Friday, October 30, 2009
i realised i didn't take pictures for 10 days, according to my phone.
my life have been that boring.
work, work and work!
been down lately, so it meant more sleep therapy for me.
Saturday 24th oct 09
my off day.
very happy sleeping till early afternoon.
woke toh hsien yew out and forced him to go out with me.
late lunch at crystal jade.
the aunty had problem with us adding soya sauce to the porridge
and she goes "xiao mei ah, you never taste your porridge then you add so much ah? take so much soya sauce not good ah!"
and we went -.-"
expensive wanton mee that is not nice

and toh hsien yew ordered so much that we couldn't finish again!

we went around cwp and amk hub
bought some things and went to his house
nap for a while, before its time to head out to his friend house
i was rather reluctant to go. LOL.
his friend, edmund's birthday

i went back earlier that day.
afternoon shift on Sunday and Monday.
met tang and jane after work on Monday and we went back together.
HAHA, we found yaptang at lost and found.
and morning shift on Tuesday.
LOL when i handed over to ilfan and her disciple.
went to toapayoh with Nicole after work to buy contact lens
and search for her hello kitty tissue.LOL
went in to crystal jade, seated, but she decided to have ding tai feng instead
dinner at ding tai feng and shopped around j8 before i headed home to meet ah toh!
morning shift again on Wednesday
damn tired and i woke up late. goodness.
i feel proud of myself to be able to bathe,make up and leave home in 10mins
NIC for the day, handling staff conflicts. LOL
with sister sherrie sent me lol-ing
had a little gathering with colleagues.
janice, nicole, izzati and her bf, moon, melissa and deborah @ fish manhattan
esp izzati's bf.
very tired, so didn't join them for bowling lest they laugh at my lousy skill. LOL
met toh hsien yew and bought McDonald for him again
went back home, somehow, i slept till 5am before i got up from my sofa and went back to bed.
Thursday 29th oct 09
very happy coz i slept till 12.
met toh hsien yew at cwp for dinner @ ajisen

walked around and bought things.bought so many things recently.

i just gotten my pay, but im feeling poor again.
how demoralising
sleeping is my best treatment.
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Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
i feel very down now.
i dont understand why some people have to bring down others to show that they are better
do you think this will bring u to a higher level?
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
name: yap tang wee
last seen: tan tock seng hospital on Tuesday 20th oct
un contactable since TW trip
missing in action, no news of her
people who found her, pls contact loss and found unit personnel.
Carmen (also can place an ad for her soon).
thank you for your cooperation!
catherine ask me and jane to do this.hahahaha
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday 20th oct 09
morning shift after night. goodness. i hate this.
it wasnt that busy in a sense. but with new staff following me, it gets irritating at times.
esp about the bed 7 aspirations.
and her whole time writing report.
and her "mr liasion" LOL
aiya irritating lah. another pt that is dont know going renci or not.
called renci then they tell me dont reserve bed. another one call me tell me hb must be >9
ended up hb drop still must transfuse.
i felt damn bad for ilfan that rush like hell next morning.
i wanted to book the transport but its not confirm. and i think i should have changed the dressing.
anyway, met janey and meow meow for gossip sessions.
LOL sessions as usual, with carmen and yaptang's absence.

