Friday, May 29, 2009
ma de ji dan gao!
a flying beetle just flew around my room like nobody's business
making that typical sound that beetles makes?
and it landed on my dress hanging infront of my wardrobe
i went around searching for it like some kuku
open my toilet door, hoping it will fly in
and when i finally found it, i don't dare to catch it
so i went to the toilet, got whole load of toilet paper
walked in front of it, looking at it, fearing that it might move towards me anytime.
i paced up and down, attempting to capture it in the tissue, and i only convinced myself to do it on my 4th try
i caught it in my tissue and threw it outside the window, not wanting to kill it of coz
now im reminded last week where the flying cockroach in my living room, and got toh hsien yew all paranoid
he looked up and down just to locate it
and sprayed half a can of baygone on it
i was still mocking that he's like a gu niang cos i simply couldnt be bothered with the stupid cockroach
now i feel like im toh hsien yew
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
i spent my day in ma guo todaywas like a sua gu pek and a typical Singaporean "so cheap so cheap!"hahaha!went to sing kat this neway placemy company for the day:

after that went for dinner at kim garywe took sooo long to decide wad to eat because we just want to eat everything
and again, its very cheap. haha
and this word "very cheap" reminds ilfan of janice and nicole's previous visit at kim gary. hahaha!
lastly, to satisfy lingyan, we went for movie
caught "Night at the museum 2"
this is like my second time watching it
but no regrets.
cause im still laughing over the sesame street,those little Einstein saying 3.14159265, those little ppl poking ppl's feet, and the Jonas brothers cupid. and of cos many more.
going to cut hair tomorrow.
and im feeling so hot now. the weather sucks lately.
tsk tsk tsk!
and i think yaptang is going to buy me tom yum flavour mask. hahahahaha!
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
First night, Sunday night
it was peaceful.
only when i receive report, it was a torture.
imagine ppl asking u to follow up on bloods, urine that not taken.
Second night, Monday night
was very tired but only managed to sleep till 3.30pm
went out and met 10a people for dinner before work
people whom i never thought i would have dinner with.
they are colleagues at work.

janice ong and celine tan
sneaky sneaky. hahahaha!

dragged myself to work. as expected, Monday night, 2nd night
busy like shit
so many IVs at night.
like shit
but im really very very glad that im working with nice people.
Celine and i totally knock out at 5am.. hahahha
seriously thought there wasn't NIC and i almost fainted when i saw the amount of morning IVs.
is really damn hard to do assignment nowadays
we had sushi and gossip sessions in tea room before heading back home
nice sleep till 5pm.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
friday was spent sleeping at home till 2pm
and to pastamania for pasta
to angmokio hub for shopping
to piggie house for dinner
and morning shift on Saturday
toh hsien yew torture me by forcing me to go shopping with his poly frens
to search for his friend's present
had la mian xiao long bao. ever since we went to ding tai feng, LMXLB has became history. LOL
it became nicer since the last time we went. lol
had a super long sleep after i reached home
from 10pm till 3pm
and from 4pm till 6pm
night shift later. have to leave now
2 nights.
piggie's one week of block leave came to end today
damn sad. hai!
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
afternoon shift on Wednesdaywas a transfer in, transfer out, admission filled day.went to newton circus for supper after work with piggiewhen piggie is around, never worry about food. hahahaha!

