ean and sleep, eat and sleep!
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Positive feedbacks from patients made my day
Though I don't know how they know my name, cos I *ahem* covers my name tag.
Never ever introduced myself and never bothered to give feedback form
But I'm surprised to see my name on numerous feedback forms. :)
On one hand, people thank you for your service. One the other hand, some may scold you for the lamest reason ever.
My colleague kena scolded for nothing today. Seriously verbally abused. -.-
On my way home now. Why is the train so crowded today?!
Because it raining???
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Haven blogged for quite sometime.
Hmm. My life is still very much the same.
Work, work and more work. Went back to work for my 101 years old ah ma at gleneagles during weekends.
Glad to see her recovering, though she can get forgetful and irritating at times
Working at NUH is still good, and I love Mondays! Cos I only work half days on Monday! Friends, can ask me out on Mondays!
I've no pictures to post!
Lol. The only ones are in toh hsien yew's phone.
Taking a day off tomorrow for kkh appointment.
And. Weekends are coming!
Say hi! Lol
Okay, the train is damn packed now. Working office hours! *roll eyes*
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
I slept like since 9pm? When toh hsien yew was playing computer at my house and kept disturbing me when I slept
Then, he got irritated cos I don't seemed to have to intention to wake up. And he went back home and refuses to call me thereafter. :(
I'm just exaggerating. Lol
Anyway, work was fine. I felt totally like a phlebotomist. I missed a vein yesterday, that seemed too prominent to miss.
But when my needle went in, no blood! :( the old bird there, tried too and there's also no blood!
Know why? Cos the pt was dehydrated!
Feel so cold lately. And it's the shivering type of cold
Am I falling ill?
Today is Friday!
Clinic close on weekends!
Did I mention? The clinic was like offerring me a job la.
When I am desperately trying to find one, there's none!
When you don't bother to, it comes by itself.
But I don't think I'll be working there. Though the remuneration is so attractive.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I went to a clinc at NUH to work on tues.
And I'm surprised and delighted, that I haven lost my blood taking skills. Woohoo.
No misses after taking countless of patients. :))
I thought I've lost my skills after so long. I'm thankful that I've acquired blood taking before I leave ttsh!
Anyway, I think I'll be working in this clinic for sometime. :)
The only bad thing is that, NUH is damn far and inaccessible! :(
I took 1 and half hour after work, trying to squeeze into the bus and train, and reach home. Imagine, the journey actually takes less than an hour
And I miss ttsh, just for that accessiblilty. Lol
I totally loved the feeling of having public holiday. Total yayness! I think im still tired out after exams.
On the way to work now, hai, having to squeeze onto peak hour train when I don't have to work shift work.
Pros and cons.
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Exam's over! Weeeeee!
So happy
Bye management! I hope I don't need to see you again!

Toh hsien yew told me to wish him good luck, hence I wrote 'good luck finger' for him :)

Kns kns.
I was trying very hard to memorize the 2 seen questions, and lecture notes
Then I tried to sleep at 8am, but I couldn't. I kept having lecture notes and words flashing on my mind!
When I had to wake up at 11am to study again, I couldn't. Lol
Today's my first time leaving early in an exam
I didn't want to leave, but I needed the toilet. Lol!!!
Met toh hsien yew at jurong point for dinner
At this pioneer don't-know-what steamboat resturant for dinner
LMXLB look alike menu

Waiting for our food

Lots of sauces

Stupid face

The sauce that he mixed, saltish and disgusting

Laksa and pig bone soup
The laksa is yummilicious!

Our food!

Full! Thought I didn't eat a lot, unlike ahem
I still gave him fishballs and sotong balls :)
Toh hsien yew, pls do not order whatever balls next time, and no wanton! Damn disgusting!
Tired. I've only slept 2 hours.
Working tomorrow. Yawn!
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The last exam of my first year of bachelor. Weee
Exams ending in 2 days. And my urgency level is not there!
Well, I hope for the best seriously.
Thank goodness exams going to be over, lesser late nights=lesser pimples and supper= fat! Lol
Now, to remain status quo or I should look for security?
Too many pros and cons, should leave it tills exam's over
Sharing with you, my chao chao Maggie mee :)
I revenged by sending a pic to toh hsien yew :)

