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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
outdated photos on- the day out with jane and catherine on saturday.
su xiao jie


retro us!
lol. more shopping on saturday again!
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Thursday, May 29, 2008

me and my mummy
my pang pang. who came for my grad =D


UBO was damn boring
dozing off anytime. LOL.
but fun fun fun with the gossips with jane cat and germain sze. LOL
back to ward was rather busy
busy with arranging the ward for audit tml.
and waited for ilfan and janice so that we could have roti prata. LOL.
i went comatose at 11pm yesterday till 11 am today. LOL
went to chong pang attempting to look for a studio to take a photo with my mummy with my grad attire before i return it. but too bad there werent any.
my mummy brought my gown to carmen to her amk rehab coz i have to go for driving
ended up toh hsien yew uncle was late. LOL
well. drive drive.
went into that slope road again. my car like died again lar. so angry! KAO.
but overall was ok lar. at least im able to drive independently. with some of his scoldings of coz.
met toh hsien yew at town, and he waited for me for an hr. LOL
we went dinner at a japanese stall at taka.
our food.

my ultrA big vege bag. everyone will say "wah ur bag so big ah" wherever they see it. LOL

went to shop after that
bought 2 tee shirt at mango. $30 each

bought liquid foundation at M.A.C
some alot vitamin, alot mineral the foundation. LOL
got spf 15 horrr

concealer. got SPF15. LOL

saw that gold carmen and winnie yeye at wisma
the 2 wu liao woman. hahahaha
went home shortly after that
found this spaceman-eat-de strawberry at home
like so cool
my pang pang eating happily. LOL
more pics to be up when i can load peh peh stupid photobucket. LOL
last day of UBO tomorrow. =(
happy and sad in some ways.
happy coz no more boring lessons
sad coz i canot play with peh peh, cat and ppl anymore. =((
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Grad day.
so tired can. woke up at 7am for driving
and reached home at 1130
met zhou juan and xueyuan to pass them the gown at 1230
waited for peh peh till 130
and went home and changed at a ultra fast speed and left home at 2
went to school. pic taking session
waited so damn long for my name to be called
ya merit like sooooo privillaged. must wait so long. KAO
and mus sit alone. KAO
and theres a damn idiotic woman that sat beside me. KAO
and others could sit with their friends. KAO
luckily that time they wan a guy and choose that guy to read the pledge if not my sexy voice would be laughed by all the audiences. LOL
that mdm quek who presented the cert to me still remmebers me lor, after the NUS interview
and i saw sister layhoon waving to me at her seat. LOL
after the ceremony, like finally i met my dearest ilfan, janice and mei mei
and took pictures with the girls and my pehhhh
yap tang wee was no where found.
and went for suki sushi after that with toh hsien yew and my mum.
slept at 12 and woke up at 6,30 today. ZZZZ damn tired
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Saturday, May 24, 2008