Thursday, November 29, 2007
presenting to you- my toh hsien yew!
he's going to kill me!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
What have i been doing???
i've been neglecting my blog for 10 days. hahaha!
-.- itz call-- fatigue! and of coz its lazy~~
Am duty
imagine that i've to work on a sunday
what a "good" job
but work today was slack
but im sick!!!!
my voice is so husky and dull. -.-
somemore will go out of tune 1.
all thanks to all those hearing impairment patients that i took care on saturday
practically raising my voice to talk to them when i had none!
B1 ward plus a sunday.
after work i went orchard with toh hsien yew
shopped around =D
Session with Lay hoon again
8-4pm today
met up with jes, tang and carmen.
they were laughing at my sexy voice lar! was...
nice nice nice!
love this RARE gathering chance that we had
thou the lecture was damn boring that im on the verge of falling asleep
but i saw tang dozed off beside me.
and i accidentally kicked her
then she stared at me! hahahaha! so fierce.
carmen was falling asleep also...
then i...
pinched her~ to keep her awake
i so kind, she still scold me
so bad 1. stupid wu jia man! hahahaz
we had MOS for lunch.
tog with jessica's fren-jane and eileen.
and went back to that boring place.
after that. went to CWP with toh hsien yew
ate at siam kitchen
that dinner cost $50++
and their masters machine spoilt
and toh hsien yew had to run down to ATM to get cash. -.-
and we got a free dessert that we hardly touched it.
coz we were so damn full.
caught Enchanted.
lovely show.
i tried to imitate the girl singing
but was only laughed at by toh hsien yew because of my husky voice.
i believe in happily every after.
but i wan a maid to do my chores
i wan to work after getting married
to wan to have a kid early because i dun wan generation gap.
hahaha! im just dreaming lar.
Pm duty.
Im a FULL PLEDGE AN today!
theres no AN.
and im that AN.
it was busy lor
so many changes.
so many call bells
i think i have ringing in the ear---from call bells.
hahaha! but ok lar.
i just hoped that i can take case soon.
AM duty
again im the AN.
not very busy today
just that i couldnt find pyjamas for the patients in the morning.
it was quite a saddening day for me today.
seeing the patient that i had nursed for almost 3 weeks...
haiz. life just had to go on.
i may be able to take case. just 1.
better den nothing larz.
dun laugh at us ok
we will be COMPETENT ANs.
hahaha! 4 weeks of training
went to pizza hut with toh hsien yew.
we saw a teaching bring a group of pri sch childrens to pizza hut
suddenly we talked about our pri school days
realised. we were so pure and without worries then
made me really want to be a pri sch teacher becoz i wanna go back to that innocent life.
and i realised toh hsien yew is so much cleverer than me
coz his maths results always topped in his school.
he could even go to EM1 but he choose to stay in EM2.
whereas im no where near.
lousy! hahaha!
but im happy with my life now.
because i got toh hsien yew.
i have all my friends
-esp tang and jes. not forgetting xunci, and all my poly mates-like wu jia man etc
because of them i have a reason to smile for.
to tang:
you do made our day with your ugly actions.
but thats not the only reason why u made our smile.
you made our day because u truely care. haha~
wishing u all the best
hope that smile always stays on ur big head
happily every after
it will be a hourly para soon.
it will...
dun be so sad.
we are always here for u. hahahaz
to laugh at u~!
im going KL with toh hsien yew
he's bringing me to KL to shop!!!
how sweet
i hope he can find a nice agency
and find a coach with a toilet.
if not later got UTI.
lovesss. i love every 1
i love u toh hsien yew
i love u teng siew furn
i love u yap tang wee
i love u chiang xun ci
i love u wu jia man
i so loveeee everyone. hahahaha!
my voice is still so un-normal.
my patients cant hear me when i talk.
my only hope in regaining my voice...
my face is still peeling because i've just changed the products in the dermatologist.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday- 18th november
went to orchard with toh hsien yew.
before going, he cook him cambell soup maggie mee for me. hahahz
then, we walked around and was damnnn tired
for no apparent reason.
so.. our shopping ended at about 6+
we went home and we saw ivoy.
tue-20th november
its me and toh hsien yew's anniversary- 3 years and 8 mth
i went to the toa payoh clinic to see the dermatologist before going to work
i can only say that the shift was sooo busy
dramatic in a sense.
i feed the patient via NGT
after the NYP lecturer came in and said hi
projetile vomiting!
