Monday, May 31, 2010
recently, when more colleagues got to know that im leaving...they then really surprised me for telling me how much they liked working with me, how they wished my last day never arrives.=)some of them are those whom i was never close with, didn't talk much to except work-wise..well, everything comes to an end. and I'm happy for this working relationship to end like how it is.well. looking forward to my last day can!work sucks recently! especially when I'm down with assignments and exams preparations!last night shift tomorrow!hopefully its the last night shift ever, for how much i hated not sleeping at night.i wonder if you all are like me. when i will envy patients for being able to sleep at night when I'm darn busy with my night. HAHA. lame shit i know. but throughout this 2 years, i ALWAYS feels like that!ok, some nonsense to share.xiaohei: why didn't you pick the afternoon i did what, u check properly?xiaohei: no you didn't pick, i check already for 19,20 etcme: HELLO, not my pt la. morning 3 teams and i start from 22a UNDERSTAND?!?!xiaohei: no never mind, if u never pick i will pick, i just asking only. don't get angry.den minutes later she realised what I'm trying to tell her...xiaohei: oh morning 3 teams ah! me rolling eyes already!and she said: sorry for the inconvenience caused!LMAO!I'm almost vomited blood waiting for her to get my point!language barrier? I'm 100% sure I'm talking English!and she told me "sorry for the inconvenience cause". i almost broke down laughing!okok! enough of laughing at xiaohei. esp janice ong! hahagoing back to studyyyyyyy!
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Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
my stress levels are building up as we approach june.
exams and assignments due dates. and stacks of articles not read.
i dont even have a clue to answer the seen questions.
what to mentioned the unseen ones?!
on a happier note.
june approach=ending work real soon!
and looking forward to an overseas trip.
alright. going to sleep soon for morning shift tomorrow as i've only slept 2 hrs yesterday from PM to AM cos pang and me caught "sex and city2" after work!
needless to say, the movie was my cup of tea =DD
okok. enough of nonsense!
sleep and continue to explore answers for exams qns tomorrow after work, before my night on mon and tues!
before meeting onglidan on wed!
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Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
looking at pictures...and out of the sudden, i realise...i miss london!i miss the weather, the kind and friendly ang mohs, the english-accents.i miss the oh-so-much-walkings-everyday to workhaha.i miss oxford street.and of cos shoppingwhen can i ever go back to london again?when can i go travelling again!?
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Friday, May 28, 2010
people keep commenting that we look alike whenever we go shopping.
well. we dont right! haha
after a day out, now its time for CPP!
aim things aim things
toh hsien yew eat snake!
didnt come fetch me!
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Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
i smile to myself when i recieved a call from you=)
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
love is when someone gives you a hug when you are breaking downand im glad that i found mine =)thanks to all friends who encouraged me when im at my lowest. you know who you are =Dmy life will turn for the better=)))you may never understand the reason why i left.but u dont need to.just think of it that i cannot take the hardship =)
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
finished my night shift on sunday and monday...hai,as usual. so many hourlys.and when u could barely complete you work or report, another new admission is here.why am i always having 7-8 hourlys when i do night.haha.i loooove sleeping days.and i hope sleeping days never ends.well sleeping day was well spent with onglidan, my love and carmen gold carmen carmen.dinner at bali thai, gai gai and desserts!my off day today was all spend on doing assignment.!zzzz. finish up sooon!have to start on community profile and then exam qns!all before 15th june!jus received a grade but duno whether it is the case study one.well. thats like only 1/3 of the module grade. so dont think too much of it ok onglidan.=)) lets jia you together!okokok. good bye. back to doing assignments!i need starbucks!and toh hsien yew is on duty =((
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
a day out with dearies, after a thousand years.and still dearies is still incomplete, because of carmen gold carmen carmen!
met up with hu meow meow and janey janey jane first....first the 2 of them made me wait for them while they go pluck their brows.then we went to have small bite first before yaptang arrives!
while that janey janey jane is busy playing with her BB
finally our thousand years no see yaptang arrives...
and we can have dinner
despite us thinking and thinking where to eat, we still ended up at ding tai feng.
haha! same old place, same old menu

super throw face when we went coffee club wanting to eat choc fondue, only to realise that their menu changed, and we left.
we look for jane's mum instead.
haha hilarious on how we approached her mother.
like 3 little chicken standing infront of her counter.
yami yogurt!!!

