Monday, October 29, 2007
no creativity 1...copy me... -.-
i took a super ugly pic of him...but he del it ai mei~
Shopping day with
toh hsien yew!!!
I woke him up at 1135am today.yes!! i succeeded! hahaz~
We went to
bugis first.
Went to this
QQ noodle place for lunch..hahaz...
Den he's so damn irritating...
When i was eating, with a spoonful of noodle in my spoon, he knock my hand and all the noodles drop off.. -.-
Den i looked at him, he giggled
And then he put back some noodles and some soup into the spoon...
and told me... "nah...give u back" -.-"'
Hahaz...walked around bugis. was damn hot today.hahaz
That disgusting monkey keep wiping his sweat on my hand!!!
Then we went to
Went to paragon and we went into Burberry, Gucci.
The Burberry wallet and coin pouch damnnnn nice larr.....
Den the Gucci white colour wallet with ribbon also v nice lorr....
that toh hsien yew only noe how to go in and act as if he's some pro...every thing i take up he must estimate the price. -.-
Den he bought at Ben sherman hoodie for $170...Brand-si-ism
far east....
bought my contact lens solution at watsons and the pimple sticker.hahaha!
Den went to skin food...
bought blusher and the eye lash repair thingy..hahazzz...$30++
wanted to get concealer also de...but den my effusai 1 still haven use yet... dun wanna waste that $60...hahaz...
That irritating monkey keep saying "chi kok"
according to him...
Chi kok is the liang xi mei the hui ge...den he always say de...
den he kept repeating himself... -.-
den went to pacific plaza...
Went to
Stussy...wanted to buy a tshirt...but...
toh hsien yew kept saying its not nice.
hahaz...den we went to
rip curl...hahaz
he bought a bag for me...hahaz...coz i liked it alot..
those type that is "wood wood" 1...hahahaz...
Thanks pang pang.!
den we went to wisma
i bought fiona present and we went back home.
I was playing bomberman on PSP.
den he snatch it away and never gave me back!
we went to cold storage at CWP...
he is so bad~
he go press the sago till its broken.
soooo bad! hahaz
my irritating, ugly pang pang
he wont love me forever. he said. T.T
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
27/10/07HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIN!!!hahaz...hope u enjoy ur birthday!!! lovesss!!! see ya on mon!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY REHAN!!!Thou i noe rehan wont get to read this lar...hahaz...but fren!!! happy 20th birthday
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
super long ago pic(winnie ye birthday this year...may 2005)
Last day of ED posting...hahahzzz...
well.kinda of like Ed...coz its fun...ESP RESUS!! hahazz...i just like it...
Lucky for LSCN..starting to appreciate it when i came into ED.
becoz of all the training in LSCN...forcing us to memorise all the drugs, dosage and that megacode..that all things in ED dun seem that alien after all.hahaz...
Anywayz....ED posting was fun mainly because of Ain, Germain and Tutty~ and of coz G.O.D hahaz
Aiming for body painter...esp ppl from SCDF...haha....
Am looking forward to Ot posting next week with them again~hahaz
Well well...Tue, i was at triage. It was fun, fun fun to the max..hahaz...
seen sooo many patients.. They come in for the slightest complain that u can every imagine.
Time passes v fast in triage.
Esp with multi-lingual SN R ...haha
Had IM injection "test" by the CI.
Stupid goffy...kept laughing at others mistake...
He told the CI..he would perform the IM injection in the arm.
The CI asked what was that muscle...he said.... BICEPS!!!!!
WHAHAHAHAHA! joke of the day man...den the CI turned to me and tutty..and asked us...we said deltoid muscle..
Den goofy replied...oh ya...i rememebered wrongly.. -.-
Was in consultation room. hahaz... wasnt v v v fun to speak of...
But did a few Im injections there...and of coz ECG.hahaz
was exceptionally happy that day becoz was with SN L...he's damnnnn cuteee~~hahahz
he was damn funny when the uncle came in with *** pain.haha
den he told me..." anything here u duno can ask me...will help u" *.*
den later he came with a tray and looked at me...he say "IM inj??" hahahazz!!~ cuteeee
BUT...this day should be called the memorable day in ED...
because standby cases came in 1 after of 5?
Did CPR, assisted the staffs in resus. even did air-vival bagging. hahaz.
Shouldnt say that it was fun....but should say that...its a good experience.. =D
Today had Function testing by the CI....was ok...she just let me talk..haha which is something i liked.hahaz
But she the thing is that she asked all of us to disassemble all the valves...alamak~ den must put back..hahaz...
woke up at 8+ to study for the "test"
Toh hsien yew acc me to work.
And i bought hello panda and breno for him.hahahz....
