Sunday, December 30, 2007
after christmas was working like nobody's business
26/12am shift
took 8 cases
busyy busy
but was fun
love taking case
27/12pm shift
took onli 3 case
coz the SN was new
met toh hsien yew and his family at amk after work.
he bought me supper.
wad a thoughtful piggie.
28/12i took
13 cases!
took over from the SN coz she onli work 8 hr shift
why is it that when i took lesser cases, there werent soo many changes?
when i took 13 case, theres soooo many changes!
plus my AN. alamak -.-"'
blurrrr is the only word to describe
i really duno how to communicate with her
its really like a chicken and duck talking
i told her the pt no longer on NBM (which means can eat alreadi)
she told me some kuku things that i canot even understand her
that irritating merry chirstmas SN
keep asking me to help her
coz she was the AN for the other team
den she keep asking me to help her change pampers, do feeding
lao niang so free go help you ah! kao
den she so damn disgusting
she keep asking me why pm can take case
already explained to her that the SN onli work 8 hr
she say-i thought only can pass to SN student nurse can meh
i replied- i follow the SN wad. is just that im in charge. CAN?
den she kept asking me to do things for her still
before she went back she came and irritate me again
she said-i duno u take case, if not i dun ask u help me
KNN. if she duno den just now that conversation fake 1 ah!
sickening , irritating
i already busy like hell, she still keep irritating me
i didnt even had the time to go for break.
and there she is. doing all her evil plots.
the moment i wanna sit down and write my report
she call me
i was so fed up with her that i told my SN-in-charge
den she helped me to tell sister!
i hence, did not reply to her nonsense anymore.
she's really 1 kind
always fond of asking students, junior SN to do things for her
irritating backside
29/12am shift
took 8 case.
was ok.
wasnt v busy
no merry christmas to irritate me
was a happy day
went shopping with toh hsien yew after that
treated him to soup spoon again
bought many earings
bought a denim skirt
wanted to purchase a bag for myself
a small sling bag
i wan either a grey or white 1
but none of the bags at bugis caught my picky eyes.
accompanied toh hsien yew to tampanies
coz he's going to his fren house for steam boat at parsir ris
i took bus168 home
the journey took 1 hr!!!
the bus seems to be CRAWLING at 30km/hr.
i wana buy more long sleeve clothes
more nice dresses
more pretty pretty shorts
a sling bag
a very good moisturiser to stop my face from peeling
to be able to work v v v fast! hahaha!
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
i seemed to be so busy that i didnt on my laptop for 1 week pluswhat've i been doing?work work wooorkanyway...CHRISTMAS!its the season of joy!!haha~went over to town with my mum to shophahaz~bought toh hsien yew's christmas presentbought a dress and was awaiting to wear it on christmas eveBUT!the plan of the day was to have steam boat at toh hsien yew's placesimply sudden and unpredictable planpresented my christmas present to toh hsien yewits a burberry polo tee.but apparently he didnt like it that much because that polo tee has a pocket-.-"'hahawell.staying at home was fun tooto shop for groceryto enjoy the yummilicious food that toh hsien yew mum prepared for usfinally everyone appeared at toh's residence before the clock strikes twelveits a heart warming gatheringupon seeing all our long-time-no-see friends=Dtogether we count down to the clock strikes twelvemetoh hsien yewwangboonkeonghannyeesiewchenchristinaadelinethe fun started with adeline's funniest joke of the yearand the lamest gamethat you need a king card to order others to do things, to end the gameyou can only go toilet if only if you have the toilet cardyou have to be punished if you get certain cardand the game went on and on..........till the girls was totally shagand christina went puking all overhahaz.=Dour christmas 2007 ended like this
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy 3 years and 9th month aniversary with toh hsien yew
went to orchard with pang today
i was quite irritated by him today
coz i woke him up at 2.30pm
and when i called him at 330, he still aint ready yet
so i had to go to his house,
before i reached, i called him
he said that he was leaving his house SOON
but when i reached, he haven even got ready yet.!!
in the end we onli left the house at 430.
i was irritated like hell.
i didnt want to go over to town...
but he insisted.
my mum have been nagging at me
coz i have been going home at 11oo,12am.
and i told him i dont want to go town
but he didnt understand
and even said that my mum is crazy
wad the fuck?
im damn angry larz.
but he even blamed me for getting angry.
but anyway things were quite ok.
went to ding tai feng to eat my lunch cum breakfast with jimmy and bk
went shopping after that
i wanted to get my burberry wallet
but toh hsien yew bought it for me instead
he wanted to buy it for my christmas present
i didnt want him to buy that for me
firstly,its expensive
secondly, i want him to give me a surprise.
but wadever it is.
thanks =)
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
AM shift
went to cut my hair after work with pang
went over to town to shop
bought christmas present for mau
meeting her tml
went back home
and recieved toh hsien yew recieved a call saying that his mum had fainted
he went back and later on i went to his house.
she was admited to ttsh
met anu at the ward
only went home at 4am.
eventful day-.-
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
worked morning shift.
busy busy busy
after work i went for the ttsh Provisional Employment interview
because the HR person kept calling me to go.
the interviewers asked me lots of questions
like-is nursing your first choice?
