Wednesday, April 30, 2008

coool le

love. =)

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
ZzzzzZzzzzanother day in ward.830-12spent on doing parameters and changes.not bad. i've learnt to prepare consent today. LOL i know its simple lar. but at least i noe wads OT chit horrr. LOLand the other half of the morning was spent with sister sherrie with NGT and glucometer assessmentZzzzzcountless of questions was posted to me which made me went almost half dumbfounded. ZzZafter 12. weeeeheeeeeeeeefun timewent lunch with pehh and ah deng, fun and loads of fun. saw that jane's craze at food junction.after lunch was resus the sister kept looking at me to do demo can. lol!anyway the demo was god damn funny. all thanks to jane pehh and germain sze!hahahahaha!not forgetting catherine and melissa xuall the TKLs. and all those flying animals. funny till siao can!
went ichiban again with toh hsien yew. super looove ichiban. LOL. pang is getting sick of it . :i looove them so.ah deng has resigned. =S if u r really unhappy at clinic, go ahead. =)
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
so sickening to kope pictures from pehh blog. so small. sickening. LOL
anyway,like finally that i could post this up
i've another 3holes to my ears
2 on the top and 1 at my tragus
adding up to 6ear holes on my right and 3 ear holes on e left!
did it like illegally which sent toh hsien yew to a rage when he saw that ear piercing.LOL
saturday was a stayover day for tang and jes at my house.
i looove them girls talk sessions =)
love them.
sunday went out with toh hsien yew to raffles city for dinner annnnd
went over to metro to buy the estee lauder essence for my mum
i so wu liao. i shld have bought it during card memeber sales.
i gave my mum $330 and spent $170 already can!
imitating someone
imitating another one


super duper busy. towards the end
was working with janice with countless amount of gossiping
and reminders of "im a staff nurse" is always there.
immm sooo tired. legs are breaking. LOL
rest time.
tomorrow has resus drill. YAY can play with pehh and ppl. =D
im gonna miss sessions with peh and ppl.
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
where should i start?oh yes, nus interview...ask me,how did it went?all i can say is that. its so coincidental that my interviewer is mdm quek that director of nursing from TTSH.and the first thing that she asked me was where are u working. and i replied, TTSHya. and she was going on and on telling me not to waste 3 year on a nursing degree which is about the same as our nursing diploma as clinical attachments are required. whereas there are other private degrees which only requires 1 year or less and doesnt require clinical attachmentand.she said. lets not deprive those JCs ppl of a chance to le nurse ok? and i knew that my applications is thrown into the bin.wad could i say?hahaz. its isnt very saddening to me because i've already decided not to go to nus already. due to some issues such as financial issue and i wanted to gain more experience in my area of thats really fine with me. just the the reception personnel is so damn irritating can!ok.. the day before the interview, someone called me and confirm my attendance and told me to reach at 11.30. so i left TTSH at 10.30am at the interview day, and only to receive a call from NUS at 10.40am saying that my interview is at 10.50am.i was like. totally stunned OK.i clarified things out and that damn reception kept calling me every 10Min's to check where was iand know wad. when i was on the bus to nus. she called and told me "one interviewer is leaving would u mind coming after lunch"this time, i was damn pissed with that personnel and their miscommunication.i said" i was told that the interview was at 11.30am and i wasn't late. its ur part that was having some miscommunication and it isn't my fault. and i took time off from work to come to the interview and how do u expect me to come back AFTER LUNCH and delay another few hours time."and finally she manged to talk to the interviewer and they waited for me.and know what next? i followed carmen's instruction and alighted the bus when i sees a overhead bridge...and i ended up in NUS high sch, DUH. and i cabbed down after walking a super long distance to and from the school.and i finally reached. and realised my application is being unofficially "rejected"thats my episode of NUS interview. LOLbig thank u to goh carmen who guided me the way, and recieved me countless of calls. HAHA. and ong lidan who called me upon recieving my sms when she's going to have lunch and probably she's hungry like siao! LOLanyway. went to work today for such a short period of time (frm 7am-11am)nothing much. most of time spent with sister.went to jane electron heats. their performance was marvellous lar. just the perhaps some technical prob and some misjudgement from the judge which let a duno zhap bu lang team win~ KAO.well, wad ever it is, finished with it and went over to MOS burger to have our near to 2 hr dinner.and i went cwp with ah deng to buy my derm definition which cost me $153
realised my blog's soo wordy lately-due to busy schedules. and no pictures taken lar. wait for jane to upload pics and i will post some kkies, LOL. dun miss me tooooo much.i need a beter camera and i duno which one to buy.LOL.i wan a very good one. many many megapixel and a vvv nice and stylish one which is not bulky LOL!
