Monday, June 30, 2008
friday.its my backside that's itchy- that i didnt voice out. to get back the same patients that i took on thursday.why didnt i voice out. WHY! and i got all those i-duno-wad-to-say-about-them patientsfor a moment i thought i was in a respiratory ward. LOL3 patients admitted of asthma. and all on nebuliser, of the same amount of salbutamol, requiring peak flow meter before and after. loland.what most is that. why do i have a patient that insist on discharging and the doctor took his own sweeeet time to prepare the discharge summary. and results in unhappiness. and. another patient that insist on a 7 days MC from the day she's discharge. but wad was given was 7days MC frm the day she wad admitted.and what has it got to do with me?i told her i will get the doctor to change itand she was pissed because she had already told the doctor the number of days she wanted and that wasnt doneby the time the new MC arrives. she told me sarcastically "for so many times i've been admitted, this is the only time that i waited for nurses instead of waiting for pharmacist."like !#@$@%^@%$@^its her own issue and how has it become my fault?and before she left, she created another issue with another patient that caused me whole lot of time and frustrations.about lactulose. YES, lactulose! WADEVERand well, finally she got discharged. and asked for a feedback form, telling me again, in a sarcastic way that she will feedback that we are seriously lacking in staff, that caused her to waitshe feels that 1 SN and 1 AN to 9 patients is too pathetic.way GOODNESS.forget it. went for chalet after work and toh hsien yew came to fetch me from parsir ris with a box of donuts in his hands. weeeeee.whole night of playing.and night shift on a saturday.was rather ok.marichu was my AN. which was good. coz she can give IV for me. lol. and miss tan on the other side.and we took pictures in the ward in the middle of the night. night was way tiredness ended beautifully when i passed over to merry and lena. breakfast with ms tan before i got hope and went comatose. loli wanna wanna meet jane n catherine. wannna complain and complain.and i wanna meet shi hui, ms tan and nicole.i wanna see tang tang, deng deng and wu jia man!maybe im just aint competent enough, to do the work just right.maybe im just not tactful and not fast enough.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
WAD A SCHEDULE.30/6/08- day off (mon)1/7/08-day off (tue)driving at 2pm2/7/08- day shift (wed)3/7/08- night shift (thu)thu morning driving at 9am4/7/08- day off (fri)5//7/08- AL (sat)6/7/08- AL (sun)ZzzzZzzzshall get things done next week-open new bank account-meet my dearest peh pehhh and cat cat-meet nicole for shopping.-meet shi hui and ilfan etc -hope money drop from skyLOLwah liew. why why why cant we get the july bonus. SIAN.if not i will be much richer. LOLanyway today work was finelihong was my ANand the best NIC merry Christmas.well. my side was rather ok.not much of changesnot much of issues.just that "patient missing" issue that merry Christmas created for me. oh well.went jerk thai for dinner with nicolenot really nice. but well. not so bad after all.i want donuts that i bought somehow or rather got lost in the hands of toh hsien yew.irritatingworking day shift again tomorrow.followed by night on sat.
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Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
YAWNSmid shift yesterdaywas following nicole around. heesplain boredness when nicole went whefra. sooo. some how or rather. was floated to CDC2lolwent for dinner at seoul yummy after workbought myself 3 donut factory donuts to curb cravings.met toh hsien yew after that.went back home. slept at 1030pm and woke up at 1330hrs next morning. lol!toh hsien yew stayed at my house. and he found my room to warm, so he slept at the sofa instead. LOLsooo. was planning to open a UOB bank account todaybut. didnt managed to coz that hungry ghost toh hsien yew wanted to have his lunch. irritating.had our meal at ichiban. and managed to spin a $20 voucher from them coz we completed their "stamping card" :Pwent to sheng song. to buy their BBQ stuffs with boonkeong. and also my salad groceries. LOLwent over to toh hsien yew house after that. got my new bag. all thanks to toh mama! lol!and home sweeeet home. its 0130hrs. and have to wake up at 0445hrs tomorrow. TIME TO SLEEP! =)more updates and photo when im freeeee.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dayshift for 2 days.
but working on saturday and sunday is. slackness. LOL
esp on sunday
except that discharges here and there. surviving without ward clerks. lol
and irritating doctors who order cervical soft collars on a sunday when ALC is not open.
and YES. ms tan had a new hair cut. that is damn nice lor. lack of courage to cut that hair. lol
went dinner with janice after work on sunday. the gu dan de us. lol!
Monday. its so nice to have off day on mon, coz no need to follow up things that are accumulated since saturday and sundays. LOL
well. slept till 1pm. and went to tatarah.
to collect my $200 NTUC vouchers and ipod shuffle-that is green in colour!
went for a stupid wu liao photo shot for the tatarah poster.
wah lau. damn malu. understood how models feel now.
its so funny facing the camera and the camera man and POSE. lol!
went to town after that with toh!
went for dinner and walked around. was feeling sleepy.
but macroons make my day.
Flavour for the day-chocolate with passion fruit and rose with lychee.

went for movie at yishun- Sex and the city.
love those chanels, gucci and lv. lol.
bought lots of tidbits to enjoy while watching the movie. sinfulness. lol
anyway. Random. haha.
MANGO SALES! therefore had a mango craze with nicole on saturday after work! lol!
on course tml! yayness.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008

My birthday celebration by toh hsien yew!act innocent! lols

went to bugis to look for toh hsien yew's secret restaurant that we were supposed to dine in.
there we found it!~

there it is. MY SECRET GARDEN.

and here we are, going in to have our dinner. feeeling famished

nice ambience. candlelit dinner! lols
my pang pang!

LOL!!!! unglam!

our drinks!
mimosa- according to toh hsien yew, hou pei cen said its nice. LOL

here comes our food!
cream of pumpkin

its so nice. nicer than those that i've eaten before~

pang enjoying his escargott

and forgot wads the name of this. baguette with cheese and tomato.
when its hot and crispy. the cheese blends in with the tomatoes well.

here comes our main course!
my cod fish.
sooo nice.
the fragrance of it, and of coz its very fresh. complements very well with the sauce!
and according to pang, tanya loved this cod fish. LOL

pang's lamb rack.
its crispy on the outside.
and its very well marinated. not at all tough, in fact its very tender. NICE!

and lastly. my 4th mini cake.
nice chocolate cake with chocolate filling in it. served hot and together with the icy cold icecream. YUMMY!

last photo before we leave the restaurant.

total bills up to $170++. hahaha. thanks toh toh!

thanks pang!

my secret garden, nice place to dine in!
thanks pang for the effort to look for a nice place for my brithday celebration!

and the dinner ended at 8+
we walked around bugis. found it boring. therefore...
wanted to go town to catch mango sales again.
sooo.... we took the train to town.

tooooo bad. everything was closed. on my birthday. LOL i told toh hsien yew. that next year, i wan all the shops to be open till late on my birthday. LOL
soo. feeling saded, took the train backed to woodlands.
wanting to catch sex and the city
but even the cinema is closed at 10pm!
what to do? go home and watch TV lor!
but in anyway. i enjoyed my day. with my lovely pang pang.
and a generous red packet from my mum! =)
thanks peeps. LOVE YA!
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Friday, June 20, 2008