-y did u enter nursing with ur results?
-y didnt u ask for a bond with ur current poly results
-what is a stroke?? ( wad e hell @$#!$)
-why was 1 of your clinical education graded D
-what did you do in ur overseas attachment??
blaaaa blaaaaah........
loads and loads of questions
simply unbearable
went to meet toh hsien yew after that
went over to paragon
and the it rained
it was such a heavy rain that we had to purchase an umbrella
went over to bugis after that
bought 2 Tshirtsss
i wanted to buy a short
but i didnt see anything nicce
i wanna buy m)phosis slippers
but it didnt have my size
simply not my day
had our dinner at soup spoon
the soup was nice
but the wrap that i've ordered was utterly disapppointing the soupilicious soup.jpg)
the not-so-nice wrap of mine
xiangyao came over to look for us
accompanied him to have his dinner
and we went back
planned to play MJ at toh hsien yew house later of the night
but xy didnt come
we ended up playing without him
me+toh hsien yew, boonkeong, jimmy and ben
ben won the 3 of us
saturday 15/12/07
happy 20th birthday andy!!!!
went to orchard with toh hsien yew
soooo many saless!!
happy =D
bought our couple shirt!!
at fcuk
lovely =D
the walkway from wisma to taka is so damn crowded that we couldnt even move
went over to mango.
bought a spag top
didnt shop much at mango coz the aunties there are so damn irritating
they keep banging us and pushing
walked around
i wanted to buy a burberry wallet
was on the verge of purchasing it alreadi
but toh hsien yew asked me not to
he asked me to look around first
went to coach, dior, A/Xnothing caught my eye -.-
im still very keen on buying that burberry wallet
shall buy it someday
bought a top at GAP
love my retail therapy
its where i can find my smile
dined at pastamania back at causeway point
the cheese powder was not closed properly.
and half the bottle of cheese is on my noodles
wad the hell.
we saw titus from wdl
wad a coincidence.
and later we saw mdm ding (ding lao shi) from wdl
and also fathona and xiao min
wad a day
nice coincidences
tomorrow working pm shift
mon morning shift
tue off
wed pm shift
thu off
fri pm
sat am
sun off
wad a lifeless life
wad a week
but i'll learn to cope with the psychological stresses in work
and balance out with retail therapy
jia you!!!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Today-11/12/2007meet my darlings today suyi aka lee ben danand my wu jia manwent to bugis to shopshop shop shopour favourite passtime=DDbought my bag finallyhahai finally found my beloved baghahas
bought my shorts too =)
went to the japanese restaurant at bugis junctionsuper nice =Dtotal bill-$72hahazthe 2 sweeties alreadi gave me my christmas presentsthe eyeshadow is from carmenand the cutie keychain is from lee ben dan
pang came to join ushe was feeling abit downbought lots of chocolates for himhope it helps =))spent about $80+ todayits worthwhile thoughi wanna buy tshirt from bugis and my long sleeve clothe-from somewhere, i dunoand i wan more shorts =)i wanna buy buy and buyknow wad to do alreadi pang pang. hahahaha!!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
its already the 5th week of PRCP
working am shift today
hmm...met eugene on the way to work
that guy ah.
progress always 200% faster than me 1 lehz
since year 1
he's already taking 12 cases
somemore, trend care he also doing.
im sucha failure.
took 5 cases today
was quite busy becoz im partnering that irritating SN that i mentioned in my previous post
she's so damn bad lar
as a AN today, she's suppose to do changing and all right
but she's like kept telling my SN tat she wants me to go over to help her.
my SN quarrelled with her in the end.
she started to poke her nose into my case
that patient was seen by the speech therapist and she ordered not for oral feeding
but the patient was not compliant at all and refuse NGT
so how can we give our meds?
of coz give oral lar
den that "loaned" irritating SN duno go where find a sister
and complain to her.
wad the hell.
but ok lar. at least i managed to shut her off.
coz the doctor say let the patient continue oral feeding at her own risk.
nanny nanny poo poo.
anyway the lecturer assessed me for trachy suctioning
ok lar.
managed to squeeze some time out for her.
anyway yesterday was workin PM shift
i passed the report for 13 patients.
haha. sense of achievement.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
went orchard with toh hsien yew
was quite rush today, coz got to go to funan to get my laptop
went to mogu mogu to have our lunch at far east
the new restaurant
it sooo cute
you'll have to place ur order via the machine
and collect ur food at the little hole.
hahaz-this is wad i ate-duno wad little chick 1
bought a shoe at trendy zone
can wear it for attachment hahaz'love buying attachment shoes. cox i wanna wear shoes that i can wear to work and go shopping thereafter =D
then went over to funan to collect my laptopits sooooo crowded over funansingaporeans really like electronic stuffss.soo..we decided to go for a drink at taco bellthat stupid pang pang ask him to buy this, he bought thatin the end bought something that is not palatable at all-.-"waited from 5pm till about 8plusbut at least... now i have my laptophappppy =DDits afterall worthwhile =)
wanted to buy some tops
but pang pang was rushing off
coz he wanted to help me set up my laptop
and also, he's going clubbing after that.