dinner with toh hsien yew at pastamania.
conclusion : only try their classics pastas, cause their new creations are ALWAYS not nice!
happy 5yrs and 7mths! =))
Wednesday 21st oct
afternoon shift
3teams initially and became 4 teams.
not very very busy
one of the pt for d/c and the siv student took damn long damn long to do the discharge
and the pt relative blame me for it lor. what the hell~!
suicide caution and i had to stay in the cubicle all the time.
one ttsh rehab transfer out of no where at 6pm.
and iso room call bell every min for itchy leg and covering blanket.
Thursday 22nd oct 09
team 3 as well.
today another confused pt added to the cubicle, making it more difficult for me to leave the cubicle.
entering the iso-room so many times, every few mins the call bell rings.
and i ended up wearing the mask walking all about.
i think i used up almost all of the mask.
Friday 23rd oct.
morning shift
NIC for the day
angry angry! everything also leave for nic to do lor.
pt fell then everyone walk away, no need to help. just left me and guo mei there.
shit lor.
give iv. here no supply there no supply.
inconsiderate ppl.
so many things lah!
iso room desat
many stat doses of ivs.
ended up doing turnings.
have to call back ppl to do night as well.
met hu meow meow on the way back. LOL
and its raining heavily.
my leg hurts badly. hai.
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Friday, October 23, 2009
my life is so boring, working and working everyday!
night shift on Saturday 16th oct 09
rather busy at the start of the shift
after soo long and im back at team 1, doing night shift.
the thought of taking parameters for 4 cubicles kills me.
a damn irritating pt who kept asking for panadol 2 tabs, morphine 1 ml. pain pain pain despite i just given her 5mls morphine.
and i dont know what happened that one of her toe nail peeled off.
pressing call bell every few mins causing everyone to call me to serve her the analgesia.
esp guomei. LOL
another new admission came with a super kan chiong daughter-in-law who kept telling me my mother-in-law cannot talk, u all need to come and see her very very frequently. want me to call dr and also want me to change her pampers now. tell me she canot cough out her phlegm and many many more lah!
other than that was more of routine stuffs, doing my hourly CLC very punctually,fearing that his GCS might drop anytime.
and of cos my hourly parameters
and the sway-est thing is that the PCA had to run dry at 5am in the morning, pt in pain
goodness, i think i ran down to pacu to have it replenished and the stupid pacu staff still blames me because i didnt bring down morphine. goodness, i dont think our CD have enough for that.
Sunday 17th oct
had a nice sleep till 5pm and met ah toh for dinner at ttsh. boring right. lol
2nd night was ok lah, some things here and there.
only cock up was the new admission that came 6plus
with a stupid ma de ji dan gao dr who doesnt know first dose have to be administered by a dr.
and look at me in a state of shock. LOL
did as much as i could.
and finally night over.
Monday 19th oct 09
woke up about 4, dinner with toh hsien yew
wanted to eat at coffeeshop and there wasnt seat, ended up we still bought home and eat. LOL
and we went out again for ice cream. those green green lime sorbet ice cream with vanilla ice cream inside.
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
15th oct 09, thursday
afternoon shift
was happy because it wasn't a busy afternoon, when i expected it to be. the only irritating thing was the pt relative irritated me 5times asking for milo, when the pt went for xray and not even in the bed. had a transferred in from 10c. a rather well patient. i discharged a few pts, and left with that few pt, LOL
supper with toh hsien yew at burger king
16th oct 09, Friday
morning shift.
my morning started with giving all the ivs, spongings with carol and dozing off at EHS course. its supposed to end at 1 but ended at 11 instead; was happy because no more forcing myself to stay awake in the super boring course.
went back to the ward, did admissions and some other things. and sister sherrie started to ask me to call back people to do night shift, when she had to answer a complain from a GP who came , wanting to enter the iso-room to examine the pt.
work ended after doing my learning space. went back home and had a good nap before having my dinner.
that sums up my day. doing night shift on sat on sun.
tomorrow will be a better day =)
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Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
my afternoon shift on 7th oct 09 wednesday was rather smooth sailing other than a ADN from SGH pop out of no where as my pt sister
requesting to transfer pt to sgh tomorrow. many many things to do...
and this pt's brother who insisting on changing bed and cleaning the pt eyes when the pt insisting not to!
my afternoon shift on 8th, thursday
NIC for the afternoon.
busy busy @ elcy's side.
was damn funny when me and mildred setting assignment for morning shift on friday
cause we knew that one of the SNs has to be AN.
my morning shift on 9th, friday.
early in the morning did multiple dressingsssss for the RTA pt.
signing marriage cert with 26 to coax him to drink the medication. LOL
mildred my AN. haha.
janice the NIC.
how nice!
but only in the afternoon when i suddenly have discharges, few pts going scans.
and 26 family wanting to AOR, not sure if they could cope with his agitation at all.
morning shift ended.
went to pharmacy with janice ong. LOL.
went back home and sleeep!
and stupid toh hsien yew appeared beside me and woke me up with his stupid face!
dinner and he had to go back camp for guard duty till sunday morning.
my saturday was spent sleeping and lazing at home.
Sunday 11th oct 09
met toh hsien yew after i woke up to town.
hao lian toh hsien yew brought his new gucci sunglasses
we went ion
bought 6boxes of cornery popcorn!
we walked around
settled down at this ajisen looking place
fearing that my allergy will act up.
luckily it didnt, because the food is nice!
my jelly jelly drink.
and stupid toh hsien yew shake the jelly so much that the jelly nua already.
and he had to trade his pepsi for that.
ah toh bought a fcuk tshirt
i think he only buy fcuk la.