and to his house after we eaten
because we both had to go out early early on Thursday morning
he had to go back camp to see MO for his lao ren bing
and i had to go back for mask fitting
i had to use the Kimberly small that looked so small, barely enough to fit my fat face.
but surprisingly it fit. hahaha!
because i had to fail the Kimberly regular. LOL
went back to the ward for a while to key in my AL for Friday
to piggie house for maggie mee feast.
with abalone
see i told u, when toh hsien yew is around, no need to worry for food
then we happily slept like some pig till his mother woke us up for dinner
and we went back to my house
super funny when my mum asked me to fill in the insurance questionaire re her past surgical history
she said " u just write grow some meat, cut away the meat and recovered already la"
woodlanders stand tall and proud.!
i found toh hsien yew's PE t-shirt. and insisted that i wanna wear it. LOL
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Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
oh yadid i mention, pang is on block leave after his POP my off day todayslept till 2amand piggie was busy finding nice places to eatand i had this craving for teochew porridgelol. so we took a cab down to thomson road after searching on net with no avail
both of us dont have much cash on us.i dont have any on me, haha. those who know me well enough knows that i dont usually have cash on me, i sucha chiong guang danand the taxi uncle had to tell us that he dont have nets machine. haha
so after we arrived on thomson road, paranoid toh hsien yew thinks his $23 is not enough for the porridge meal
so we walked around looking for ATMs
and we managed to ask a shop owner where it was, and guess wad, its damn far!
so toh hsien yew had this stupid idea of buying 10 scratch-it through nets hoping to win some cash
and he managed to win $5
and i swear the weather was damn hot damn hot
we walked like so much here and there just to find some cash to eat PORRIDGE
our porridge meal that only cost $7
we almost killed ourself when we heard that. how stupid right!
eating teochew porridge reminds me of my ah-gong and ah-ma
every afternoon we will eat porridge together on the round table
they will not allow us to drink any cold drinks together with the porridge, for some reason or another.
how i miss eating that.
and i thank my piggie toh, going to such great lengths just to satisfy my cravings.
cab down to amk hub for some shoppings at NTUC for him
and to his house

back home only after he finished watching soccer matches
and my mother is beating toh hsien yew with a cane because he laughed at her.
i laughed so much. haha. amusing can
i spent 1 hr uploading pic into my pinky-key chain-photo frame
i put in 136 pics when it can hold 138. hahahaha
i bought Starbucks on my 2nd night, hoping to keep myself awake. LOL

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
i hate working on monday morning
team 2 is like so busy can
i was cursing and swearing at the staff yesterday morning because she didnt sent d/c at all and all my injections, weekly medications cant be served
how irresponsible!
the hourlys' cubicle
dressing tat needs 1 hr to do
so many changes
GM,RM, palliative dr so irritating!
worse still, AUDIT
and sickeningly, i told that particular staff to give my morning ivs. and after which is my bad because im simply too busy to check if she have given it
cause i've got too many things to do, too many stat doses to give
i know this is not an excuse
but im damn angry when she told me i have not told her my ivs
im v v v v v v sure i told her
forget it. i dont wanna hide my mistake, i dont need ppl to cover up my mistake for me
since i made a mistake, i own up for it.
went for thai massage at sabai-Jai at far east.
i swear its damn damn damn painful, i can feel the pain now still
she's like playing with my vetebrae one by one.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
lost track of what to write.
morning shift on Tuesday was a little sian at first
because they put izzati to team2she was team 1 with me the day before.
i was rather busy
and i think my new AN was even busier
all thanks to izzati who help me insert 2 IDC, damn the doctors who wants PVRU like so randomly and happily IDC IDC.
met tang and janeyjaneyjane after work
and my hp went low batt again
we went for mos burger for our late lunch
and kbox after that
pang pang has his nights out and he joined us
and went back home about 10pm
and that 2 stupid irritating woman laughing at my eIMR login name.
the ugly ugly us
and imitating ppl. hahaha