im a staff nurse for 2 weeks already. =D
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
2days of ward days past. well im still well and intact. lols
its rather busy and more of i-duno-wad-i-can-do.
coz someone told me to be
ASSESSED for NGT feeding first. omg. horror can!
dont tell me that i've to go through all those torturing process of nursing student
seriously. it doesnt feel good at all. to be having second thoughts if u could do even the hypocount. -.-
went to agency with hoyin yesterday
the lady is naggy to the max and i was on the verge of falling asleep
i slept as 8pm yesterday due to extreme fatigue and irritation by my grandma
$240 at toapayoh clinic buying my facial products
$125 at agency.
wah lao.
today. had a change of lesson plans due to NUS interview for tml
joined carmen and jes group
and we were eating that damn hard tidbits in lecture today
was the first time i was even listening to wad the presenter was saying
well. theres nothing to listen because i wouldnt even remeber all those terms and wad ever side effects of oral anti-diabetic agents would cause.
am going to have
mcdonals breakfast with those ppl
no flying and walking animals please!
Jane, melissa, cat, celine and probably tang
oh yes! another issue to be happy about is that tml is PAY DAY
im so going to buy things
my wishlist that may be extended to many many months later
-my coach sneakers-gucci/LV bag (a big 1)-LV coin pouch-coach clutch (someone said that he wanted to buy for me duno how many years back)
-SK2 derm definition and mask-mac and body shop brusheSS-chanel liquid foundation-dior and loreal mascara-issey perfume**
will be bought soonwill wait till i print $$ LOLtill then.
will i have alot of $$
NUS interview tomorrow
what will the outcome be
im really in a dilemma of the future route that i should take
definitely-work is a must for at least a yr
wish me luck then!
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
finally plucked up my courage to tell layhoon abt nus
scary can!
and. im haveing second thoughts about going to nus
to spend 3 years or 4 years on a bachelor
y not just spend a year on it instead??
it saves on my expenses and also my time
which i can jolly well use that 3 years time to learn up more nursing skills and built up on my experience!
wel.. lets see how that interview goes.
trachy talk today
stress and bored.
oh ya mj session yesterday was...........
i had i-duno-how-many rounds of not wining at all
and the cards are like shit
but i manged to salvage the situation from losing near 200 to lose 50.
im going to bed soon. coz im tired.
