Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday 25th July pay day, disappointingmet Janice ong at novena and we went mos burgerhad a long gossip session before we went to the ward to meet izzatitried on Nicole's bridemaid dresshad to admit that I'm short lah. lol later on went to the bowling place, at some place of balestierthanks to izzati bf who drove us there. hee
i totally sucks at
and i caused my group to lose. lol!
izzati, so many attempts before we got this
my "long-gang" partner

Janice ong
odah and yanti

and kat too

them with my extra leg

waited for toh hsien yew
and met him for dinner in town
ding tai feng

tried the chili crab xiaolongbao
i think they should reduce the sweetness and increase the spiciness
haha, my preference
we went around shopping for his little newborn nephew gift
and we settled for a mickey gift set
specially for hu you qin
full of grumpy. LOL
i finally found my piglet bolster
and my cotton on shoes. but its different lar, abit hard.
26th July 09 Sunday
afternoon shift
was not that busy
Janice was NIC
and both of us ended helping other teams with their things. lol!
27th July 09 Monday
morning shift
hell busy
like shit can!
25 for dialysis and this renal unit kept calling me to make a fuss about the predialysis bloods
i already told their staff there are predialysis bloods and they make a big fuss because i didn't tell the porter there are bloods to take.
and kept calling me every 5 min to tube down green tubes to them
because the pneumatic tube haven reach them yet.zz
so many hourlys.
out of no where, pt started fitting
GCS dropped but when we were about to load phenytoin, regain conciousness.
RT simulation, sputum induction, lung biospy to do or not to do.
i spent like 2 hrs there.
so many GRM changes.
i took 22a to shower, fed her breakfast, collect urine all by myself.
so many things to follow up
out of no where, at 2pm to transfer one for telemetry and one for GRM ward
and had to go for last day of oral hygiene talk when i seriously seriously had no time to.
found some blisters and had to burst it.
i was only able to finish off at 4plus, all thanks to mei mei who followup for me.
janice, ilfan and nicole was all waiting for me to finish in tearoom. haha
we went for ichiban
as usual, novena branch has slow service.
oh ya, i think a week ago i was there with pang and it was before my night shift.
their service was so slow, almost cause me to be late(damn angry can!)
and i didn't even want to spin that stupid thing but pang insisted
ended up, i spin so hard and it took so long to stop
haha, and i've won the $80 voucher!!
broken my $20 luck.
side tracked.
haha. we went to ilfan house to check out our online shoppings
and i actually fall asleep there lah!
went back home about 8
28th July Tuesday
morning again
team 2
i only know iso-room aunty kept pressing call bell!
had one amkch transfer at 9am
i had to sponge her alone before she goes
and she's damn big sized can!
discharge for a CSC card holder
who refuses to wait for medication
want to fill up medisave form but insisted that her csc card can cover for her whole hospitalisation bill and she doesnt need medisave but still want to fill up the form.
son making a big fuss because the dosage for keppra was increased.
and wanted to take the pt home when the pt kiv home tomorrow?
and auditors came at 12pm. yes 12pm!!!!
and again, sway ppl like me kena audited. Janice sama sama. lol
and tat auditor ask very very very weird questions.
anyway we passed. =)
went for journal club. dozing off.
went back and realised the pt de-iso and fell?!
went ntuc with mummy after work
and bought groceries. lol!!!
i slept like a pig when i reached home. haha
29th July wednesday
did NIC for the day, morning shift
was okok lar.
busy with GRM and GM changes.
stat doses, drip changes.
and the CSC card holder who refuses to wait for medication yesterday came out of now where and requested to get back her medications when her account already closed yesterday.
super sucky attitude.
and nicole side busy busy.
met janice ong for lunch coz she got course. hahaha
when we went out from break.
so many discharges. and janice helped them with discharges
while me, did admission for 2 pts.
later on we were all listening to the irritating machine gun. haha
me and nicole went to the shop beside harvey norman to eat while waiting for janice
i seriously think i such a pig. i ate during lunch time and eat again after work. hahaha
then we bought yami yougurt to share
went to toh hsien yew house and slept like a pig.
when toh hsien yew sees people sleeping, he sleeps as well. lol
30th july thursday