Then i met sarah at novena to pass her the shoes
Finally. was me and ain turn to go into resus.
We were PM shift..
wasnt much of interesting case.
It was a cardio day..coz all the cases who came in was either bradycardia, chest pain etc.
There was a collapse case...which was around the end of our shift.
we followed through and even went to the mortuary.
was sad.
There was a super tall chinese body painter from SCDF came into resus room..
hahazz....but didnt get to see his name lar...
We had a "quizz" by the CI
and then we had to exchange paper to mark...guess whose paper i got...PORCUPINE.
his answers was ridiculosly funny!~alamak...hahahz
then we had to hand in our log book.haha
that porcupine was sitting opp of the CI on a long table...
SO..he did a stun again...
He slided his log book to the CI without saying anything...
And i was wondering why there was a book sliding pass...
He think he god of gambler sia....hahaz...den going to add stakes... "$10,000"! hahaha!
Den the Ci was going through the quizz questions.....
Den she asked..what is the alternative route if IV acces failed??
Goofy v proudly and loudly, he answered... IM injection..WHAHAHAH!!!!!
i was trying damn hard not to laugh but i heard tutty laughin behind..hahaha!!!
but during break time...alamak..ain, tutty,germain and G.o.D jokes made me laugh till my stomach ache. Later xiao juan joined us coz she was alone.hahaz...she too, laughed alot.hahaz
the funniest part was the story abt G.O.D crossing the road. hahahzz.... that gave her the name G.O.D
she was crossing the road when it was orange light
Then ain, tutty and germain shouted to her to tell her there was car...
G.O.D replied.. "aiya, nvm lar..."
den when she turned was green light...
alamak..realli G.O.D sia...can fortell.
Toh hsien yew came to fetch me after work.but he was late again..i waited for him for like 15min
and went back home
Last day of ED...was at obs room..alamak..boring
wel..started the shift and midway went to see the CI for feedback
Hahaz..she started to chat with me...asking me things in london etc...
den i also started telling her about my worries about PRCP...den she was good lar..
she gav me the medication booklet
And also the TTsh employmenty form..she also say that she would help me check out about the bond thingy
well..i didnt noe how i did for the quizz..but she say quite good lar...den okok lorr...
went to obs room..and time passes damn slowly..
den went for break...haha..we went to long john...
after break went back kena scolded...whahaz...coz we didnt inform them that we went for break
we were too busy looking for the others and we couldnt be that bothered.hahaz
Coz afterall it was LAST DAY
haha...walked around and we went to the resus room coz we heard a standby case.
It was trauma case.
saw SN L there *.* haha..
Ain somemore told him that was our last day and we wanted to come in and see..he said "ooookkk" hahaha!
den we stayed there coz there was another standby collapse case. Did CPr again.
But that damn goofy pushed me aside to do the CPr coz there wasnt the "chair" for me to stand on
Alamak..den he kept doing and doing..germain got fed up and scolded him...whaha.good 1.
den later got another 2 standby case..was amptated finger.
den i was helping the patient to apply the dressing on the finger.
after that i saw SN L preparing the pt to go for OP.
so me and germain sense the "radar"
and i went up to talk to him..asked him how do we keep the amputated finger.hahaz
den he was like talking and talking *.*
Den later SN L asked me to do ECG for the chest pain pt... hahaz...
hahaz..anw..saw that SCDF body painter before i went home..haha..
we deliberately walk the outside route just to see them.hahaz
Met toh hsien yew to go novena walk walk..
he damn bad lar...he go pinch ppl the bread...den dun wanna buy... -.-
den we take MRT home..
that disgusting monkey....he take his saliva and put on my hand..some more got "ou duan si lian" cheese like that!! alamak...
den he sooo damn irritating..
we were standin beside the door...which got the glass thingy beside the seat rite.?
he pinch me,..den out of reflex, i swing my elbow...i knocked my elbow against the glass panel.
den he pinch again and i knock of 3 times..!! den the aunty sitting there was looking at us!!!!hahaz... some more i wearing uniform.. "malu"
ED ended..but i would be going ther again probably...PRCP speciality
SN lar..jus joking onli lar...
he was v friendly and nice lar.hahaz
ED was fun fun fun.
NExt week OT...yay..! hahaz
i hope PRCP comes faster...hahaz
i miss those days when im still schooling...

i miss my looooong loooooooooong hair
i miss those times in school....
where we had to do projects, attend lectures, lab lessons
i miss those lunch times gossipping times...
i miss those super funny project times
i miss those lecturers naggings
i miss those times that our hands tremble when having practical skills test
i will cherish this time that im still a STUDENT in clinical area
because i still can say "i duno"
because i still can go for break for an hour
because i still can walk around observing what ppl are doing
because i still can go break together with friends...