ward tml. its gonna be very blur and lost
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
saturday is a working day.whaat the hellll is that?hahaz.chest tube programme todaypehhh is sick and unable to talkso we had a lip readin and whispering dayand she talking during assessment makes me go lol-ingomg. CAN U PLEASE RECOVERin case u spread to me. LOLhad anderson ice cream after work with tang and mellim currently waiting for ong lidan to do wad we love most.wawaingand talk on msn.LOLi've decided on somethingthat go on a diethahahahano more lecture-time snacks (oh god. painful sacrifice)no more icecreamsno more good food with toh hsien yew.more exercising and gym-ingmore half-shareswhy diet?no apparent reasonsgirls fettish. and im fat.LOL.1st pay day is approachingbut it never seems enough, no matter how i places the figure facial products is running out. and needed stocking upthe troublesome issue is that. i have no time to go to the clinic to queue practically a busy 8-5 working woman FOR NOW kkies.LOL.i wanna buy more derm definitiona lil brand concious pamper for myselfthats all for now financially strained.wad am i going to do if im going to nus. LOL. go sell tissue?wad ever. -.-leave the problem after im officially acceptedits roo early to speculatelolyawns.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
LAlalala.ZzZzzzi slept at 930 yesterday night.and was woke by by toh hsien yew uncle's call at 1030omg.i think im damn unlucky can. im always went right into the train that will be happened today morning again. reached mrt at 6 and only depart at 615like.... the!ward induction todayKAOdamn blurr can?basically im blurr because i dont know what i should doSN job or AN job.even before taking report. i didnt know which file to look throughand i was practically following SN low backside can.hate this kind of feelingi planned to do AN work. but there's already 5-6 AN on todayand i didnt take the complete report for SN work. as i was day dreaming during report taking. LOL. 3 cheers for that.well. da zha also occupied my time.did 2 dressings.saw a change of chest tube bottle.and some other random things.tsk.shall have a goal for myself next induction.oh ya!i was praised by sister lim. and pehhh's mother. hahahahaha. but too shy to say it. *.*it made me happy can. it doesnt bother me even if u call me a vain pot. LOLjust finished a mask. and. its time to kpo others blog.LOL.another 8-5.30 day tml. eeeeeeek
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
NUS sent me letter to go for interview next fri
but im working le. somemroe its orientation
im damn stress can!? @!$!@#$
the letter is damn wierd
mine only got 1 page
car got 2.
unfair. they dun like me
anyway can anyone tell me wad is degree with honours?
car told me my gpa can apply for tt.
like.. the??
what should i be doing in this point in time
im like. halfway into my employment
where im quite happy with
coz im in a 12hr shift ward and working 4days per week
and 3days off
and on the other hand.
i've got what i wan
an interview for nursing degree
what shld i do?
its such a torture.
anyway today aint a good daystarted with controlled drug lecturewith sent tang, car and me off to slpbut we woke up in timeonli that kui still slpingsooo. she was somehow spotted by sisterLOL. sister malu-ed her by asking her to see sisterand told her off for slpingwell. lecture lectureand phototakingwe rushed like hell to run up to the room for photographyonly to be queue-cut by lidan's good friend and some other peoplewho dun know what manners is. and that fcuking photographerwho scolds ppland went to the corridor where we were standing. and he proudly off the corridor lights. leaving a beam of pathetic lamp.who's so anal about fringeand scolded tang for moving her body and not her headand duno wad lar.KAOtotally spoilt our dayanother fellow from the password placeasked us "are u asking me in a nice way or not?"sarcastic can?ppl manners at all. TSKthey are all fei qin zhou shou.
flying animals.
im in a dilemma nowsave me plsss.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
zhang zhong zu here.