slept till 1plus. super shiok after 3 morning shift. haha went chongpang to see dr for my stupid eyelid itchiness
its eyelid ezema. zzz.
and went have my spectacles made.
goodness, i just wanted to make a normal one
but this toh hsien yew kept on "song yong" me to buy the good good ones.
i ended buying the dior one.
damn ex can!
i never imagined i would spend so much on a spectacle.
went to cwp to meet my mum and uncle
and we went for dinner at seoul garden
and we all smell like barberque chicken
went to metro private sales
bought my mum plates, lol!
bought a charles and keith heels.
and a cake for mummy. hahaha!
i have a plan in mind.
i hope it works
i feel so sinful spending so much
on leave till tues.
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
horrible nights
first night,
so many hourlys
1 ?h1n1 had to go in and out iso room
1 GCS drop. zz
30 so confused. shouting the whole night, climber with cathether, PCA pump almost dropping off.
aiyah so many lar.
had a not so nice breakfast with tang.
2nd night
some irritant who thinks that she is very senior seriously pissed me off.
the team ordered not to take parameters in the middle of the night, that's why the first night i didn't take any parameters for the pt.
den happened that the morning shift didn't take any parameters because the pt went for xray
so i think the team asked her why etc
and this irritant come and ask me why i didn't take etc
and i told that i did as what the team ordered.
guess wad? she told me they meant "do not take at midnight only" when the treatment sheet wrote "do not take in the middle of the night"
hello? it does make a difference man.
and then she started asking me why i didn't take at 7am then?
for wad when the morning shift are going to take at 730+ ?
aren't u supposed to clarify with the team instead of picking on your colleague?
why is she twisting the fact that the team ordered not to take parameters at night?
piss me off
and i had MORE hourlys that i couldn't finish taking and i had to start taking again
1 confused plus plus pt on restrainer
1 on blood transfusion with fever
1 industrial accident case with broken finger and the ice box containing the finger lying in front of me the whole night
2 h1n1 case in iso and kept pressing call bell and i had to go in and out of iso gowned up.
and the seemed to be having some Marathon in there.
but one of then seemed confused.
i couldn't start my report till near 2.
pt started becoming breathless and scolding ppl sarcastically when i wanted to give neb
no link.
one word. horrible.
don't wish to describe it further
breakfast with jane and tang =)
and dinner with pang.
seaweed shaker fries, heee!
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
met up with dearies and co todayafter all their morning shift.wanted to look for sister but she's having meetingi hope my leave can be approved.anyway. the tickets haven been booked!TAIWAN! here i come~!!no rainbow hotel. i hope royal castle is fine =Dpizza hutalmost vomitted after eating so much. lol

we are all in black =))
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
18th July Saturday
spent my day with toh hsien yew
we went tamp1
nothing much there, we got bored after awhile
that stupid toh hsien yew wants to eat ice cream while i want auntie anne.
so i bought him hagen daz while he bought me auntie anne
and we had dinner at kim gary
i miss the kim gary in rm. lol
forever toh hsien yew order toast but cant finish, see!
we went shopping for toys. lol
the toy that looked like a washing board
i found pam-pers!
my toh hsien yew pang!

back to causeway point
and watsons shopping again, buy so many things lar.!
masky masky mask again, lol

we planned to have our spectacles made today
but we ended up staying at home, mj-ing with my uncles.
and toh hsien yew made me buy him a tub of Hagen daz!
tsk tsk!
im very happy coz toh hsien yew is posted to khatib camp with 8-5 =D
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
my 3rd morning shift.
tuesday morning at team 3
was okok lar.
team 3 was all NS that's why i was free till 11 and doctor rounds are finally made
did a STO
2 discharges, one who is damn sarcastic, saying i made him wait very very long, and show his face when i was busy interpreting, because his preliminary bill was still in my hands.
interpreter for a pt's wife, who is damn damn anxious.
went back home to sleep like a pig
afternoon shift on Wednesday
didn't managed to change to morning
and worse still, doing AN. even though i only had mere 6 pts.
i had 2 trachy, 2 hourly suctioning.
and i accidentally threw away the trachy cap and i realised it the moment i threw it away.
therefore, i had to dig the dustbin for it. zzzz
and this ilfan had to call me when I'm in the midst of doing it. lol
they wanted me to join them for mei mei's celebration after work
so i changed shift with sunitha to afternoon on thu
and janey janey jane transferred in a case to us
and that sn is so bad can!!!
met them after work
Janice came to pick me up
and we had a hard time getting to the central
after that meimei left first with her bf
and we went to partyworld.
waiting for pictures!
afternoon shift again on Thursday
team 3
got busy because this pt came back from RT
and his ex-crainectomy wound is leaking quite badly.
i told the dr and he didn't want to come only till later on the wound really leaked very very profusely and the pt started vomiting.
the wife was the anxious wife the other day
and started scolding me
only when the reg came then she calmed down, and apologised to me.
later on did stitching
and first doses.
MO didn't want to come, bla bla. etc.
some irritating colleagues even ask u to follow up on booking porter..
met pang pang after work
we had McDonald.