damn. i was worried that it was me.
was worried that the tube wasnt in the right placement
but i really did checked the placement and the PH was like 2.
was really worried that the patient might aspirate
coz he had a tracheostomy and the milk seems to be going in
luckily we did the suctioning in time
but after that i wasnt the 1 who feed but he patient continued to throw up.
damn worried can!
met toh hsien yew after work
and was like rushing home fast fast
coz tml im morning shift
overseas attachment presentation tomorrow. =/
seems to be having sore throat.
wed- 21th novemeber 2007
morning shift
i woke up and found my body to be aching and a terrible sore throat
took 2 panadol. hoping that it will have some effect
went to work.
was damn irritated by the HCA that was attached to me
i was busy lar can.
im doing dressing, taking parameter for 3 cubicles, feeding NGT, bathing a patient
because i didnt help her in bed sponging.
pls lar. in the first place she didnt even tell me that she was doing sponging
i even told her that when she going to do sponging den tell me, i will help her
secondly, all the staff nurses are asking me to help them with this and that.
then wad she did was that she open the curtain when i was doing dressing for the patient because the dressing was wet after the bath
and she said. " WAH u do NGT feeding, take parameter, now u also wan to do dressing?"
" den who help me do sponging?"
i said " ok im coming after my dressing. im finishing already"
she said " no need lar! you so slow!!!!"
@#!$@#!$ sickening!!!! i do so many thing she only do bathing and sponging still say me!!
other than that my day was quite ok.
oh ya.
there was 2 CI asking me questions here and there.
quite scary.
luckily i can answer their question on what is dopamine etc
they even asked me to schedule drip infront of them
then follow me to see me feed NGT
ask me off drip.
teoow! hahahaz
went to school after work for the overseas attachment presentation
im feeling dammmn sick at that moment
sore throat+feverish -.-
changed into my formal wear. ( i couldnt be bothered to wear super formal-hahaha)
presented to all the various hospitals educators or director
and the NYP nursing director etc
it was ok.
then again, they commmented that yuqing and i had british ascent.
wad only.~
well. i was basically hoping that the presentation will end soon
coz im having fever chills in there and i felt really terrible
after the presentation, i headed home
even though the wanted us to go for the refreshments and mingle with the hospital directors
met toh hsien yew at woodlands and he sent me home
i took a bath and i can feel all my goosebumps
i was shivering after that larz.
i just took 2 panadol and slept.
it actually helped. =D
im better when i woke up
Thu-22nd novemeber
morning shift again
today wasnt busy because im at team 2
slacker team
they lack of AN and wanted to put me in charge of team 2 AN
but suddenly they found the "agency" nurse.
bought donut factory for toh hsien yew for his "breakfast" after work
because his lesson was at 4
so when i called him, he just woke up.
hahahaz~ wad a pig.
im still recovering from my fever and sore throat.
luckily tomorrow is a day off for me~
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Today-17/11/07On afternoon shift today again~met tang before going to workthat silly girl lost her Ezlink+ATM card and her $20omg. i seriously hope that she can retrieve it.its like damn senseless to make another copy of the ezlink card.but the concession is damn wasted.wah lau...damn draggggggy lar the time in the ward.i seriously have NOTHING to do.coz in my ward, is the staff nurses who are in charge of the parametersoooo, soo damn free till i very "initiatively" asked to take the hourly parameter for the patients.hahaz~ then the staff nurse kept telling me that its not time yet -.-actually wanted to meet tang for dinner at 5but damnn!! i suddenly got a dressing to doby the time i've finished, its already 5.30and she already bought her dinner upstairsok lar. i watched fu man ren jian while having my dinner. hahaha!OH YA!i was harassed by patient again~~ @!@$#@$!#@Theres this malay patientabout 20??with tatoo all over his bodyand looked "malay ah beng" yesterday while taking his Bp, his family told me that he wanted my numberbut i just brushed it off and "act gong"!he's dischargedAGAIN, his uncle (a young uncle) asked me for my number.i ignored them once again and i "acted" busy at the nurses countersooo when i saw him walked out of the ward in the CCTV, i was relieved lar!!!BUT THEN!he actually called up the ward to look for me lar can!@#!@#$#%$ i thought lecturer called me or wad!he kept asking me to give him my number and i refusedso he told me to call him insteadand i wanted to brush him off by saying yeshe actually asked "is that a PROMISE?"wah lau. im sooo damn scared he'll come up to the ward and look for meso i told him that im only here for a short while.and i hung up saying that im busy now.wah lau~ its NOT A BLESSING AT ALL!its scary lar can. -.-anyway. shift ended i accompanied toh hsien yew to have his dinner at KFCwah lau. he think he feed pig lor.r.. he ordered buddy meal lorr...sinful!~ -.-went to buy tickets for movie- game planthen i went back home to bathe and went out againits a nice show lar.z.funny, touching.fatherly love show. hahaz=))finally day off tomorrow.going shopping-heeesmon day off too!!heess
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Off day today..yeepiesss
went out with toh hsien yew
went bugis
just for a short while
but had fun laughing
jokes about fishes, lion dance etc.