i went back home and slept early early
because i had to work 3 nights
damn sian damn sian!
first night
busy like siao
i dont know how to describe
but it was just super busy
3 admission within 15 mins intervals
i couldn't finish my report until almost 4am
so many hourlys.
wah kao!
had to give the morning IVs which is like hell lot of it
and all my pts are all climbers lor.
we nurse like 5 pts outside?
2nd night was a breeze because its all full house
still have hourlys but its ok
3rd night was very okay at the start
but i couldn't agree more with Janice's 3rd night curse
the GM on call was like shit because she doesn't know how to give a iv 1g rocephine and kept on asking me how long she should give it.
and whether she has to sign the eIMR now or tomorrow morning!
a new admission came at 5am
HI, GCS 11, 100% o2, spinal nursing
some more the NS oncall that day was damn irritating and stupid
the moment she came and clerk the case at 6, she wants everything STAT
stat hypocount, stat fast drip when the pt bp is damn ok
off oral airway and off the 100% o2 just like that
and i was very shocked at that point in time that i said u cant off the 02 just like that! u have to wean it off!
and she happily just turn the o2 down to 9L
and i rushed to do the one whole stack of hypocount when the doctor continued asking ppl to do things stat for her
she took ABG without keying in, fine, i could still use a manual form
but she cover the ABG syringe with a needle, and i had to rush to prepare the ice and rush back to her to get the cap for the syringe, and label it for her because she is still busying finding a vein for a plug
and worrying that the specimen might get clot at the same time.
ma de!
when i finally done with the damn ABG, i rushed backed to the pt and my AN still inserting IDC
and the doctor happily wine up the bed when the pt is spinal nursing
i asked her does the pt still need spinal nursing, she asked me "the CT head is clear is it?"
hello? u r the doctor leh!
and because she wind up the bed, of coz its very difficult to insert the IDC la,
and at the same time the doctor is still finding the vein to insert the plug
so we said, to wait for her to finish setting the plug before we cont with the IDC
and the doctor said "if u cant insert the IDC i will"
and while she is still setting the plug, the saturation kept dropping
so i put her back on the 100% 02
it still didn't improve
and out of the sudden the doctor said activate the airway team
when we haven even push the e trolley
luckily celine helped me to bag the pt.
i wanted to push the e trolley and she asked for a STAT hypocount again
i had to ask my colleagues for help to call the airway team since the doctor wants it even she haven even tried anything yet'
when i took the hypocount, it shows 24.3
i asked her is she wants to give more insulin, she said no.
and i asked her like 5min later if she wants to recheck hypocount, she said no need
and i don't know whats wrong with her that she walked off
when the airway team arrived, we asked the doctor whats the resus status, is it for active.
she say she don't know!
and when the airway team asked what happened to the pt, the doctor couldnt tell her and we nurses had to update the airway team.
and the airway team was damn pissed because the doctor didnt try intubating before calling on her
the airway doctor had to update the relatives for her, book an ICU bed for her because she doesn't know that she has to book an ICU bed until i told her to
when she still happily still writing the clerking sheet.
the whole process, i was damn angry because she doesn't know what's she doing
luckily the airway doc was there.
3 nights was finally over
i was very tired when i reached home
went to cwp for late lunch at ichiban when i got up
and to ben house then to toh hsien yew house to sleep
my whole Sunday was spent sleeping and watching repeated shows on tv at toh hsien yew house because he is happily playing his com ignoring me
because i don't have a com to play at his house.
and went ichiban with his family during evening.
sian sian sian
morning shift tomorrow
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Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
met piggie after my afternoon shift on Fridayafter like finallywent to his house after my morning shift on Saturday
and back to my house for afternoon nap before i go for mothers' day dinner with my mummybecause im working afternoon on mothers' dayhow sickeningand now stupid toh hsien yew kept blaming me when he's losing in the poker gamebecause im always cursing him to lose when he cant be bothered with me. LOLhad a super nice afternoon nap before i go for the delicious dinner downstairschili crab!and went to Gillian's birthday party after thatapparently when we reached, it ended. LOLand we seriously don't know wad to wear and pang wore his berms and slipper and guess wad, they are going to dbl o after thatLOLso we had to go to anan house which was the nearest for piggie to borrow pants and shoesthe lips lips spects i found at anan house
and dbl o obar is so damn squeezy
and as usual, the crowds irks me
what always happen when im with toh hsien yew is we end up laughing at funny people who dance like some ah go go champion
we went up to dbl o for drinks and we left shortly after as im working afternoon on Sunday
before cabbing back, we stood outside 7-11 eating kitkat drumstick ice cream, which is nicey nicey nice!
so many ppl. hahaha!

his BMT friends pang look like some gong kia here. hahaha!

