Monday, March 31, 2008
Out with those women and that grandson of minecoffee-drinking sessionpeeeeeeeewim late today, due to the rain. and my mum insistence on going out for lunch.i mean, the downpour is like so heavy. and if i leave the house at that point in time, im definitely going to be wet, despite my brolly.sooo. im 25min late upon reaching orchardlols. im rather guilty over it, you know...sooo. plss dun blame me. blame the rain if you really wished. =Dwell. due to andy's fussiness, we went to coffeebean at wheelockbut that place is toooo tiny. maybe for birds?hahahaanyway we went over to paragon and finally found seatsthe "journey" there. tsk tsk. so hot!chatted and gossiped as usualwe headed to shop later onfareastDFSand to pepper lunch.and back home.winnie ye behind. sooo tiny
that feng po niang.
feng po niang and shen jing po
her butt. erm... i'ld prefer................. hahahaha. u know??

we are trying to organise a
BBQ this fri
erm. so that we can have a gathering before we starts work
and we can cycle (yay! exercise. lols?)
ba gua to bbq.pitch tent.cycleplay.OMG. so fun. lols.
shall we?
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Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
passed my FTT!
so happy can!
thanks to all those who have wished me gd luck!
esp carmen, lidan, andy, and XUNCI
and of coz my pang pang who've helped me soo much in studying of the test
thanks to all! =D
now i can learn to drive liao~ hahahaz.
anyway.i didnt mean to raise my voiceits just that im very irritated when im tiredyou knew it, dont you.but you just chose to continue irritating me.=.=
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
woow.spent the day at home watching tv and studying for FTTwent outta my house around 5headed to vivo for a gathering sessionwith toh hsien yew, bk, zc and his gf, hannyee, christina, siewchen and the v lame adeline. who appeared in her uniform. =.=lolswent for thai express not-so-nice-dinnerexchanged my noodles with bk's chili rice.lols.had hagen dazmy green tea ice cream. so loving it can! ultra sinful.but having my FTT tomorrowOMGwish me luck! coz i need manyits so damn irritating to study those right-of-wayand those duno wad thing.but still. i need to pass!=)gooody goooooody lucky
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sushi tei session!!!
met up with wu jia man at 2
headed to city hall
met up with ong lidan and hoyin at 3
and we went to sushi tei
sooooo funny can!
eat eat eat
talk talk talk
laugh till stomach ache
with those "BO" talks
with those pervertic talks of onglidan
and many many more
sushi tei is soo nice
we shopped for awhile looking for formal clothes
went to MS,suntect
hoyin is sooo thin can.
and. formal clothes are so hard to shop for lorr
anddd... i wanna see pan xiong wear formal clothes
anndddd wu jia man when u wanna buy the shirt?
they headed to my house for mj!!!
sooo funny can!
the 1 suo as animal
ppl throw out de tiles, she took in and duno for wad
she anyhow say "da san yuan"
hog on to the tiles while shuffling and claims that thats her "luckily tiles"
she eats(chi pai) and keep inside for her own reference
she scold ppl for being slow when she's the slowest
who's that?????
of coz thats ong li pan. that pan xiong
so stupid
do all the wu liao thing
that i almost choked on my rice
was ultra fun can!
too bad we started late and could only play till 11pm
should plan earlier and can stay over at my place
though my place. hahaha. abit messy lar. hahahhaa
shall have another mj session okies! next week? lols
with all the stomach-ache laughing
and all the stuns lipan did
and all the irritating skipping of turn from wu jia man
and all the winnings from hoyin
soo love them! lols!
look lidan's retard face
and her limited edition adidas tshirt. she so proud of it can! hahahaz
<3FTT on sat. omg!!!! eeeeeeeeek.
and again. any private tutor???
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
moni freakingly woke up at 8am ok
to go to toh hsien yew house to wait for his mum to bring me to facial
meanwhile he bought me my favourite hotcakes!!
but got sausage de,... eee. and also a super big cup of diluted milo
while waitng for xinyi to wake up..
i disturbed toh hsien yew.
by keeping away his blankets, singing opera to him. lols
and went for the facial
omg. squeeze dao my face so red. with spots. lols
after that went ttsh with
carmen and
tangto HR to submit our doc
and collect our name tag

and also ask for our dept.
tentatively-subjected to changes!
ill be in 10A
sooo happy. i hope aunty qin can be in 10A
den we can work tog again
lols. and gossip gossip!
and wu jia man at rehab
attempted to pay for my olvl eng again
but. so much for trying and trying. actually the payment date wasnt open yet
how malu
tuesCHILLING session with
tang and

met at 12.
some pppl. late lorr.
and some ppl say wanna wear dress and heels.
and ended up in slippers.
thanks horrr!!!!

went to marina sq
to have seoul garden
but maybe second time in there.
the cashier can be more stupid de lor.
give him $47 with 6 $2 in there
took him 5min to count
got soo difficult ?
ah deng

eat eat eat.
soo many fats in the chicken
and disgusting wanton and popiah and siew mai
sooo. we decided to hide our loot
tang hiding our loot.

ending our sinfuls sessions
and went to toilet
thats the ultra funny laughing session
the 2 woman nv fails to make me laugh de lorr.
trying to be seductive.

