Saturday, November 28, 2009
27th nov 09
went amk hub with my mummy and toh hsien yew.
lunch at sticky rice
when we went walking around amk and cwp before we headed home.
aiyo my hair is so long. haha! but i hopes it gets longer. haha

we went for supper downstairs before we went back home to watch tv
kitty lab pictures!
more @ facebook.

the shop that we liked most
Gucci look alike wallpaper!

going out later. to expo. thinking whether to buy a laptop or not.
updates later on! =)
today will be a better day!
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
my night shift.
first night was HORRIBLE!
i didn't had anytime to sit down at all.
a DIL case with hourly h/c, hourly para with lots of antibiotics, blood to transfuse
4 new cases coming 2 at time same time.
and i don't know what's more.
i couldn't sleep well after my first night
i kept dreaming of my unable to finish reports and new cases kept coming in.
well, some people did pissed me off though.
my 2nd night was much better
at least i had some time to slack
after the DIL case was packed and 2 new cases coming in.
well, breakfast was spent with janice and izzati
and sleeping day wasn't spent sleeping at all.
because i woke up at 2, went to back and met gold carmen carmen.
headed to sim
and we did some ultra lame thing when we left sim, LOL
dinner was spent with toh hsien yew at ichiban.
and i slept as early as 9pm till 1 the next day!
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i had a not so busy but kept busy sunday afternoon
i dont know if i looked too innocent or whatever it is; qian ma
i got scolded from a relative again! for some MRI headache protocol cannot be done on sunday kind of thing
and from that particular race again la. hai ya!
he told me " i give u 5min and you better get the doctor to come"
my monday morning was kept busy from the start till 9.30, finally i can get down to do my changes and callings
ok fine, a trachy case for acupuncture which is stable until cannot type and this clinic had to make such a big fuss for no staff accompanying the case @ the clinic when the doctor says no need at all.
kan chiong about pt desat when it is actually the alarm from the sp02 probe dropping out.
fine. whatever it is
sneak out of UBQI and headed to EXPO on a cab with nicole, lingyan and wenrui
for kitty lab!
i still went for kittylab despite being damn broke now.
well. no regrets!
fun fun fun!
pictures with nicole.
ooops. isnt pictures not allowed? but it seemed that no one cares. LOL
astons prime after kitty lab after meeting ilfan
and we went looking at all the christmas decos.
i kind of having mixed feelings now.
i felt happy to see the SIM envelope on my table
but as i look through the letters, seeing the fees, i felt like backing out.
hai, more stress coming on for the next 2 years.
i hope things will turn out better.
i hope..

well, tomorrow will be a better day, after a good night sleep; i believe.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
hai, been feeling damn tired after my AM PM AM AM shift
had a very nice night last weekend with ilfan
sleeping day on mon and tues are spent sleeping at home.
morning shift on wed with 4pt and d/c 3, ended with one.
went out with ilfan, janice and lingyan for steamboat near novena
my stupid hives allergy thingy came, like dont know why. hives hives go away!
before we headed for laughing session when lingyan starts buying her swimming costume.
went back home around 10 and slept till the next day 11am.
afternoon shift on thu, busy busy a little bit here and there after taking over from the two SSNs.
A9 on friday, which i dread, cause i practically spent the last hour doing nothing constructive, except helping deborah with an IV, which other times were spent talking about ghostsss. LOL
both me and pang took a nap from 7pm till 10pm and he left for duty while i cont sleeping till saturday morning
morning shift again on saturday, and again my 5pts are left with 4pt
handed over to ilfan
and biju, lingyan and me started gossiping on biju's retirement plan for working 5yrs here and go back and buy bungalow. LOL
later on nicole started to bring me rizza's IV calculations to test me. LOL.
and home to sleep after long day at work.
give me more sleeping time to recover pls!
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
lesson learnt
because i simply hate this feeling
thanks toh hsien yew, for being with me.
for your unwavering support
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9th Nov, Mondayafternoon shift.Nic for the day.
dealt with a death case, hai. saddening.was ok lah, not that busy.met toh hsien yew after work as usual. and his supper time, mcdonals.10th Nov 09,, Tuesdaymorning shiftsupposed to be Nic but due to roster problems, took team3busy.busy with high bp, update relatives, many lah!A9 today, went to toh hsien yew house after that.and dinner at ichibanthe only 2 dishes that was served after we waited for half an hr.