happy mothers' day to my dearest mummy.
the most irritating person but the best mum. hahaha!
i sms my mummy happy mothers day
and she replied me "best wishes to u"
something damn sickening happened to me during work
i didn't hold that stupid lactulose properly (liquid medication which is damn sticky) and the whole bottle stoppled into my right pocket
with my eclipse sweet, name chop, ward keys and pens in it
and some more the lactulose half-filled my pocket can.
the relatives were looking at me while this happen. damn paiseh
and i ended up washing my name chop which made the ink run, haha
and washing the keys but still ended up sticky
so i remained sticky from 7pm till 930pm
my hp went low batt all thanks to toh hsien yew and janeyjaneyjane spamming my phone. lol
but i met this yaptang coincidentally at mrt
and we went supper at amk McDonalds
our ventilating plus gossip.
and i remembered i forgot to see where that last nugget went. haha
so tired. going to sleep already
like yaptang says: im always tired. hahahaha!
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
kinda enjoyed my 2 off day.
rested enough
met up with ilfan, nicole and janice yesterday
we went bowling. lol
looking forward for toh hsien yew to be backed from forest.
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Friday, May 08, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i love the feeling of sleeping till 3pm
my piggie went to forest again.
another 4days
he's not feeling well.
wad a ke lian cong.
i hope this stupid worm recover soon
on a random note. i bought this moisturising sock someday
on saturday and sunday, while im sleeping like a pig
piggie put on the sock for me. whahaha!
watch tv!
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday morning.
busy like what.
ya one more irritating relative from the particular race irritate me today with his cannot wait attitude.
going in and out of isolation room so frequently wearing N95, goggles and gown is no joke
infection control nurse is forever irritating.
met ah zhen after work
almost fell asleep while waiting for her on the mrt
went town for food.
my first meal for the day
and went shopping with her
falling asleep while janey janey jane is choosing between silver and black.
and this 2 sales girl who don't know how to use that ATM machine and charged Jane double the amount because they thought that the first time didn't go through
and requested us either to go home and check ibanking or use a
bank book to see the amount deducted. -.-
met tang and catherine after their afternoon shift
we almost rotted while waiting for them
McDonalds for supper.
super good ventilation + gossip session
super funny and we almost laughed till we had internal injury
why and why do i have day off tomorrow,PH on wed when pang pang goes on field camp
and dearies are all working
im so gonna be gugudandan
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Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
labour day was spent with piggie
eating KFC
shopping at town without buying anything
and to his house later on with his friends.

afternoon shift on Saturday
admitted 3
swine flu.
wore that damn mask the whole day.
don't know what the problem with juniors. just because they don't like each other and i have to do turning with them twice when i had admission after admission.
went to paulaner after work to meet piggie and his BMT friends
left around 1am cos im working morning
and happily woke up late in the morning
and many spongings plus changing dressing for 3 pressure ulcer.
goodness. so big.
went to ang mo kio to buy food after work
super hungry
and went to piggie house to sleep
he had to book in already =(
ok super big uniform. HAHA. it actually look like some PJs in real

finally the photo album key chain arrived. piggie one in black, mine in pink

will pass dearies the key chains when i see them. our pinky key chains
it sucks when we have to change back to 6days.
i mean we can understand that it is the crucial period now and they want to be able to contact us even in wee hours.
but changing back to 6 days is way too demoralising
now 3nights.
no going on leave and even if u are going on leave,, no leaving of the country
hai. there goes our taiwan trip.
its very sad for the pt to have 1 relative to visit them at one time only
but its more work to us because we had to be the bad ppl to ask them leave even though u know the relatives are so not gonna leave
and since the relatives cant come, they happily call and call the ward for updates every now and then for the same pt.
and some of them insisting to bring the pt downstairs and out of the ward.
i hope this gets better soon
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Monday, May 04, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
because of swine flu
CDC transferred a trachy with MRSA to us at 2am.
transferred without milk feeds, without a plug for the iv
without calling us.
and BMU go and book that corner bed that is suppose to be for the trachy case.
BMU doesnt know how to manage beds at all.
and busy with some other stupid stuffs
New case came at 3am, NS doctors came only at 6 while wrote time at 4
so typical right?
met nicole in the afternoon for pastamania
and to my house for online shopping spree.
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Friday, May 01, 2009