2 years ago....
2 years after with the same pose. lols!!!!
2 years before...
ok i noe its v ugly. no need to laugh at ppl can!
2 years after.

2 years before...
tt ah deng act act blur. lols. so didnt have a pic of hers
2 years after
not very ugly also. onli v funny. lols

7 years of friendship and still counting
will be working in the same institution
now all 3 of us are stable in relationship wise
unlike 2 years ago
love them the most!
really hope the time stops at this blissful moment
where we can meet up for lame reasons. and do lame things
and you always know that the other 2 woman are always there for you

met toh hsien yew coincidentially on woodlands mrt.
tog with boonkeong
went to courts, see camera lols
and went to pastamania
went back home
wahjiong with andy car ang ong lidan
and taught onglidan to viwawa.
she so ben can
went to toh hsien yew house for a supposed mj session
but cancelled
studied my FTT instead
finished it but i still feel empty. lols
am going to sushi tei tomorrow with car, pan xiong and hoyin!!1
yay! food!
lets see how nice is sushi tei. whether that pan xiong gt lie or nt.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
wad a boring sunday
took my scrub suit to alter
went to causeway for dinner with my mum
went to m1 to check out phones
its such a small and squeezy booth
so,went to singtel instead
saw this HTC dual
with pen and key pad
looks good
(at least better than the w910i that mum wants me to buy)
went back to m1 to get the phone
liew. it happens everytime
when i wanted to get w960 also like tt.
so went to sunplaza instead
my mum forgets her IC -.-
and she went home to take
while i went to pang house to deliver dinner
and later on, went back to get the phone
i duno whether is it good or not
im still exploring
needing the help of pan xiong
this phone no wifi le.
but, i rekon... its ok lar.
coz i wouldnt use wifi anyway...
hahaha. console myself.
im trying to nuture feelings with my phone and getting use to it.

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Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
omg. rotted at hm for the whole day
cant get my ass off to study for the final theory
the test is on sat. lols. 1 wk time
seriously-no mood to study
finished watching romantic princess. lols.
like finally.
i know im half a beat slower
canot meh!
next drama.
not decided yet
feeling a little emo at the moment
late at night.
no one to chat with me
no toh hsien yew to talk to me
facing that boring book
work is starting soon
holidays are ending soon
end of fun-ness
once work starts. will there still be shopping sessions?
meet up sessions
hai ya.
words that came out from emo person are emo words
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
4 year anniversary with toh pang pang
went to his house first.
to wake him up, of coz
went out at 3plus
went over to city hall and decided to have our meal at tony romas
all thoses "high class" restuarants only opens at 6
which i am not able to wait
im rushing to the class chalet
soo. we walked round and round sun-tect
and. finally we flipped a coin to decide on where to dine in
and god wanted us to dine at fish and co

my piggie toh toh
and i should say
i really really regretted going there
the service sucks
and that waitress even got my order wrong
and i've got this huge fish with sambal sauce with rice
its sooo damn big
and its not nice
eeek. sick of fish

after eating.
then we have to proceed to our next programme
but we didnt know how to get there
so we cabbed there

my piggie toh at ticket office
about to "depart"

then we went on board
the cabin
quite big
theres only benches
but view aint that fantastic on the bench

when we were rising up to the skies
my piggie has wrinkles... lols
love love~

when we were at high skies
pang became bored. and started to compare whose lashes are longer
of coz its mine

nice nice nice view

emo pang

sun ser

the ride lasted for half an hr.
its a fabulous experience on it. =D
thanks pang for the surprise! sooo happy
went to parsir ris for the class chalet
my outfit is soo odd in chalet theme. lols
eat eat eat.
gossips gossips and gossips
and then we started to play games
damnnn fun can!
when we were playing heart attack lols!
lovely NR0511

ong li dan came around 11plus
and we cont playing games.
was ultra funny with that pan xiong
her fan ying chi dun improved. lols
and later on. some of them went to bed.
and the chalet people came to inform us that our noise level were tooo high. lols
and then we stopped the games
and started chatting instead
chatted over random topics
with lidan
zhou juan
and carmen
the place were soo squeezy
had to squeeze on a single bed with lidan and hoyin
almost died-ed
and that pan xiong is soo bad to not let hoyin sleep
chatted with winnie ye ye over her realtionships problem
i hope she gets out of it soon
coz. she seems to be in a dilemma
hope everything is fine okies,irritating girl.lols
theres always SOMEONE there that is better
who's waiting for you
chatted and chatted
went for mcdonals for breakfast at around 5plus
and chatted over class funds
they went home after breakfast
and me, men, winnie and andy went back to clean up the place
before we left the chalet at around 7
took that bus21 to tampanies mrt
but me and men duno where to alight
was feeling damn tired on the bus
took 168 home
and reached home aorund 8am
recieved my shirt that i've ordered online
slept to 4pm
and played mj with my mum friends
omg. i've a DA SAN YUAN
but i've only won $2++
time to watch crunchy roll. lols
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Saturday, March 22, 2008