Saturday, August 30, 2008
congrates to Janice ong!who passed her TP. im soooooo happy for her. =DD
meanwhile... felt a lil emo; as i really duno when is my TP and whether if i will ever pass it.
wah lau! why have i gotten myself in this shit?
anyway i passed my IV test today.
with 40/40
but its just -no big deal. lols.
i simply feel not-so-well today....
dinner was green tea frappe frm starbucks that celine tempted me to buy.
thanks to celine who queued for the drinks and cakes.!
went to suntect to look for piggie after work.. and waited for him to finish work.
he's now working for sony instead of acer. lols.
and he is facing my favourite VAIO lappy everyday. lols
hmm... actuallly i found him rather cute in that black polo tee and jeans.
much preferred over those ugly tees and short that he always dons. lols
looks smarter with a new hair and new hair colour. =D
well. but u are still ugly, dont get smug.
brought him the starbucks oreo cheese cake but he didnt want. so gave to greedy xiang yao instead... LOLs. but thanks for helping me finish it. =D
im so nice to u lar stupid pig. lols.
oh ya.... i forgot to mention that i helped him shampoo his hair while he was on the holter lar.and i helped him dye his hair and washed his hair for him thereafter.
why am i being so nice??
welll..... im going to ponder about my TP now. emo time!
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Driving is cancelled today AGAINim damn sian can!i so wanted to go some where, to meet someone...however the stack of IV notes is telling me not to...but i ended up sleeping the whole day away.wad boredness.and...theres a sudden urge for going to sentosaya, so unlike me.but i suddenly missed the sun and the fun....... sentosa; anyone?followed by a nice meal and ending with some nice desserts.sounds good =)IV test tomorrow..and...good luck to janice ong. who's going to have her TP!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
after days of working.... today is finally my off day! =D
spent my night at toh hsien yew house yesterday....
and so damn tired and slept so early lar!
accompany my pig to NUH to remove his holter monitoring machine
and we went clementi, wanting to find that claypot rice.
when we finally found it... realised that its close on weds
well. we went to commonwealth after lunch
and went to toh hsien yew auntie shop because he wants to have his hair trimed.
and he ended up highlighting his hair.
LOL shower cap!

heees... self entertainment!
lols. acting cute!

entertainment! lols

LOL! when we got bored in a salon....! 

and we went to An an house to visit toh hsien yew's grandma
and we spent the whole afternoon there
fell asleep there too. lol!
and dinner with anan at commonwealth hawker centre
oh yes.
emicakes durians cakes are NICE! =DD
driving tomorrow. and IV course again on fri!my fat is working IT show from tomorrow till sun. boring!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
friends are coming and leaving
who are really your friends.
everything seemed to be a facade
it just seemed transient.
one moment u r best friends of the world
next moment... why are we total strangers? as though we had never known each other at all.
and nothing of my life concerns yours and nothing of ur life is of my business.
why has things turned out this way?
i just feel puzzled.
at this point of my life.
where work isn't stable, stressing over driving..
i really felt like hiding myself some where and not face anyone.
i hope to be gone....
severe all my contacts please.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
devastating piece of news.
that sent me to immense torment.
it isnt my fault that im unable to make it for the test.
why is it that the instructor couldnt understand it at all.
that it is simply beyond my limits.
why is it that even you couldnt understand..
and why is it that fingers are pointing at me, as though it was my bad, my fault that things turned out this way
i cant find a better way to resolve this problem...
all i wanted was to hide myself and ponder over it.
and cant u even understand? cant u give me some encouragement instead of chiding me for being the way im now...
in a state that i dun even wanna be....
tell me why mus it be 26/8/08....
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
im fine already, all thanks to my dear friends.i slept through the day.till make myself feel better..indeed... sleeping helps. =Dbut on and off my long sleep, my phone kept ringing and the number shows 10A. LOLand im asked to go back tomorrow to work mid shift. lolsand sister sherrie called me to remind me to collect my IV meds manual.etc etc. funnymy dear fat accompanied me for ichiban with my mum who i coincidentally met at cwp when i was engrossed in looking the "uncle tidbits" at cwp level 1. lolsya. ichiban again. like forever. lolsand that pig did it again... with cheese cake.not sian one, everytime also do the same thing.
and me. =)

