Wednesday, March 31, 2010
hello people!my new gift from my dear ah toh!which is... new iphone casing.this time, its not just the back cover, but full casing!meaning, there are blings even at the front!


there are more nicey nicey nice items there!
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
yet another busy Monday morning.
my male cubicle became a female cubicle within a night.
well well.
time to work on assignment again.
sometimes it just takes some determination to jump start the process.
however, the starting is always difficult.
breakfast with my ah toh some day.
and Thai Express
@ yishun after making spects.
the amount of food on the plate is deceiving.
its actually just a few strands of noodles in it.
my piggie on duty.
okay okay, enough of my nonsenses.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
don't know what have i been doing lately....
school starts and I'm still as stressed up as usual, rushing out the assignment for nursing knowledge and practice.
well. i think i couldn't squeeze out something
afternoon shift on Friday, was at team 1.
lol. and requested to change team on Saturday afternoon.
my Sunday morning shift was a breeze till i admitted a bipap case. well... u know u know.
where all the business starts.
and out of no where, my pt for transfusion.
tsk tsk!
thanks for all those who have helped me with the bipap case. appreciated.
i couldn't have settle it so quickly!
went town after work to buy fancl for toh mama.
dinner at crystal jade la main xiao long bao.
after every single time i went, except for the holland v buffet, i would say, i still prefer ding tai feng.
got the exhausted feeling on the way back.
and my rest of the day was spent sleeping.
and morning shift again tomorrow!
time to work on assignment again, before onglidan scolds me.
show me some light....
tell me what should i do.....
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Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Our sweet 6th year anniversary.20th march 10.=))met him after my night shift, and we had mcdonals. yums.we headed to his place after i woke up around 4.

on the cab to shangri-la
yay, and our dinner venue is: the line.
many many counters.

\the not nice wanton noodles.


my fav, macaroons.
choc fondue!!!
aiya many more la. go facebook. =)
my retard.

toh hsien yew stuffed this choc pearl in his nose attempting to be a clown. and the choc got lost in his nose. lol.
this sent me LOL for some time.
6 years and still counting.
the sweetest ever.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
i think this is on the 12th march, before i went to meet xunci...

for marche and movies. we watched happy go lucky! haha
was on morning shift on wednesday, 17th march.
some more was on A9
ilfan brought her very good camera. lol

and her very very sudden decision to go crystal jade at holland V at night.
sooo. i went back home after work, and started studying.
while ah toh accompanied me.
before i headed out.

with his stupid legs behind
2 more Eeyore bear!
well, we had our dinner cum supper at LMXLB and chit chat till 3am, before we cabbed home.
before my night shift on thursday and friday.
well, can u imagine we had 10 over IVs at 12? and i had iv all round the clock.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Finally done with the first draft of the assignment.
i managed to link it up some how.
well, that is always the case, isnt it?
whatever, i spent my 2 off days on this.
facing the lappy for more that 10hrs a day.
so u could see me online on msn, rare sight aint it.
im going out soon, to meet my dearest xunci.
and afternoon shift tomorrow.
recently afternoon shift has been busy busy for me.
hai, my morning shift on wed was like what only.
that person just pissed the hell out of me.
ask me to do dressing for her, can u imagine!
and that kuku got the shock of her life when she saw an achoring stitch on the drain. and came running to me blaming the doctor telling her that there are no STO.
LOL! well, if u dont understand... thats ok, just know that its a very lame thing.
ok, going off, bye!
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Friday, March 12, 2010
can someone please bring me away?
bring me to bangkok, so that i can shop till i drop
bring me to taiwan, so that i can buy mask, fake lashes.
bring me to japan.
bring me to paris, so that i can buy so many LV
bring me to some where please.
if no one's gonna do that, im happy to travel myself. just give me the time.
i just wanna bring myself away, so that i dont have to face irritating people at work, dont have to search for articles, dont have to write assignment..
ps. why do they pose a question and give me an article for reference that do not have any link at all?
you wouldnt understand, do you?
the feeling of wanting to write so much, but you are just stucked there.
i want to dig a hole, and hide myself away.
you know that's not going to happen.
i going back to write my no link assignment.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒告诉我爱不单行相信它
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Tuesday, March 09, 2010
looking at my last entry till now....i couldn't remember what i've been doing.
probably some morning shift marathon during the 22nd of feb week.
Friday 26th feb, i think was morning shift with mei mei as NIC, because we went omicell together after work.
well. i think that was an ECG day. i did more than 10 ECG. and for a moment, i couldn't even recall whats a right sided ECG. lol
27th feb saturday, afternoon shift.
my "so rare" afternoon shift.
old people cannot recall what happened
well, sunday was finally my off day!
and it was a happy day, cos school stops for 3 weeks!!! YAY!
but of cos, theres still loads of articles and assignment to do.
well, at least i dont have to do morning shift marathon.
went town with toh hsien yew.
i think i get damn tempted to buy things when im in town.
my all time favourite. ding tai feng.

bought this choc from royce, cause i've eaten it somewhere remembering its very nice.
its indeed very nice!
i think its some relative who gave it to us la...
i think the day ended early, with buying files and stationary at popular.
Monday, 1st march!
woke up and did some studying....
met carmen early before meeting the girls for dinner.

dinner's at crystal jade, holland v
well. its always damn funny when onglidan is around.
joke of the day, is that she got into an accident and she ran away.
well, she really did had an accident la.
dinner ends about 8plus, and we went marina barrage to see see look look

you know... imitating peoplesss again. lol

we had ice cream and we went back home!
tuesday, 2nd march
afternoon shift
was in complete blurness cause omicell started.
took over from ilfan...
i think i got busy here and there at team2.
spigotting, 2 good friend aunty who takes turns for toilet marathon, another who just had a TIA during ilfan's time, wife that refuses to go home
pt who went coronary angio and in order to collect our bed, we had to go to the ICU, take their bed, go ICL take the pt to ICU, then go back to ICL to take our bed.
and mr attitude who refuses to take med. and mr confused who keep climbing.
morning shift on wednesday are all about them as well.
i walk here and there, to do LP but just before the spinal needle went in, the consultant called and cancelled it.
i did countless of potting and PVRU for pt who cannot pee.
and i don't know what else I'm busy with
oh ya, im doing the stupid A9 thingy for that day....
and home for nap before waking up for studying at night.
before my night shift on wed and thu
thu fine....
fri was many many many hourly.... many issues.
super sway dr on-duty!
breakfast with toh hsien yew on saturday morning.
that stupid idiot who still got the cheek to shower when im dozing off at khatib mrt station.
slept till 5 plus and woke up for mj entertainment with my uncles
then started mugging at night again....
fell asleep while watching the boring episode of guess.
sunday was mugging day as well.
till 5pm when toh hsien yew forced me to go to his place
as his cousins were at his place.
and dinner at zhen fa, novena...
Monday, 8th march
afternoon shift with 3 teams only.
met ilfan, nicole and janice for lunch before the 4 of us went for work.
yes 3 teams=the 4 of us.
busy lah!
like shit.
hourlys here and there.
BMA and i had to run around to get the things ready
stupid 2D echo who cancelled my pt appt without telling us!
irritating wife who followed me when I'm serving medication, asking me why phenytoin is 200mg!!!!!!!!
and relatives asking for updates updates and updates when I'm running around serving medication
out of no where came out a first dose IV, no plug no nothing.
and my pt disappeared from the system. lol!
well.... doing afternoon again later.
good luck.
gotta start looking for journals again!

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010