lecture-day againnever ending. oh well.its time for fun anywayhahazsome WHeFRA talk. with the super high sistersome jokes about pronunciations.and some jokes about... DISCOnutritional talks..lunch. oh lunch was darn funnybut.some ppl are simply rude and crude.they take ppl chair knowing that its occupiedand another one=best! refuses to let go a chair when melissa took itOMGthey can be more uncivilised de lorr.-.-anyway.while having lunchsudd have some crazy ideas of naming all of ustang= kui D/O deepavali (coz the person who found her phone called her "tang kui" LOL)jes= booneh D/O taipusam (her name is bone. u can call her boney or bonneh)jane= pehh D/O vanacum (she's peh hui xian. LOL)melissa= mell D/O mor gorh (mor gorh=mushroom=mushroom head)(all these are indian prata shop clan)and me=zhang zhong zu (coz im bloated due to my mensus)car=zhang xiao zu ( she's the opp of me=xiao zhong)(we are the "nei ge zhang" clan)LOL.dont understand? ask me when u meet me. hahahazwell wellhad some dysphagia lectureand played around with the gluey water of different consistenciesyucks.seriously its not nicetastes of FLOURi wonder how can we even convince patients to drink themanyway oh catherine joined my clanher name is zhang jian zu (coz she's always on diet)HAHAsome laming photo sessions=ugly pictures again. LOLawaiting the pehhh D/O vanacum to uploadso slow. need to "fly" the photos over frm indiaLOL.well. when work was overthe 3 kind souls acc me to novena sq while waiting for my mumwent to cotton onbought 2 spag topas psycho-ed by kui,bonneh and xiao zuspent $$ againIM SUPPOSED TO BE ON TIGHT BUDGETsickeningaiya~ YOU DUNO WAN LAR!hahahazam loving laming and joking sessionshow nice. if time stops hereand not letting us to face the cruel realityOF BEING A SNtsk.oh ya. im going to buy SK-11 when i get my payand a LV coin pouchgucci bag shall waitwhen i've got more months of pay!LOL.carmen xian my camera lousyTSKoh ya. better drink more water u sickly. hahahaha!
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
another boring daysianwent to CDC today for manual handling lectureslike the~ the lecture is so boringwith 20 over video clipsand some looong loong powerpoint slideswhich sent yap tang wee, jane and melissa nodding their headsi managed to keep my eyes open kkies!and later had some practise sessioni felt sleepy even while standing can!and THEY ate 10mins of our break timeTSK. SIAN!~ had assessment after lunchlike so lame lor.hahahawas waiting the whole timethat yap tang wee keeps covering my face with slide sheet. TSK.and horrr.....hahahaaz.the CI actually forgot that i haven been assessed on 1 of the segment and signed for me.LOL!another saddening issue is that:my dear oh catherinetsk tsk tsk.i canot imagine that someone who promised to help her and gave her so much hope is actually telling her to give it upshe's saying things that are inconsistent with wad she said earlier what the hellits not cat's fault can!she has never said that she die die also wanna be in 10Ashe just hope to appeal for another hope.wads so difficult since 10A needs staff as well.y are they closing case as yetisnt it easier for some1 who know the ward well to be back?instead of having 2 person to orientate themself in new environment again?isnt there room for negotiations at all?why are they so anal?TSK. we are just small fryswho has no sayand we have to believe whatever those upper management tells matter whether its made up or not.xiao ren wu de xin shen.LOLs
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
another day past.
went to nursing lab for some wound lectures
from 830-1200
im seriously trying DAMN hard to stay awake
but my eyes always fails me
i looked around
seems like im the only one around thats dozing off.
but after sometime.
i found the CI sleeping behind as well!!
at not alone.
that yap tang wee also falling asleep
went for lunch at delifrance with tang
had my seafood delight with croissant
after lunch. went back to ward
the laerdal assessment postpone again
to 17th
hope to get it done asap.
checked e-trolly.
practise function test
do some work in the ward
and went home
waited for toh hsien yew who said wanted to meet 6 at sembawang
who reached 650 at cwp instead. lol
im going to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep soon!
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
2nd day of work
sian-ness is everywhere
went to the ward at 8
had a walk around level 10
and some admin lectures again
later on.
laerdal video
when the SN went for lunch
i practically dozed off
and woke up in shock when celine pushed me
had some hospital tour
with that 4kg at least bag of mine.
and again.
went to some talks about end of life.
i was trying ultra hard to stay awake
but i think not long after 1 min, i dozed off again
the cycle of waking, dozing and pinching myself continues
and jane was doing the same thing as well.
after talk ends at 4.15=work ends
waited for teng siew furn at her clinic
and went ichiban with toh hsien yew
i doze off almost immediately when i sat on my sofa
weary can.
