Thursday, February 28, 2008
boring life27/2/08- wednesdayrotted at home for e afternoonmet my mum at bishanand finally, i shoppedlolsbought a m)phosis slippera hello kitty pouch2 triumph bra - damn ex lolsa leggingsa giodano tshirta top lols.result of being coped at home for tooo longim lacking in sleepdue to my grandmawaking me up everyday-.-"'
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
sianz.what have i been doing these days?slacking at home.sat- played rounds and rounds of mj till 7am with my mum friendsmy cards is lousy until can vomit bloodsun- went to toh hsien yew house to deliver KFC coz he commented that he has no food at homehe bought me a DS lite. white colourdamn fun! am addicted to itwad a boring able to change my basic therory test from 10/3 to 3/3coz 10/3 im in taiwananyway thats xunci birthdaywont be able to celebrate with u le my dearlols.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
22nd feb 08- thursdayyuan xiao jie- as quoted by Anan
dined in kuishin-bo with toh hsien yew and family
alaskan crab, desserts, and alot alot alot of nice nice food
love these gatherings
21st feburary 08-wednesdaywent down to chinatown to book my air tickets
headed to amk to have dinner with toh hsien yew family
was rushing like hell from chinatown to amk
dinner was yummilicious
and toh hsien yeww fed to stray cat fish
went over to ben house for MJ
its toh hsien yew who's playing this time
and he lost big time
all thanks to me who recovered some $$ for him during the last bei feng
haha. slept only at 5am
coz toh hsien yew needs my help in the NUS application thingy
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Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
19th feb 08Tuesdaywent down to
pur pur at bishan for the interview
and they accepted me
and wanted me to start work
tmland i totally forgotten about my travelling
i called the boss afterwards and he was ok with my 1 week break
and later on
toh hsien yew reminded me about the kuishin-bo buffet on thu
and tempted me not to work
and i consulted tang and fiona
they both ask me not to work
called them and told them im unable to work
went over to funan
to collect toh hsien yew's IC and his mum's
headed to heeren
and had
billy bombers for dinner
burger for him and ribs for me
ice tea for me and milk shake for him
went to shop in taka
went in to
coachand bought a handbag
majority was sponsored by toh hsien yew
thats my valentines present
a belated but a sweet 1

sold my PSP away
in the intention to get a
DS liteden i can play cooking mama
thanks to toh hsien yew
for introducing me to
online mjliew. was addicted to it already
super fun!!!!!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
18th feb 08-mondaywent to wu jia man house to do the NUS application thingyand submited and met toh hsien yew at yck to register for driving test=D17th feb 08-sundaywas our annual house-visiting day for the girlssstarted at winnie ye's housewith ultra lots of foodand popiahhahahaha.her younger brother was ultra cute.hahahazheaded to carmen house nextplayed cardsliew lost from the start and was never recoveredhahahabuts its okay!=Dnext is my house!my mum cooked dinner for usand we played MJhahahawe used chips and i won $5hahahahazlove MJ more =Dwent to the last house-lee ben dan's housewas playing that toilet card gameand stuffing andy with loads and loads of foodits was a damn fun gatheringi wonder if next year, we still be able to make itno matter wad it was super fun and enjoyablegoh carmenlee ben danwinnie yefiona yappiemau mauandynext year okok? hahahaz
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
15 feb 08
met wu jia man
headed to chinatown to look for our travelling brochures
went to a few agencies in people's park
and ong li dan came along
together with her sister
according to her,
people's park is for tai tais who wans to travel
coz its ultra expensive
so they lead us to another building
that has alot of travel agencies
so we eyed on 1 that has 4D taiwan and 2 day hongkong
soooo. was quite cheap.
abt $700
anyone else wanna join me, carmen and ong li dan.
on 3rd march
for 6 days
we want to have more people. hahahaz
too bad toh hsien yew couldnt make it
soooo sad
anyway met ong li dan younger sister after we are done
and we had desserts!!!
been sooo long since i visited that dessert stall
ultra nice.
so we parted with them
and me and wu jia man went to Plaza sing-m)phosis sale
was on 50%
and ultra squeezy
its sooo damn sad
i wanted to buy their shorts
but even their S size is soo big
bought a heel for $17
and wu jia man bought a shorts
did some chou shi in the shop
we headed to orchard thereafter
and shopped in fareast
had our dinner-shilins mee sua and chicken.
and we sighted suyi and james
behaving suspiciously outside a korhea restaurant
anyway wu jia man bu si xin
and wanted to have another go at wisma-m)phosis
soo we went again without anything return rewards
as requested by toh hsien yew
went over his house to see his surprise gift frm him

a piggy soft toy inside an ultra big balloon
was quite cute
he finally tried the cheesecake tt i made for him for his birthday
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
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Friday, February 15, 2008
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
monday- 4/2/08went to ttsh with
yap tang weeto do our pre-employment checkup
started with the urine dipstick
take blood.
wah lau.
then went to see the doc
my bp is still as low as ever- 90/60mmHg
then we went for our Xray
collected our uniform
the scrub suit XXS is soo damnnn big
not say i wanna say

the uniform i tried on the XS 1...
then the person say too loose at the waise area
then ask me try the XXS 1.
is ok lar...
but if i put on weight during this 2 month den die lorr.
canot wear
im a staff nurse now! hahahaa
den we collected the ugly shoes
and headed to novena square
we had pepper lunch
coz ah deng wasnt here.
can eat
we headed to somerset to do our eyebrow threading
the person say my brows little difficult to do.
coz i always pluck my brows.
den its tooo tiny
but v cheap.. $7 only
headed home after that
and yes! yap tang wee.
stop saying im vegetable
u unhealthy person
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
our LAST day as a nyp student
met teng siew furrn in the morning tog with ivan
and headed to school
met my looong-time no see classmatesss
omg. they still remained the same
as chatty as ever
my lovely wu jia man
lee ben dan

winnie ye ye and lee ben dan

me and ben-jia rong
time to meet lecturers??

last time to use computer in school

lovely mates
lost ur way?

INNOVATIVE polytechnic
LAST TIME in our uniform



last day as a student nurse
last day wearing the NYP uniform
met my dearies-jes and tang
went to ttsh in our nyp uniform
our half ttsh batch of students

changed into our home clothes later

did a thank u card for 10A
with aunty qin, celine and xiaoyu!
will miss then truckloadsss.
aunty qin esp!!! hahhaa
with motherly-sister lay hoon

the 4 of us~

went to visit sister sherry during our meal time
and went to rebond my hair and far east after the whole thing
cost-$180. actual price-$280
like the rebond pretty much =D

Last day of work at 10A
morning shift
to my amazement. all the 4 students were on....
gave the pens that i bought to all the staff
was a busy busy last day tog with janice
misss working at 10A
misses all the staffs there
misses the busy busy day
misses aunty qin gossiping session
misses and missessss
my loveliiest odah and aunty qin
aunty qin

love them most.
aunty qin esp
plsssss let us work tog in future!
keees =D
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Monday, February 04, 2008