am going to watch nu ren wo zui da now. lol!
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
its the first time i cried in the wardnot because of anythingbut because of a idiotic ah ma. someone who is not a nurse, not a doctor, not anyone but an ah ma who serves milo.anyway i shouldnt elaborate on the story because i see no point.she's just fucking idiotic. n i really really felt like slapping her damn face.even the transport driver told me to scold her. (oh he's a very good uncle)but just because i dont want to scold her infront of the patient's maid doesnt mean that i'll just let her scold lor. damn it. should have hack care.and i can feel all my blood gushing to my face as thou its gonna explode just fucking angry larand i just uselessly cried in the ambulance like some helpless kitten.but when i went back to 10a..while walking back to the ward, i kept reminding myself not to cry.but i actually burst out crying when i saw ilfan and janice.and i really felt comforted when i saw them.thanks=)..and i really feel that a lay person will never understand that kind of u, its just "no big deal" and u could just say ur piece to that ah ma.but its.... just mood was rather affected and it got worse when he isnt too understanding....arggg. frustrated.but meeting up with my dear jane and catherine really made my day.thanks friends.because we are all nurses, that y u could put urselves in my shoes..and.... i believe in karma...
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i think I'm worrying too much...when u feel ur care isn't reciprocated, u'll actually feel rather sad.well.I'll just hope that u r doing fine. =)
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
18 august.start of JCI ...stressness aint it??lols..i tink 10a was audited today...and janice ong kena.damn damn sad over the loss of my $300. hai!and my fat cheered me up with a chocolate milk tea!went dinner with his family to some hawker centre at jalan basarate like so much! lols. order and order as if its damn full now.and will have to study the JCI later.thou today 10a was audited but still canot slack. in case they comes again. LOLs
can see that toh hsien wang sleeping. LOLs
seee... im studying ok! lols. no lar. actually i didnt. its for show onli.
oh ya. toh hsien yew ordered this. EXTRA longans. and really alot of longans! hahahaposted upon his "humble" request. lols

time for mask!and some serious studying...
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
today is MY off day!
instead of studying for JCI, pang and me went SHOPPING!
went bugis at first...for some shopping...decides that its too hot and crowded, we headed to orchard instead...
we shopped taka for close 2hours coz it was raining outside....
went G2000 and pang wanted to buy his pants...
and i bought him a shirt... =D
cam whoring while waiting for him to try...
that shortie...pants tooo long! hahaha!

and far east later
and dinner at our fav subway!
ordered a footlong sandwich and share
and back to woodlands for some gorcery shopping at NTUC...
and home sweeeet home.!
for some facial pampers when i've got home..
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
my mini shopping day today.... ended up at causeway point. hahaha!
due to immense laziness and sleepiness post-night
and also.... the sian-ness that i have to work tomorrow...
my pig bought me another nike bottle.
it soon gonna be a collection soon, hahahhaa!
and bought stationaries for work.
decided to try this.... hahaha!
due to late nights, playing of computer, JCI, night shift, bla bla, 1001 excuses that caused dark eye circles
reduces dark eye circles and puffiness.
let see if it worksss...

necessary for my everyday use

JCI JCI... JCI is next week and its damn stressful for everyone....
i really hope we pass! =)
toh hsien yew doesnt allow me to buy coach or even look at it.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
post night. night shift 15/8/08with ms tan again!and noor as my ANwas damn good can!it was a rather peaceful night =)driving was supposed to be after night shiftbut it was cancelled coz uncle's car is to be repairedwoooohoooo. damn happy can!!!!and had breakfast with ms tanand met fat after that.went home.. slept like a pig till 5pm.14/8/08was Dayshift with 3 teams.damn busy can!team 1-lenateam2-meteam3-lingyanplus NIC-noorim busy like shit. goodness.but its ok... i'll learn from it...=)im going shopping later.just a short shopping trip... with my ugly pig.=D
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
hmmmmm.sunday was dayshift.damn tired can. slept at 3am and woke up at 5am.anyway was AN. lol.and a nan de day whereby ms tan, nicole and janice plus me is on together. LOLAijsen for dinner after work. =Dmondaysupposed to be working midshift.and when i arrived at work, was asked to take case. wah lau...and was blurring all the way, and tons of things to followup...and.... there comes the auditor.guess the sway one.and the whole time there with serene. maybe i took about 1 hr plus?tons and tons of questions being asked.goodness.but she was very nice lar. =Dwadeverand went for the JCI roadshow laterand some games regarding JCI questionsand y is it that others choose the questions are those easy questionsand the one i pick goes like this."what is ur hospital mission and how do u translate it to ur daily work?"wah lau!and after the roadshow, backed to workwas busy, busy and busy beyond words.wad a sway day....dinner with toh hsien yew at mcdonals.and watching of olympics. =D
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008