Zzzz. finished studying my laerdal manual resuscitator.
wanted to pre-read the wound assessment for lecture tml.
but it was no where to be found in the lecture notes
god knows im tired and decided to let me have a rest.
im looking forward to fri.
to meeting chu hoyin and ong li dan
and that carmen gold.
and we can laugh until stomach ache again
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
work commences today ong li dan its ur turn next week. dont laugh!
woke up at 6am
since duno when, i haven been sleeping so early (like11plus) and waking up at 6am
met carmen at 7
wearing that SN uniform.
feeling was so wierd
like-hey. im a nurse?
lol. craps.
the day started off with some major distributions of papers
mainly a huge-i mean its realllly thick-pile of papers
containing lecture notes, orientation checklists and performance checklist
overwhelming lecture talks.
and later on with some going through of the checklists
and meeting up with respective sisters(nursing officers) of the ward
met sister tan
chatted quite a lot with her
helped aunty qin to psycho sister layhoon to allow her to be transfer frm 10b back to 10a
but she didnt agree.
HAI. damn sad can!
i thought we could work together
but who knows heaven play such a trick on us
i hope aunty qin internal transfer works!
more boring lectures
and time for lunch
went to novena sq since we are in uniform today and not in scrub
omg. no seats can
and we use our 3inch thicked skin to ask for student meal at kfc
and we took it back to the lecture theatre to eat
tang drop one small piece of her chicken on the floor and refuses to pick it up lor.
after lunch was another round of boring lecture on infection control
ong lidan msged me for awhile
which kept me awake for sometime
coz i was laughing at her uniform
later on...i fell asleep
and that goh carmen pinched me
sickening. she still remembers that i pinched her some months ago in the lecture theatre
ji chou.
when i woke up.
i told her to pinch audrey that was sleeping beside her
LOL. im so evil.
anyway. theres this lmao speaker
ask us to sing twinkle twinkle little star with the ttsh mission
like LOL?
anyway finally ended the session with HR.
which everyone was energetic
coz they were talking about our pay. leaves and other benefits.
LOL. materialistic ppl.
went to cwp for dinner
and home sweet home
oh ya. tang saw that small piece of chicken on mos burger floor again
or many some ghostly encounters?
love them superliciously

that evil woman that pinch me. but i love her for her evilness. HAHA
test tml? wad the hell.
manual resuscitator.
TSK. its only the 2nd day!
im dead beat.
time to sleeep
night peeeps.
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Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
thanks to all for ur concerns.esp ong li dan. who promised me to bring me to Thailandwill it be empty promise again? supp card also le.and also YAP TANG WEE, TENG SIEW FURNand WU JIA MAN and CHU HO YINand andyand others who showed ur concerna big thanks!ong li dan called me last nightand followed by carmen and hoyini chatted with that woman till 3amand my my phone batt was lowlolsmy grandma freaking-ly woke me up at 5amand i couldnt sleep since thentill now. 2330my uncles have decided to sent my grandma to old folks home.coz she's way too demented to be taken care of by uscoz we are all working.omg. was mj-ing with my unclesmy mother freaking-ly won 13 wonders canim was that amazedlol.won $40plusAND. im starting work tomorrowIM FREAKING-LY A STAFF more. "hang on let me check with my SN"because im the SNeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekthis fear of the unknown is so horribleeverything is so freaking.neverthelessim looking forward to workto see 10A staffto be able to practise nursing again=)and hopefully aunty qin can be in 10Aden i wouldnt be so bored!=)gotta goto sleep earlycoz i've onli slept for 3 hrs. maybe less than tt.good luck to me. a nurse. lols!
