Tuesday, April 27, 2010
random pictures from iphone.
lol. dont know whats this
pang bought me koi milk tea. =))
someday before i went for lecture
lomo apps
sunday, 25th april 10, after my pm shift.
and off we went to la mian xiao long bao.
ps. im ate too much yesterday
waraku for lunch
ban mian for dinner
and steamboat for supper
and sooo many other food. that we cannot even finish
jus now...
after pang came and fetch me from lecture
thanks for driving me home.
and buying me....
starbucks <3
and he started to sleep after dinner.
my pang pang!!!!
home vent course cm, hmmmm...
but have to do assignment tonight
cos i slept through yesterday night. not waking up to do assignment! =(
one off day wasted jus like that
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
my entries are so boring. no pictures. LOLok lar. shall blog about my cousin, priscilla's wedding on the 17th.
my pedi and manicure done at PINC
breakfast after night shift, on saturday

wakey after 7hrs of sleep at 6pm...

then cab to vivo.
my mummy and i

pang pang.
door gift
chocolates! =D
us bored, during the dinner. with all my aunties surrounding us. and my mother away at the red table.

my cousin, rebecca
ceemony ended, but its the begining of a new chapter of her life.
=) all the best.
cabbed home. and then... backed to my assignment thats due on 19th

irritating thing of attending wedding is that. aunts and uncles will start asking "when is your turn???"
helllooooooooo. im still young =)
and who knows, things might change later on

ps. grey contacts look so scary. not going to use it again!
brown suits me more. cos its my natural eye colour.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
sickening! i got scolded for no reasons again.
one was on saturday which because of the stupid milk issue.
and sunday because of caregiver tags issues.
sickening people.!
anyway, went la mian xiao long bao with pang after my pm shift yesterday
damn fullll can.!
back to assignmentss.
having lessons later.
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Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
yo humans.
i've finally submited my nursing knowledge and practices assignment
but i've another one due next fri.
total sadness.
seriously. im very very tired.
im on morning shift today. and i barely slept for 3hrs. till now. which is like 11pm...
and im gonna work morning again tomorrow with classes aftermath.
morning today sucks.
i feel like a nanny
rather than NIC.
im trying, trying very hard to keep myself awake now.
to complete my carbon monoxide poisoning. LOL.
okokokokokok. i got to go. time is precious.
pang jus bought me koi milk tea.
he's driving me around lately, which saved some time for me.
but i have totally no mood to try driving.
next time lah. that can wait.
i can always take a cab. lol
friends, humans, and YOU
please understand that my schedule is very very tight
so tight that i dont even have time for sleep.
dont expect me to do something that obviously i dont have to time for.
although i really wished to.
pls understand will you???
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
just attended my cousin wedding. shall upload pics when im free ok.
work's so hetic lately. so many things happening in the ward.
its already near 7am in the morning, and i haven slept a wink yet.
im still rushing out my assignment
not that i want to do it last min, but think, do i have the time?
not that im finding excuses.
maybe u can try.
sigh. back to doing assignment!
thanks to lingyan and wenrui who willing to change shift with me. very very very much appreciated.
i need a break.
i need to shop. haa!
i need to do something that i like.
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Sunday, April 18, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
what about study everyday and night?
facing my lappy day and night till my eyes almost drop out.
thanks to my naggy but lovely mummy, i have a new table lamp!

no more eyes straining!
talking about that, my stupid eyes are 600 and 700 degrees now.
im darn sad lah. ok im going for lasix soon, after my degree ok, when i don't need eye power so much!
hai, i want my life back.
but wait, get my priorities right.
assignments are more important.
i miss dearies. esp yaptang. i haven seen her for ages. and janeyjaneyjane... i wanna talk nonsense with her lah. i wanna play with her very good camera. and humeowmeow who is always emo-ing. haha. and gold carmen who is busy altair-ing and posing ads for ttsh. LOL
i miss going out with 10a people.
i miss going out with onglidan and gold carmen with xiao qing. LOL.
i miss going shopping with nicole.
i miss shopping with pang pang.
but well.
i hope u all wait for me kk.
go out with me when im free. lol
and of cos.
thanks to my stupid yingying, who is always there, irritating me.
buying starbucks for me everyday.
talk to eeyore when im busying doing assignment.
buy supper for me.
and always encouraging me that this will be over very soon.
always bluff people. still got 1 1/2 year lorrrrrr. goodness.

ok bye bye.
time to get my ass working again
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Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
i spent my half of sat and whole of sunday doing the NKP assignment.
annnnd its still no where near completed.
maybe im too distracted, thats why.
im still not sleepy at 3am.
think my starbucks is working well.
toh hsien yew is sleeping like a pig.
past week had been rather fine.
supposed to meet onglidan on saturday to compare our assignment.
but how to when im no where near completion.
forgive me!
i seriously had no time. blame it on all the terrible afternoons and tiring mornings.
i feel so tired, as though i haven been so tired before.
when can this end?
on a side note.
my pt commented that i speak singlish. LOL
oh yes i do, and alot of it!
and im so proud of it.
that closes our nurse-patient relationship gap =)
ok, enough of ranting.
back to doing boring stuffs.
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Monday, April 05, 2010