shall go shopping when im free then =D
my toh hsien yew
anyway, there is this "loaned" SN in my ward
she had a conflict with 1 of my frenthen she actually complained to the lectureromg. she's so bad
actually i do agree with my friend that she's ....not because that i side with my friendbut is the way that SN work that made me feel that wayhahan, whatever it isi hope nothing happens to my friendanyway i recieved this invitation from NTUto go for a tour in the campusduno whether i should gono 1's accompanying me thereand also. NTU has no nursing related courses to offer me lehzhahahaz.anyway might just drop over to have a tour around their campus to have a life is so lifeless nowi wanna go out shoppingi wanna see all my friendsi wanna do projectssssi wanna study!i wanna crap-not being cautious always in wad u say because you are talking to ur patients.
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
presenting to you-my toh hsien yew.

after my magical hands.....

so cute rite!
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
yesterday-4/12/o7am shift
i woke up late!!
i woke up at 6.15 when i had to reach TTSH at 7
i was like god damn gan chiong larzz
luckily uncle send me to work on his motorcyle
but i left my phone at home. -.-"'
but my mum came to the ward to pass me my phone.
hahahaz~ i thought why the relative looked so much like my mum
anyway. toook 2 cases
was busy
not because i couldnt cope with the SN job
is because theres 2 new
AN taking over 2 team
and they are sooo new that the can spend 1 hr sponging 1 pt.
canot stand
i went for break at 1.40 and i onli took about 10 mins.
after work i went out with toh hsien yew
went cwp
boonkeong and we went to pizza hut to eat
later we then headed over to orchard -meeting
jimmy and
xiangyao at YCK
walked around looking at perfumes
hahaha. saw wu jia man at far east.
wad a coincidence.
went home after that.
today...i woke up at 10. hahahaha! tired man
went cwp at about 3
accompany toh hsien yew to buy 4D.
wad an uncle
and we met boonkeong again
2 days consecutively.
then we went to buy munchy donuts.
later going over to sakae to eat.
with toh hsien yew, hia mum, boonkeong and friends. hahahahaha!
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday 3/12/2007Pm shiftreached the ward at 1230.
theres no 1 to pass report to me..
soooo...i decided to take 1 case by myself
haha. coz in our ward.
they pass reprort at 7am and 7pm
so if u work AM, you get to listen to report but not pass
if you work PM, you get to pass report but no 1 to pass u report.
i took
a case today
easy easy 1.
tml AM. shall take
2 cases.
anyway. kinda feeling
v low now.
imagine that you messaged some1 in the morning and that person didnt reply you till the end of the dayyou expected to see the person but he couldnt make itthats not the issue here.the issue is that. if that person couldnt make it, shouldnt he at least inform you??but no... there was NOTHING.when u tried calling the person and querry.he seems insolentwhen unhappiness arises, and he knew that..nothing was donenot even a message from him againthis is the i-duno-how-many times im getting upset over this non-existence problemi wonder is it just sensitivity, my pettiness, my bad or its just intolerablei really dunoand im in no position to judgeits the 5th day ive to seen himit doesnt matter if he's busy..but at least inform me please.i really dun fancy this kind of feelingthat you anticipate and you get disappointedis it that i shouldnt have hope on himthen i wouldnt lose hope?-.-"'emo emo emo.
yesterday was a bad day.
im all alone at home.
watching huan huan ai to kill my boredom
i only went out to cwp to shop around for a while
seems so boring
bought triump bra.
spent $70.
its just a bad day
a lifeless life i've
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday-1/12/2007Am shiftWow. m 3rd day of being an AN without any assistance.well....kinda satisfied with my own performance.hahaha~coz i can order the ANs aroundbecause they are my just bo liao-ing.after work. met my mumwent over to suntect.dined at the asian duno wad the place.then we went shoppingi was damn damn damn tempted to buy a guess spag top.$99but...hahazzz... i didnt in the end. is coming. needed to save $haha. still i bought a mango spag top.wanted to buy the Mango skinny jeans. $99 also.hahaha~ nice price.didnt buy coz it didnt have much stock. and also... it has zip at the end of the pants dun like that. hahawent back to woodlands shopped at NTUCbought loads of vegetables and friuts.spent $50.hahaha.went home after thatwas damn tiredchanged my blog skin.haha~ coz of complains.i shall take complains seriouslycoz im in a service industry=DDwas contemplating to buy a laptop at IT show.but cant get my ass off to make a decision.shit~ hahazim quite sad now.coz i've to take 1 cubicle on monAs a SN. no longer an ANhow am i going to cope.the sister really 1 us to die man...hai hai hai.moments of emo-ingmoments of worrying.i hope things will turn out well.i really ugly face is still peelingg...!!!haiz.luckily my voice recovered.i miss toh hsien yew. haven saw him for few days.hope he still as fat.=D
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Sunday, December 02, 2007