we almost wanted to get our check and leave.zzzz
so slow!
both of us slept like some pig till 0030hrs. HAHA
my long await off day tomorrow!
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
more!4th Nov; Wednesday
was spent sleeping at home and my fav zi char for dinner! heee.
bought the ice-cream that i liked, the green one with milk inside?!
5th Nov 09; Thursday
afternoon shift
admission kept me busy, esp for the one who needs NGT etc.
the worst was someone who came scolding me when i gave him a remote control.
and the whole cycle of water too cold, room too cold, not coaxing the pt, not teaching pt how to use a remote control comes round and round and round
i was on the verge of scolding him back, due to his unreasonable behaviour.
but I'm glad i was fake enough to endure it and get the NO to come.
i could feel all the blood gushing to my brain and resulted with a splitting headache.zz
seriously, im always the unlucky one to kena all these unreasonable scoldings from relatives that is not even those of my care! HAI, how sad!
and always those very very scolding kind. LOL
6th Nov 09, Friday
went for the rehab course from 8-4 with biju and sister tan.
not too bad, i liked the TCM part best.
eating and eating every 2hrs, felt like some pig. haha
course ended, went to posb before meeting nicole and lingyan after their A9. hehe
KFC again, but was damn unwilling. all because of lingyan! hahaha
we chatted till 7plus before we headed back
and i met toh hsien yew, accompanied him for dinner together with my mum and uncle.
7th Nov, Saturday
morning shift
took over lingyan side @ team1
with priya.
was fine lah, busy here and there.
with sister's little ward meeting from 130-3
went to the ward gathering after work
too much food!
yanti,lingyan, nicole
nov babies!
sister tan
left around 7plus before meeting toh hsien yew
and i seriously slept like a pig after i reached home. HAHA!
8th Nov, Sunday
morning shift again.
took back team1 again.
was busy a little, but more settled compared to Saturday.
sister having the little ward meeting till near 4
and i met toh hsien yew after that
we went town to shop a little.
and dinner at watami, ion.
first time it doesnt have much queue
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Been so long since I've updated, been busy with daily work and healing my mood.HA!ok, back to updates.had a marvellous night with lingyan, nicole, soo ching and odah on 31st and 1st, sat and sunwith a close cubicle, stable pts. i couldn't be happier than that!first night we had breakfast at the wang cafe and 2nd night we had breakfast at McDonalds.haha.2nd Nov 09, Mondaymy sleeping day wasn't spent sleeping at all!woke up at 2plus to meet the girls to buy ah zhen's gift.all of them were morning shift; car, cat and me ended up at kfc eating while waiting for yaptang.ended up we headed to sim lim sq, the super scary place that the 3 of us cant wait to leave.after we've got ah zhen gift, i met my toh hsien yew while the girls headed back.we went for dinner at some ulu coffeeshop near bugis street and for some shopping.and glutton-ly us went for ah chew's desserts.
we were placed at a damn pathetic corner!
ok, finally headed home at 10plus and only able to tuck myself in bed at 1am. LOL. 3rd Nov 09, Tuesday
met dearies early in the morning at 1030am, which obviously i had difficulty waking up cause i was late.
but was better than the overslept till don't know where hu meow meow.
to popular and to Carmen's house
McDonalds before we get our ass working.
met ah zhen in town around 2 plus, with her pissed off face,as usual. HAHA!
first to mos burger for some chit chatting and gossips session.
the da zha me, when the lead is looking at presents!
"hello, wo shi hao nan ren!"
dearies and co production! =D
finally something that we can afford on her atas wishlist

yea, dinner's at dozo private room that totally has no privacy at all. as the waiters are constantly peeping in and intruding our privacy. LOL
while waiting for tang and seeqy to complete their missing of way.
and Catherine who faces the window all times on the phone.
carmen asks me to do stupid things again! hahaha!

food for the day.
smoked salmon, scallop and foie gras
crab claw salad
mushroom soup, muo gu tang!
cod fish

bubbly bubbly thing on creme brulee

some don't know what fruit tea

dozo gave ah zhen a cakey!
and the usual dearies pic!

and a candid one without tang!
us playing with palaroid!

off we went, and we managed to catch a glimpse of humeowmeow's u-know-who!
and Janey went to my house for a short while before she headed home.
and i went sleeping away!
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009