and after we got damn bored, we went to his house.
his room with our pictures.
toh hsien yew is such a grumpy old man when he repair his computer.
went for dinner with his mother and his mother's friend.
for porridge and curry rice at somewhere. serrangoon? lol
and durians after that.
mao shan wang.
DAMN NICE can. i think its very ex. lol
monday 12th oct
afternoon shift.
dont know why im the NIC. lol
but it was busy lah.
not very very busy, but busy, lol
janice, lingyan, melissa and nicole.
luckily they are the ones working.
busy with melissa side. and i think most of my "hours" are spent there.
with the palliative case, with me and nicole figuring the fentanyl infusion
which is damn funny
and ended up the consultant wanted 500mcg later on.
new admissions here and there at lingyan side and melissa's side.
i rushed to do the smoking cessation audit after work. its damn ma fan can!!!
13th oct 09, tuesday
morning shift.
took team2.
was quite settled in the morning.
poor janice got giddiness and left around 10.
worried for her lah, hope she recover already.
lingyan took over her.
whole day was settling the discharge to mount a issue
but suddenly after i handed over to rabia, the pt not going already.
i felt damn bad about it, dont know the reason why.
another relative was damn bad lah, scolded us when her mother refuses to eat and blame us for not feeding her many many times. HAI!
then suddenly the pt got chest pain! hai yo!
and nicole got damn busy with the pt's brother and med onco issue.
we left the ward at only 4, none of the SNs went for break
met ilfan and wenrui at mrt station
and went to california pizza.
we ordered a table full of food but cant start eating yet because we had to wait for mei mei.
and this mei mei still lost her way. LOL

after dinner we went party world. with lingyan falling asleep anytime.
halfway nicole and me sneaked out to taka to buy cake.
and surprise for ilfan when they went toilet.
and we spent our last hour there discussing about jolin.
before and after she become pretty. LOL
home sweet home after that.
and i fell asleep on sofa till 3am. LOL
14th oct 09
Happy birthday Ilfan!stupid toh hsien yew woke me up at 1pm, to accompany him for physio at JP
waited 1hr for him, while i walk around JP
dinner at yaki yaki-bo or something like that

stupid ah toh cover my camera with chopstick coverwe ordered so much food la.
toh hsien yew eat fried rice and fried noodles, plus the plate of bean sprout and my seafood set.
steam egg in onion

