Wednesday, October 29, 2008
dayshift yesterday was terrible
damn damn busy
i worked till near 9. able to hop to 10b and caught catherine
last min came a GCS7 case. load phenytoin, kcl, dexa
not even enough iv plug to use
i passed report with some nothing written report
night shift again today
how will it turn out?
looking forward to night safari tml!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm be more independentto stop those tearsto get use of future days that u might not be able to be theregive me some timeand i think I'll be able to adaptand learn to eat alone, go home alone, go to bed without hearing you talki promise not to disturb ur sleepi think I'll be able to cope
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
24th oct
still sickbut went to jurong with piggie in the afternoonand went to bugis after thatwent back to cwp and managed to catch a glimpse of lin you jialoland yap tang wee said she saw mehahawent watson and bought things again.
next day. 25th ..... continued to be sick
even sicker den before
voice hoarse; or rather sexy voice lols
lonely, went home alone
and slept after work
26th oct, today
piggie woke me up at 10am
its 10am!
and we went for tim sum buffet at some hotel with his grandma and aunties
oh ya.
received the fashion lab privilege card and voucher from his relative who is the director of fashion lab
where toh hsien yew shamelessly asked for discount card during the wedding. LOL
anyway i know its for me lah. thanks!
and. my $160 forever21 vouchers
sian. going to work in half an hour time...mid night shift with THAT TREEE
im gonna bite.
goodness. anyone wanna do this night for me?
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Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
a very bad flu after flu vaccination
what a joke
popping on lozenges like nobody's business
2days of day shift
almost killed me physically.
long awaited day off.
self esteem seemed to be walking out on me.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
pic of the day! my turn
okok today is cooking day
after influenced by wasabi tei claypot soup... we decides to make one ourself.
after shopping at colds storage
and the bill totals up to $60 because we buy and buy like nobody's business
necessity sauces
mayo and chili flakes

claypot soup
cod fish
miso soup base
to boil the miso soup base till it boils...
add in the cabbage till it becomes nua nua
add in carrots and mushrooms
then after it boils, add in the udon
and lastly the cod fish
wait till it boils.
and sushi!
Japanese rice:
first cook the Japanese rice in the rice cooker
and add in Japanese vinegar
wait for it to cool
and roll the ingredients and rice in the wood wood thing
and can eat all u wan
we were eating till damn full lar
and i made fruit salad for tomorrow.

green apple
plain yogurt
cut all fruits in slice and add in yogurt
day shift tomorrow LAH!
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
i dont like maggie mee because it makes me thirsty
but i like it because i can finish all the soup
actually. this is the 3rd time i hoping that this could happenmaybe its false hope again.deep down. i hope we could go together.even its gonna be a disapointment again, i still hoping for it to happen.i understand ur worries. im fine.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Schedule =))22oct-dayshift23oct-dayshift24oct-OFF25oct-dayshift26oct-midnight shift27oct-OFF28oct-dayshift29oct-nightshift30oct-OFF31oct-OFF1nov-midshift2nov-midnight shift3nov-OFF4nov-OFF5nov-day shift6nov-night shift7nov-OFF8nov-dayshift9nov-PH
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
supposed to be a shopping day. ended up sleeping till 4pm.
went orchard for dinner
piggie has cravings for wasabi tei-the very nice salmon sushi. hees
ok. can anyone see what were they writing? LOL


our only buys for the day. anniversary gifts
i bought calvin kleins for him
and he bought me levis lady's style.

yawns. waiting for piggie to cook me maggie meee.
piggie's pregnant with me!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tired LAH!4 hours of sleep post nightand clubbing till 4am and wake up for work at 6am. yawns. Jessica's birthday celebrationsdinner was at Manhatteni arrived outside manhatten, calling jane on my hp... wanting to ask her where were she...they were actually beside me.blind, i know.we laughed like no'one businessplatter that pehh and me sharednice at first,then filling, disgusted with it later on
people who went for dinner
stupid actions again.?!

surprise time for deng deng
cakey that pehh and me sneaked out to buy.please cheer up, my dearest pehh pehhhh.we will accompany u through.!
last pic before we leave...