and our usual toilet peektures 

more meet up pls.!4th june! janey janey jane, pls go change shift.!
dearies dearies, you are missed =))
cheer up hu meow meow! u know we are always here.
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Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
too many things happening
from my resignation not being accepted till i had to delay it till today..
all i can say is, never never step on the toes of those people
people who can ignore your contributions and only look at their own interest.
whereby they smile at you when you are of value, and treat you like shit when u lose that value that they need.
enough of crying over this matter, too much crying was done here.
i know my career would have taken off very well if i continue there.
i know that chances are given to me to be a preceptor, to do many other things that a junior staff nurse like me shouldnt be doing.
and promotion just standing infront of me.
but SO WHAT?
im not happy there and i will not be happy.
you may think im damn stupid.
to quit at this time, forgoing the bonus and promotion
but to me, this is a very smart move, in order to free myself from misery.
you may ask me "is it that bad till you cannot even endure for a few month", "is a good few thousands dollars, mind you"
i dont care for it. get it, know it.
dont ever try to convince me again if you are a friend.
im going to stay very happy, very very happy for this ONE month that i owe you
and leave happily. because im leaving all the misery behind.
whatever you are threatening me with, i dont care.
i dont even care for not having ALs during my exam period, do u think i care further?
go on, threaten me if you can =)
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Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
shall have some pictures updates.
i think shopping lift the spirits of a depressed person =)
was out for shopping with Nicole on Friday, both our off days.
met at PS first to collect her dress and bought mine there.
then we headed to bugis
and Thai food for lunch before we shopped at bugis
and of cos, earrings =D
obsessed us!
and then later on we went to orchard again.
from taka to far east...
we bought shoes...
dresses, Levi's jeans in pink tag! =D
lol, we bought almost the same things.
hahaha. and we are always like that.
thank her for accompanying me to shop when I'm unhappy.
went back to woodlands for pedicure for pampering.
then back home, back to reality on Saturday.
as usual 3 teams 3 teams.
sucks man.
chicken rice with my dear toh hsien yew before work
and the person thought we walk out without paying.
irritating relative, irritating maids.
once u wear the uniform, ANY one can raise their voice at u and make unreasonable request!
maybe i encounter all these because I'm sway or whatever.
I'm so happy that I'm leaving that damn place.
that i dont need to be scolded for things that are not even my fault, for listening and accommodating to all your unreasonable requests.
back to happy topics.
this is supposed to be a happy post, what am i doing.
bought coach for myself last week?
i don't know why exactly i buy it also... i not exactly in need of it.
new iphone casing. toh hsien yew broke my old one and he got me a new one.
back to assignments
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
well friends, if you are a friend please be happy that i left the ward.
i think if i carry on there, i might really get depression
well, its not that i cannot cope with school and work. i can press on if i wanted to and if something is worth staying for.
i guess this is life.
and get on with life.
now im starting to see colours in my life.
more issues to settle.
i guess i had to stand real firm.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
today is the day
feel so relieved after given the letter.
good bye TTSH, goodbye 10a!
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
miserable is the word.
imagine a busy night shift.
busy with hourlys.
busy with callbells.
encountered coroners case
had to transfuse blood.
yet someone had to pick on this and that
put the blame on me
blame my assessment skills
now i know what is 好心没好报
i wish i could jus dig a hole and hide forever
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Saturday, May 15, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
no... i am really not okay
i've never felt so awful before. that i kept thinking and crying over it.
sometimes things that i do dont benefit me at all, yet i do it for the benefit for others
it is ok not to appreciate.
but why am i being misunderstood over and over again?
dont think that im nice thats why u can climb all over my head and bully me
things dont work this way
not because i dont say than u can ask me do so many things for you
not because i dont say than u can ask me do what u are supposed to do and chit chat with others.
dont trifle with me, even though i dont say.
i just cant bear another sight of u all.
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
why it had to happen?
it made me feel damn bad, damn sad seriously.
am i not doing my part or what.
when such things happen, no matter how right you are, you are wrong.
sucks la.
am i so sway that all these have to happen to me repeatedly.?
pt fall, AN MC and left with me myself and i doing everything
from raising ehor to changing diapers. without any help
do i deserve all these and get blamed at the end of the day?
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Sunday, May 09, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
my dearest pang pang brought me out for dinner today...
to cheer me up =))
thanks piggie toh!
random pics from my phone
my chauffeur =D
strawberry cheesecake. yums!
dinner at MOF yesterday, before horrible and depressing night
bagful of koi milk teas.
50% don't suit me. i like sweet things. 70% is perfect!

toh hsien yew's "very very good photography skills"
coke! we simply couldn't understand what the waitress was saying about the whatever sparkling juice
play with iphone apps.!
tableful of food.
haven been shopping for the longest time.
as a result, bought this and that
love playing bejewelled with pang cos he's so stupid.
love off days.
and totally hate working.
i wish i don't have to work anymore!
hai, someone save me
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
horrible and terrible
imagine for a case admitted, pass away 2 hours later.
30+ family crowding over
its an emotional hurdle for me to go through
why am i helping someone yet i got misunderstood?
i almost cried
yes, I'm feeling damn awful
and it sucks.
why has the night had to be so busy and people could just watch you die?
whatever it is. decision made.
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010