he's forever so ugly.
maybe i just couldnt stay angry with him for long
ugly toh~
HAHA! im trying to imitate someone.... :PPP
he's as fair as i am. -.- (bai zhan ji)
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Today -------- 14/11/07BAD DAY, GRUMPY DAYTotally drained out~ Tired, exhuasted -whatever words that i can find to describe my feelingssince mon, i only had an average sleep of 5hours a day.even on tue, i wanted to take an afternoon napbut 15mins after i dose off, i was woken by my brother's super loud handphone ringsCAN U IMAGINE HOW IRRITATED I WAS?i mean he have been home for 1 week lar.nothing he do suits me lor-he smokes in the house-he treat us like maid and he dun do the dishes after eating-he throw his things around and make the house damn messy-his handphone rings in the middle of the night and its max vol lorr. and it kept me awake lor-he ransack my cupboard and use the adidas bag toh hsien yew bought for me.-he stay at home almost 24/7theres nothing that i can do about itim damn irritated and im too tired to commenti just feel that. its no longer my home anymoreno longer a place where i can go home and sleep my head off when im damn troubledno longer a place where i can go home and watch my favourite programme on TVI JUST CANT STAND IT LOR. say im selfish, say im fussyi just cant morning shift.nothing muchdid alot of changing pamperssaw a dressing on bed sores (the patient had 4 of it! all stage 4)nothing to look forward to.only thing to look forward to is that im meeting tang after workso that i can talk nonsense to herchat with least i can talk to some1 that im close with lorrthe whole day in the ward, just feel a need to talk.thanks tang~ hahahazafter work, met tang and emiliawent back to school for the oversea attachment presentation the rehearsal.the lecturer actually commented that me and yuqing got london slang.Please. i didnt even slang -.-toh hsien yew messaged me and ask if i wanna meet him after my rehearsal.i asked him a few questions and i assumed that he's waiting for me.but when i called him after my rehearsal, he actually went out with his friend for a swimhe told me " how i know that u wanna meet me?"i was like-if u unsure can at least ask me isnt it?even so, you could actually tell me that you decided not to meet me.this isnt the first time happeningyou know, this SUCKS.the feeling of anticipating that im meeting toh hsien yew after rehearsal and we could go out for dinnerits like...all dashed lorr.he used to tell me he'll pick me up from work or schooli will be damn looking forward for school or work to end because i know i'll be seeing himbut in the end, when i made my call to him,to actually realise that his still you know that this feeling SUCKS?i seriously hate that.i dun like him being irresponsibleand he can jolly well enjoy himself everytime even though he knew that im unhappywell perhaps its my problem.perhaps i had some hormonal imbalanceperhaps im sick in the just theres no use saying sorrythe word sorry needs to be said with a meaningnot just saying it for the sake of making yourself feel better
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007

12/11/07- Monday
wow. the long awaited day man.
Remembering the first day when i first step in NYP as a nursing student.
Its seems just like yesterday only.
PRCP is a 3 month attachment in hospital
and its the crucial period to decide if u would pass out as a NURSE.
went into the lecture theatre of ttsh.
listening to the clincal educator talking about PRCP.
gosh. that kind of feeling is simply undescribable.
Im looking forward to it- to being able to function like wad a nurse should be doing
but im also fearful of it.
Hence. i decided to heed to clinical educator's advise.
Not to be afraid of making mistakes
Not to be afraid of asking questions even if it means to be laughed at
Be confident because i know i can do it
Be more vocal
Talk louder
the stupid test ( which is like damn wu liao lar. its not v difficult. but its damn lame when she asked about the parts of the tracheostomy- which nursing student on earth would know that?? hahaz...definitely not me man)
i went causeway with jes and tang
toh hsien yew joined us after that.