didnt want to go for club....after much consideration, still went.because its JESSICA TENG SIEW FURRN's birthday.!lol.
ultra long time waiting for cab, before we arrive at zouk.managed to get into phuture.finally tang tang came.heesloves
BFF-i hope we could remain like this. =))

pose for a peekture!
weee weee time!
dancing like mad. hugging each otherendless of dancingendless of fun=)love u jessicalove u tanglove u janei totally enjoy your companySbefore the fun started. i heard jes telling me something that she "wished" could happeni think her wish came true?!?im happy for her if it is. =DDwas dragging myself back home.reluctance occurs when time strikes 3cabbed home with ziguiand officially slept at 4amOHYA!after the damn dancing, with hundreds of people stepping on my toesmy toe nail broke LAH. again!~lols.and supposed to be able to sleep till 7amand i recieved a call at 6am... asking me to go back and work at 7am. and take case.!@##@ended up a ultra busy saturday!?!?patient with TPN with a humongous dressing and STO to dopatient to discharge and wants it before 12. but the MO is damn busy to do it.patient with multiple allergies to antibiotics to try another type of new antibiotics.2 patient for discharge and DEMANDS everything to be FAST FAST FAST. and expects u to call them -when all the documents are ready- -.-patient under palliative, complaining that its very noisy, very pain. 2 hourly parameters. and giving morphine and fentanyl so often.patient with allergies to antibiotic developed allergies to 3rd dose of IV given. (different from the one above. lol)busy busy daywork ended, dinner at ang mo kio with piggie familyand SOMEMORE played 3-leg mj with wang and piggietill about 1 amand i collapsed in bed after thattill 1pm next day.lols!breakfast making.with combined effort of piggie (main chef), me (egg and saussage fryer), wang (da zha one)
mushroom soupABC soupbaked beanscalamarieggpizzachesse hot dogtoast with butter and maple syrupand loads of greeen tea!filling breakfasti went back to nap half hour after breakfastit was actually a 10 min nap.woken up by toh mama.loli hope your problem can be solved =)
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy 20th TENG SIEW FURN!
8 years and still countingi wish u all the best in your life.miss OL!ok. thats the life that we always dreamed to have when we were just mere students, remember?but only you took the daring step forward, to breakthrough the norm. LOLwhatever it is. u are as old as we are more tens.lols.happy birthday to you!enjoy this very special day of yours'see you in a while time. =)lovin' you
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
post nightwas sleeeeping till 6pmand meeting up with carmen, jane & tang at Kbox.singing sessions=)today.met up with my woman-carmenshopppping!
LV totally tempted carmen to the max.impulse.?!?lolbought a GAP tee for myself and a polotee for car.met up with 10a peeps to celebrate ilfan's birthday.dinner at bugis. with ilfan, janice, lingyan and nicole.=))stressed nicole at advanced diploma.but... i wanna study too. LOL
midnight shift tomorrow.shesh.
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
night shift.
with mei mei.
and its ultra busy can?
totally sucks.
we're both damn busy
4 admissions.
just a word.
IRRITATINGanother night shift on thursday.
a midnight.
god knows how am i going to survive that.
ya. working life.
where are you, friends?
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
day shift yesterday was pure tortureneedless to explain further
visited jane pehhhh at ED yesterday
that woman with hourly para and IV drip
recover lah!
finally my off day today.
went shopping with mum earlier in the day
at sun plaza.
and pang, to orchard later
went KFC-ing-ultra sinful but we like!
and shopping that i've been waiting for.
though pig wasnt too willing, lols
my must-haves
my love

when we got tooo bored on train... we started to compare whose look nicer

my loots for the day
some duno-wad-brand mascara that toh mama intro me
that very good
bought another 2, and i've 4!
spent $150 today
buying clothes for my mum and myself
buying a reef slipper for piggie.
as long as they are happy =)
joke of the day.
piggie: very long nv see that sales man le hor.
me: i heard that he got sacked.
piggie: u know him very well hor?!!?
lol. dont understand?
work tomorrow again.
sometimes i need some self-encouragement to keep myself moving.

i still feel kinda ....
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
sad sad, am kinda sad now.
i duno.
I'm beginning to doubt my decision again.
what should i do??
this is not me.
someone who had not shopped for ages
someone who duno what lies in next for her.
it always ends up that we are the ones to blame and be responsible for everything.
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
night shift again today
somehow feel like slapping myself to face realtiy.
which i dont really wished to.
decision made.
will do it next week.
i hope it can be done. so i can leave that place.
irritating relatives and patients getting on my nerves
well. thats life.
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
off day 1.
kinda wasted my day.
i think today is audit day.
wadever, who cares =)
piggie brought me to pizza hut today to cheer me up
yes, pizza hut again.
2 consecutive day of pizza hut

the meal of the day


pasta craving.

thats all on my off day
wanted to shop; however piggie is lazy, plus moody
back to work tomorrow.
lets hope...
i made a decision.
something major for me; i supposed
i hope it can be done.
move on, move on...
i wish i could
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008