we walked around before heading back to cwp
and back home, with me feeling hungry and randomly, my mum brought us downstairs for chili crab. LOL
nice lah!
toh hsien yew ugly face!
afternoon tomorrow!
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
im feeling damn emo right now.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
goodness, my 2 morning shift sucks like hell.
Monday 5/10/09
morning shift.
i regretted changing shift with elcy.
Monday morning, 3 teams, hell lot of things to follow up!
so many hourly CLC.
this one amkch, need to create application, ask pt/ot to key in
the other one need renci but got CSC card, so going amkch instead, need to key in application again
goodness, I'm like creating ics the 2 of them can!
a pt going rehab tomorrow and i started with booking bed from ttsh rehab bmu, and doing everything
one pt going discharge and the wife calling every few hours to ask if the pt confirmed for discharge when all the Dr's cannot confirm.
and kena scolded by the wife because nc told her to come when the pt not supposed for home yet.
one off IDC and cannot pu, so need to reinsert and go home with catheter
one need to off malecot drain, and waited for damn long for the Dr to off, and they only came at 2pm when I'm supposed to pass report and they don't know how to flush and off the drain at all!
while I'm assisting the drs, the whole world kept calling me, looking for me, goodness!!
and as usual, the damn confused and restless pt who kept praying kind of turn violent.
expected, he pulled out the plug, refused food and medication, spitting saliva on everyone.
and guess what, the team ordered drip for him and when the stupid dr came to set plug, he just told us to go restrain the pt.
fine, few of us tried, and our arms are all pinched, near fractured, LOL
seriously, he was that strong that 5-7 of us cant even hold him down.
when i walked out to inform the dr that we cannot restrain him, guess what, he told us to get the
security and inform him after restraining him.
when me and ilfan was already like
and asked him, what makes him think that the plug will even last, and he just was damn sarcastic, asking us if he should withhold all treatment for the pt instead.
ma de!
fine, security came, and he is no where insight to help out.
only left with the female mo instead.
after trying damn hard damn hard, even sister tan came in to help us, we managed to hold him down with 3 point restrain.
and the female dr took damn long to decide wad sedative she wants to use.
from im halo to diazepam, and ended up ordering PO olanzapine, which took the pharmacy 1 hr to supply and the pt spit out the moment i put it, attempting to bite my hands.LOL
after multiple attempts, he kind of took it partially. which melted in his mouth, LOL
and worse of all, with so many things on hand, i have to guide ilfan's disciple which made me even more busy to guide her to do this and that, answer to all her questions.
cool cool. chill chill. that's what i told myself throughout everything.
this and that things, and finally work ended.
went town for a while with ilfan, nicole and lingyan. and i left earlier because my lip swell out of no where and I'm still on morning shift on Tuesday!
bought cornery popcorns again. the honey mustard is damn nice, caramel is so-so only.
went back home and sleeeeep!
Tuesday 6/10/09
morning shift again!
goodnessly goodnessly goodness.
stat doses of IV medications not given.
one doing bone marrow aspiration. as usual, the haemato lab people is damn kan chiong and everything must be ready ready.
and the MO doing the procedure don't know what he whats to use, and kept asking for things here and there. the lab person was like instructing him here and there la.
and i spent 1 hr in there la!!!
my new case came when I'm still doing the BMA, luckily izzati did for me and low helped me inform the drs.
and transport for my pt that is going rehab came
luckily I've already got the medications and milk, handed over the case etc.
luckily i settled most of the things yesterday.
but the pt had to soil the whole bed just before going.
as usual, everyone calling me here and there
and this katini kept telling me to bathe in 7 flower water, cause im always so busy. LOL
hourly hypocount remained hourly hypocount.
few hourly parameters
confused pt remained confused. but luckily i managed to stuff one of the medication in
and he managed to quieten down a little, late morning.
pt going home with catheter, CGT to be done. luckily izzati do it for me because as usual the pt kept asking and asking and asking.
just like when he asks for tramadol. lol!
i think it is a family trait la, the daughter also same.
when i barely settled my new case, another came to occupy the bed the went rehab.
and confused pt had to go down for MRI with sedation. and i feel like scolding the mri room person. tell me is open time. of cos i know that, if not i wouldn't call them to it during office hours because the pt needs to be sedated!
i don't know if the mri room person is deaf or hard of hearing that she don't understand the pt needs to be sedated orally and kiv for IV sedation, and keep telling me need consent need consent. when ppl ask her the time so that we can give the sedation and ask stupid questions!