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Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Today's research paper was mad disgusting.
First it was said to be 3 hour, then became 2.
2hours paper, 20 questions, 1 essay question and one graph.
Don't u think it's mad crazy? Somemore it's not pure 20 questions. It had like part a,b that kind
Tsk tsk.
Studied so much but useless
Aiyeeer. Damn disgusting
Concussed after exams. Sleep, I need you!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hmmm. Getting a little bored of studying
Don't you think studying is so much more tedious than working???
Hmm. Saturday morning
10am, when both of us haven caught a wink
Me, was busy studying
Him, doing duty. Hmm I think he slept in between lo.
Breakfast at swensens, long awaited :)
Clapping at duno what?

Act one very tired when he slept loads

Me, zero make up. Shag and ugly. Lol

Breakfast comes with 2 drinks. Wth. Lol. And toh hsien yew had that soury orange juice. Yucks

Maple syrup and spread

His French toast with scrambled eggs

Mine, pancake. I tell u, it's not nice! Don't try! Their pancakes are hard, unlike mcdonald's hot and fluffy ones. Unless u like it lo. But it taste like flour dough la.

I gave him one and he put it on top of the maple syrup. Wth!

After breakfast was sleeping time for me. And toh hsien Yew went off for work.
Dinner was at yoshinoya at yishun. Yes, we travelled till yishun cos cwp is in a abandoned state. Lol
After dinner and toh hsien yew slept, as usual.

Bored of studying!!!

My good companion while studying. Camomile tea

That irritating toh hsien yew jus sent me a photo of his maggie mee and made me damn hungry. Kns.
Supper tonight @ 4am was leftover soup from last night dinner. All because of u THY
Ok. Damn disgusted with research now
But im going back to it cos tomorrow is exams :(
Wish me luck
Bye bye distractions

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Monday, November 08, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
i shall blog.since theres no one to talk to me =( pang is asleep and no one is on MSN (though i dont like to chat on msn, lol)no shows on TV either!im doing the management question.kns, kns. im stucked la like, i want to write this, but i fear that i gets too longwinded for me to write it all out during the examination.okay. happy stuffs alright?went to yishun yesterday with toh hsien yew to ta bao dinner for ourselves and toh xinyidinner was yoshinoya (been so long since i had it, cos the outlet at cwp closed down, damn), nasi briyani, long johnwe went back with so much things on our hands!loldinner today was with toh hsien yew @ pastamania.or rather, my breakfastcos i effing woke up at 5pm today. LOLmy sleep cycle is total opposite can.sleeping at 7am, & wake up late afternoon. (usually 2-3pm lah.)woke up so late today cos i dreamt of some stupid things... hmmm, cant remember what.but some UOB person called me at 10am and i just shoved him off and went back to sleep.we were ordering at the cashierand i went, 7 inch pizza please. (for toh hsien yew)toh hsien yew went "10 inch. 10 inch"and smiled like a retard. lolmy basil chicken aglioquite nice. but toh hsien yew says it tastes like bah chor meelol
big curry poklol.its his chicken ham and mushroom pizza
though he remained rather stressed by during dinner due to work related issues,he still does stupid stuffing a big piece of crust into his mouth and ended up like this
loldear pang pang, pls dont be so stress alright =)
i know u are a lazy ass who dreads work. =Dback home.
and his time for nap, while i watch tv! =D
back to some serious serious work.如果超人會飛.那就讓我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰這個世界 會讓我覺得好一些 拯救地球好累雖然有些疲憊但我還是會 不要問我哭過了沒因為超人不能流眼淚
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Friday, November 05, 2010
2nd Nov 2010Happy birthday Janey Janey Jane!with the super funny strawberries sticksand the 'hat' on her
finally 22, no more laughing at us.nanny nanny poo pootry again next yearlol.that's a little lame.celebrations at Marriott cafecheng ge and cheng sao. LOL
pang pang and me, from cheng ge's camera
another version from meow's
meow and car.
yaptang and seeqy
the 'must take' dearies picture which always looked the same! haha and the usual toilet shots

one last one before we leave
change of background.

food wasn't good. but company that matters.
once again, happy birthday Janey Janey Jane!
more dearies meet up pls.
*stares at Carmen!*
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Friday, November 05, 2010