Its forever fun to talk to the 2 girlss.
i love gathering sessionss-haha~
we went to buy muchie donuts. hahaha!
it was kinda embarasssing when we bought 1 donut each. hahaz
but the donuts was quite nice. but its damn messy eating it
meeting my 2 dearest tml to go to work together
im going to 10A
tang going to 5C
and jes... CDC -got poison ar~ hahahaha!!!
and lian de her...going rehab..
all the best to u huh
at least got $$ take
not so bad lar huh!
hope u enjoy ur posting!!!! lovesss
went hari raya-ing with mates today!!!
ppl who went
winnie ye
met carmen at 11.15 at woodlands and we headed to jurong.
haha. we waited till 12 for arz then we took a bus to zaf's place.
she sooo sweet lar..
she cooked fried rice for us
somemore got desserts de lorrr..!!
suyi and andy (the 2 jurong ppl joined us at zaf's place)
then we headed to nisa's place next
was at choa chu kang.
this time suyi went to watch movie
and we slacked around for awhile then we set off to the next house about 3pm
lovely andy~
world most irritating-winnie ye

me and wu jia man~~~
me fiona susma and azidah
me and fiona (the potiential pantene hair model- coz she got such long and black hair)

we went to arz place (at Eunos larr)
her mum cooked curry chicken for us larr...
den there's so much variety of breads lar... hahaz
her house is a good place to take picturess and we really took alot of pictures there.
coz her house is like a mini museums
got alot childhood things (like five stones lar... the games lar...)
me and my dearest lao po~
my 2 chou shi partner~

then the last place was wani's place.
at paya lebar
me,mau,fiona,winnie carmen took seishen's car over
and her niece and nephew were there and they were damnnn cute!!!
suyi came back from her movie
we went home at about 10.30
i wonder will be have this raya-ing again next year
how many gatherings will be have together??? hahaz
i miss all my poly school matess..
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday 8/11/07
Met up with my wu jia man...
hahaz. because she wanted to buy a dress for saturday (hari raya-ing)
sooo...we went to bugis.
we shopped for few hours. wu jia man only like semi-formal dress.
hahaz. i bought a dress there again~
whahahazzzz.... (dress fever lar)
den we went over to bugis junction-sasa
hahaz.. bought a mascara for $24 (the fiber fiber 1..that sasa "famous" product"
den wu jia man bought the eyebrow pencil.
then we went over to orchard.
we both were hungry ...
so the 2 hungry ghost went over to the japanese resturant at taka.
the things there was quite cheap lorr...i always thought its some high class restaurant
we ordered alot of food
we also ordered the dessert. the dessert got fibre orange. hahahz
she say i v wu liao when i told her the dessert got fibre -.-
and the bill total up to $44.
1 thing good about going out with wu jia man is that we both eat dinner early.
like 5+ ??!?
we went over to far east after that.
hahaz... continued shopping for her dress
and finally she bought her "hole hole" dress at pandora box. $36
then..while wu jia man was trying her dress, the sale girl suddenly talk to me
she ask where i bought my guess bag and she said it was very nice.
den she was damn sad when i told her that i bought it long ago
hahaz...i can sell it to her de lorr..hahahaha~
i bought another belt for myself. happy!~
haha. and we went home after that coz ke lian de her
tomorrow still must go ang mo kio hosp for attachment
after that toh hsien yew came to my house and drove me to his house.
i went to play MJ at his new house.
alamak..i damn sway yesterday larrr....
i lost $10
somemore horr...i throw wad card den i get wad card back.
my card hor... -.- lousyyyy
got even once, i throw 3 fa cai consecutively
then that toh hsien yew so irritating lorrr...
he see my card then he tell every 1 wad card i wan. angry~~~~!!!! sway. just not a day to play MJ..hahaha~
woke up at 10am
and be his maid. !!!
have to pack his room for him and iron his clothe.
he say wanna bring me go McDonalds eat breakfast den in the end become lunch.
im just a maid that has no breakfast!
we went to that ah mei cafe.
liew. i think he hungry dao.
he ordered 2 set of toast set and 2 egg prata
den he blame me for not eating the toast.
i only said i wan toast, i help him eat prata,he still say me~
wad a idiotic pig
later later...i wanna go gym...
i wanna go on diet..
im fat, im obese, im at high risk for coronary artery disease
im must save myself!!!!
im disgusted with the way im now.
some1 pls save me!!!
very soon, i might have a "auntie" figure soon.
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Friday, November 09, 2007