met up with them to book our travel packages @ Chinatown
finally found one at the agency that previously went to
yum cha for lunch
and we bought hair bands at Chinatown. bling bling!
they left soon after, leaving me with the toh hsien yew pang
we walked around
and later on headed to chomp chomp to meet his friends.
and they had a change of plan; went to east coast for supper instead.
toh hsien yew pang
oh ya, some day ago when we were at ding tai feng, one of the xiaolongbao came broken, and they made us a new one.
see, one small bun in a big container. LOL
i thought the stupid fun walk is today. LOL
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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday 10th Julymet up with her for lunch!
someone to talk to, someone whom i know is always there =)someone who nags like my mother, HAHA!but i know u care thanks for the present and the very sweetly written card.=)dont worry, i'll pass yours soon. hopefully my memory don't fail me. haha!anyway, i met toh hsien yew after xunci went back home for Zzzzhe was seeing a doctor at polyclinic
this is wad we do to our temperature stickers
forever jing gao tu, we went out like 5pm.
went shopping to cheer me up,loland our supposed romantic dinner ended up eating Korean food at foodcourtbecause he had to go back camp at 9.30 to show them that he had cut his hair.time constrainswaited for him at jurong point. for 2 hrs.that monkey, ask him to wait for cab earlier don't want, ended up with super long queue at taxi stand.and i had to queue at the taxi stand for him, while he try his luck oppositei spent my 2 hrs at mos burger drinking milk tea

and to qishan's house later on. and then finally, finally home.22th July, Saturdayafternoon shiftsuper disgusting.kind of busy out of no where. when other teams are so free wth little pts, cubicle closed =( sway
2 admission, consultant mother. from resus lor, so well.
2 ICU transfer in
1 pt went passing motion den got bleeding out of no where
came out of break, out of no where got another admission came, waiting for me to do.
12 July, Sunday
morning shift.
was not so busy
but busy at times.
GS team
spigot 24hr on Saturday den initially wanted to cont. till Monday
den later on decides to take off again
den that pt spike fever, call that ma de ji dan gao dr, some more attitude me, ask me call him for wad. wah lau!
he said, just give panadol and do cold compress LA! wah lau, i dont know?!
den somemore i heard from my colleague, later on he did came to review the pt, and said that actually needed septic workout then.
luckily my colleague kind of scolded him, cause i told her wad he said when i called him, and he had to lan lan keep quiet.
and i taught the pt's daughter dressing
which i almost threw my temper
no matter how patient i want to be, how many times i teach her
imagine her using 2 packets of cotton swabs that is supposed to be used for 3 wound; to clean 1 wound only.
and being slow is one thing, but she is fussy can!
ask me to position the abdominal binder, position the pt 5-6times after we done the dressing because she simply think that the pt head and legs are not in alignment.
i met toh hsien yew and toh xinyi after work to visit his grandma
as usual, jing gao tu. we only met like 5pm.
buay tahan.
steamboat at home after that.
and i actually slept till morning after that.
13July Monday
morning shift again, 2nd one, one more to go.
team 2 AGAIN!
to face all the same pt!!
as usual, the pt with trachy who spigot but not decannulated.
doctor insist to decannulate, sisters insist on spigoting.
today decannulate, tomorrow insist to discharge the pt.
GS doctors don't want to do decannulation, want RT to do it?!?!
and later on they finally came, done, almost fainted.
don't want me to cover stoma. -.-
alot of issues to settle with 17 family.
esp nebuliser, cgt.
discharged talkative aunty
problems with appointment to be in TTSH or SGH, i still must decide for the doctor.zz
admitted another consultant's mother.
and another 1 came before we could settle that one.
alot more issues, but i seemed to be grumbling too much, shall stop.
another morning shift to go tomorrow.
if i change shift on wed, i will be working 5 morning then.
OMG, kill me.
bless me tomorrow.
i think i don't need to do team 2 tomorrow, sorry celine.
but i really damn sick of team 2.

if only i could be more vocal.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
i don't know why am i feeling this way
but im just very depressed
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Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
my both nights ended well
1st with 11pts and admitted one
but was very irritated with 28 and 29
one asking for piriton, dr gave anarex 10mg and he came out about 10times to get his medicine from me
one spitting saliva and kept telling me he vomited.
2nd night left with only 8 pt
admitted one as well.
seriously, i think its the h1n1 effect that the ward is so empty.
both nights were very peaceful, some more was working with good ppl.
i had this stupid swollen lip when i woke up, out of no where.
and i went to work with a swollen lip. zzz
i took a piriton and slept throughout my sleeping day.
very bored, I've slept enough and had nothing better to do.
i think I'm too insignificant
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 21st birthday yap tang!
Second morning shift,thursday
went to the musical at 3pm
the 10a collegues
and meeting 10a peeps after work
lingyan went shopping spree at marine sq while waiting for the others
we walked here and there from city hall mrt to marina sq
finally we settled at yuki yaki
not nice not nice. yeeks

waiting more pics from janice ong
ilfan and lingyan
the not nice ice-cream. tsk tsk

their birthday gift for me. =))
and thanks to janice ong for the many many hand-made pressents.
so sweet of u =D
home sweet home at 11pm
and morning shift again on friday!
spent hours after work with dearies doing yap tang's present.
seriously, its damn hard to do can.
final product: big head!
and then to watch transformers
but i fell asleep in there
due to tiredness.
slept till 4pm on saturday
with lots of interuptions in between
then to royal park hotel for yaptang celebration


and to east coast chalet for jimmy's birthday
i spent my time sleeping there. LOL
toh hsien yew always do this when he eats cheese cake

night shift later, damn sian.
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Sunday, July 05, 2009