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Monday, April 07, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
it was just a comment and u've got upset over it
aint it true that
i said i wanted to go to thailand and that u didnt bother
and now u blame me for my tight schedule
but i've already told you since the start of my holidays.
which is frm 1st feb
first u said wait till new year is over
and later you said that u're having exams
i've accepted it
before i went taiwan i asked u again
u said u wanted to work for IT show
after i came back
i asked u again
and u said that i've just came back. so wait first
and weeks after im back. u said u wanted to go
i said lets go and check the packages
but u've nv got around doing it
since i've weeks before i start work, i
foolishly thought that we could make a trip there
but u've nv bothered
at least from what i've seen
it was
never on your mind
now. jus a request from someone else
u went to checked out the prices and everything
and told me u wanted to go
jus a comment from me
saying that you are going with others and when i asked u to go with me umpteen times u didnt bothered
u got angry.
seriously, i dont know what were u angry at
upon me prompting
and ur only repeated reply was "since u dont wan me to go and i shall not go"
in the first place
i didnt say that i didnt want u to go
i was just asking why is that others asked u and u were so anxious to check it out
but upon my request, nothing was done
i was frustrated at u for ignoring me
it isnt my fault AINT it?
i teared
and u chided me for that
i can never get anything across that arrogant side of u
i hate that. u heard me?
i hate u showing that attitude to me
i hate u for venting ur frustrations on me
what can a sorry do at the end
wad can that do?
it serve no purpose at all
because im already hurt
and seriously
am i that unimportant.
i dont know
didnt u say u wanted to go travelling with me
didnt u say that i m important to u?
y none of u actions tells me that
its fine if u doesnt want to go.
i dont mind
at least tell me. give me an answer
dont always tell me that"i wanna go, its jus that u dont have time"
i had enough of frustrations by my family matters
my grandma
and whatever!
quit doing this to me.
i dont know wads happening
i canot pretend that nothing is happening
why is it that u werent the same anymore?
thinking of it brings tears to my eyes
i dont want to think about it anymore.
leave me alone
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Saturday, April 05, 2008
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Saturday, April 05, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
im fine already
thanks to alll my lovesss.
lidan, hoyin, carmen
jessica teng siew furrrn
lao chaing
and aunty qin
and of coz toh hsien yew who listened to all my grumbles and hoaxed me to sleep. by singing the damn noisy lullaby
appreciated all your care and concern
i guess life's to go on.
so old. 20 liao
hahah. hope u like the dior blusher.
and and and. better be good to me hor.
mus love me many many
my qing ai de.
i dont know whether carmen is unlucky
or im simply too forgetful
i baked the oreocheesecake for her
without adding sugar
how dumb can that be
and with some stupid trying-to-salvage skills
it turn out like a chocolate cake
with some burnt ends
OMG. total failure
i dui bu qi u carmen goh!
anyway i've onli slept for 3 hrs since yesterday
all thanks to my grandma
waking me up 5am yesterday when i've onli fell asleep at 3+
and another round of waking me up at 8
im like damn irritated that i scolded her
im rather guilty over it =S
met carmen at 4plus
headed to vivo
met the others
-ong li dan
walked around and did some stupid things before we headed to marche
those stupid things includes
-playing with ong lidan "bra strap"- no lar its her some monitoring device
-taking pictures-wu jia man's fav
those womansss.
carmen's idea. loooook there!

chu and lee ben dan

act cute pic. lidan so retard
ah hem. formal 1.
the 2 person. go missing when ppl go toilet

lols. some ugly actions for the day
headed to marche
ate the not nice cake that i baked
another ugly thing that i've done was asking for discount for birthday girl
omg. tt person actually say "im new" as a reply to us
wad the hell?
and we start our dinner
shared dinner
with the v nice calamari
roasted chicken
duno wad potato
another potato that looked like chest nut
my v disgusting rice. that has ah pu pu smell
and many more
in conclusion.
okok onli lor. side dish nice. rice like shit. spag okok lor.

went over to hagen daz for fonduethanks to men men for treating
and. she has her chocolate lip gloss. LOL
sooo funny can.
such a fun day
another upcoming funnilicious day on fri.!
looking forward
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Thursday, April 03, 2008