ma de!
luckily celine helped me send this pt down.
out of no where, another pt for discharge.
and that GM reg is so sickening. don't know when her mo ordered SC insulin and kept asking why we didn't serve when i didn't even see the order the last time i did the hypocount
i felt like my legs are breaking.
I'm kind of happy to change shift with rabia, to do afternoon tomorrow.
i slept till 10pm right after i reach home.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
night shift on thu and fri ended
i couldn't sleep on thu, woke up at 1pm.
but i managed to sleep till 6pm on Fri. haha
my nights were ok lah.
not exactly busy, but walking non stop.
admission here and there.
some SP pts running out of ward and bf insisted of staying.
Saturday, met toh hsien yew after work for burger king
damn ma lu coz i fasted for the whole night wanting to do the fasting bloods
but it can only be done from mon-fri
zzzz. fasted for nothing throughout my night.
together with mei mei and ilfan.
slept till 3pm and headed to town with ah toh
wanted to eat something special and nice
but we ended up eating la mian xiao long bao
ya, i know, always eating the same thing.
toh hsien yew bought so many rocher for me. haha!
bought 2 magazines at kino too.
nicey nicey nice popcorn.
went back home and slept like a pig.
and i spent my sunday lazing away.
morning shift tomorrow because elcy change shift with me.
i saw something that i shouldnt.
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Monday, October 05, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
27th sept 09afternoon shift on a sunday=damn siansome more 2 AN mc, i had to be AN. zzzz3 team some more.luckily i was in team 2 with deborahmy side was ok. just that some problems with a pt that insisted on going home, and some bringing a 2 yr old child to the ward issues.but the call bells are frightening, it never stopsand i ended up walking up and down, from team 1-3in the evening, i don't know what happened29 calling every 5 min to say he cant cough out phlegm30 insisting not to insert NGT after failing swallowing test, and son irritating me every min, following me everywhere30a new case, with super irritating family insisting to let pt eat because pt NBM for 4 hrs is a damn big deal thing.and ended up i had to do NAR, take para for this 3 pts, call dr.what lau. do AN also so busy.SIAN!met toh hsien yew after work, and we had mcdonals.28th sept 09, mondaymorning shiftexpected, went to team 4. taking back all the pts that gave me problems yesterday. zz1 AN mc and called at 6.45am, so AN 3 teams again.was ok lah, just that the daughters from 30a kept on asking for updates. 2 of them, and i've updated them 4 times simply because they are too kan chiongand drs updated them twice!many pts went outing, 1 went for MRI, another went to PICC line insertion and ENT clinic2 dischargesand as usual, that 29 kept telling me the phlegm cant come out.zzzzzhanded over to nicoleLOL. went home to sleep after work, supposed to visit toh hsien yew grandma but he ended work to lateso i continued sleeping till 8pm and we went for zi char with my mummyyummy!and i started to have rashes here and there. goodness. out of no where, no maggie mees. whats happening to me.?29th sept 09morning shift againwas supposed to be NIC but because of some issues, had to take case.took team 3, and gong gong cause i never saw the pts before.? h1n1 in iso with nebuliser and i had to go in full PPE. wah lau!damn fed up with the pharmacy, fax arcoxia because my pt screaming in pain at 10amnever come back.and 12, i had no choice, ask ah ma to go downthis pharmacy tell me the medication will come back in bus route which never even came back at 3pm, WAH LAU! angry lah.was busy with things here and there.suddenly came out from break, 19 for transfer to TTSH rehab tomorrow, and the consultant friend of hers came and want to downgrade to b2. ?!and another pt suddenly for home and need to refer PT urgently and COPD case manager urgently to teach her use of MDIMDI not even ordered and i had to resort to calling pharmacy to ensure that they supply and ask ah ma to go down.went to tutorial room after work, almost falling asleep, LOLwent to donut factory with nicole to eat and yami yogurt later on.i seriously thought toh hsien yew wants to visit his grandma but he only told me he's not, when the train reached woodlands. LOLso we went ichiban for dinner, and ensured we reach home before 8, to catch fann's wedding.

30th sept 09
afternoon shift
team 3 again
hourly CLC many many
one AMS aunty
one pt self medicate. why does this always occurs to me har! and its always OHGA.zzz
one spike fever and SN daughter requesting for update when she knows the pt condition damn well.
nowadays got alot of PSY pts in our ward.
heard from mildred that she was playing catching with one of the pt last night.
goodness. BLESS my night man!
burger king with toh hsien yew after work.
sian, night shift today...
and i cant get to sleep. this is torturing me!
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Thursday, October 01, 2009