This might not be anymore when i graduate...and really really be a nurse...
have to depend on more gossiping, playing
be a responsible nurse
should i sign the employment form????hahahazzz
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
ED posting today.... hmmm...was feeling quite loss...
hahazz... should say loss because ED was toooo big... sooo alone there lar...zz...every1 seemed to know each other...except me who came out of no where.
but well....first day..wad to expect? ORIENTATION lorr...hahazz
I was supposed to be at the mini-operating theatre today...but..NO case...
So..was sent to the Observation area ( the place where they park beds and monitor the paitent condition) ....
Nothing much happened.
Ended work.
didnt went to my grandma place. coz i wasnt needed. -.-
I called him and asked him to meet me but he dun wan...coz he wanna slp... angry...!
so i went home and That idiotic toh hsien yew called me and my cup of water spilled on the floor as a result. ITS ALL HIS FAULT! i have to clean the floor after.hahaz
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
21st oct 2007
Watched Liu Xing hua yuan (Jap version) on SCV today...hahaz... that shan cai is sooo cute...hahaz...
i fell asleep when i was watching that zhuan jiao yu dao ai. ZzZ -.-"'
Today is my grandma went to her house and we went for dinner.
Before going to her house, my mum and my bro accompanied me to bugis.. bro bought earingsss for me...
Because all my earings seemed to be missing...after dropping 1 after another.
We had dinner and went home~hahazzz
Oh family is still talking about gossip that should have ended ages ago...
When my cousin came...den all of them were looking at me... and insist of us sitting tog..!~
because when we were young, they used to force us to wear the suit and white dress and "pretend to marry"
So they always says that he is my prince charming (bai ma wang zi)
And im his snow white (bai xue gong zu)
10 thousand years ago issues still can remember -.-"'
Hai yo!~ tml im starting attachment. Tsk tsk tsk...die~ at ED....ALone...
God bless me..hahazz...buddha bless me too.hahazz
20th oct 2007
Was me and toh hsien yew's anniversary today...but didnt go shopping as planned... T.T
Cox his family wanted to go buy furniture and toh hsien yew has to be the chauffer
SadZZzzzzZZz...but thats ok... hahaz
So i went to his house at about 3+
That pig refuses to wake up....he onli woke up at about 5
Then...we went out about 6+ to some furniture mall at Paya lebar.
Together with his bro and sis and mum..hahaz
Hahahzz... the whole journey wasnt really pleasant...
Mainly due to his mother was worried about him driving too fast and getting the wrong way out
So....we went to the furniture mall....and the sales person was super unprofessional and super irritating...kept following us EVERYWHERE we went .....
We had our dinner at a place near thomson road and he sent me home after that.
And again!~ i did a spring cleaning to my toilet...hahaz...
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
hmmmm.... basically im doing nothing these few days except eating and sleeping!~
Feeling damn fat now...can some 1 save me!!!hahazzz...take those fats out of me..
Maybe i can donate it...any takers?hahazz...
Well...the only time i went out of my house these few days is just now when i went to buy grocery, with toh hsien yew accompanying me.
Went NTUC and i bought a whole trolley of things (like an auntie once again...!~)
AND... the bill came up and gave me a shock out of my life... over $60... Whahahazz~~~
Hahahz...nothing much to update about....just that....
Tml is 20/10/ me and toh hsien yew's 3 year and 7 mth anniversary...hahaz
Nothing much of elaborated celebration...Its not some super, ultra special occasion...
We wont go to mount faber to celebrate...hahazz
Just going out together, thats all...
Shopping as usual...
He is the sweetest boyfriend when we go shopping...hahazz... (minus his irritating-ness)
He carries all my shopping bags
He pay for all our meals
He buy things that i like for me ( not all lar...but some... v good alr ok!!) hahaz
He tells me jokes and keep me entertained
He tells me gossips about other ppl
He PINCH ME v often
He always tell me "5 min, 5 min" whenever i wake him up to go some where
He's always late
He's irresponsible at times
He bites me for no apparent reasons
He loves to put his saliva on others
He throws temper at times
He always spoilt ppl's things whenever he touch them in a shop (wad a spoiler)
He always makes funny faces when he is siting opposite to me on MRT
He sits at the entrance of the shops to play his PSP
He laughs for nothing and thinks that he's very funny
Whatever ugly things that u have done....i still love u as much....
but pls cut down on the ugly things that u r doing....
You are still the sweetest boyfriend, ugly fat ever
He never once forget our anniversary
He never fails to send me home whenever we goes out unless its really really no choice
He USED to send me a good night message every night. (i'ss feel sooo sweet although its the same old message every night)
He will talk to me on phone every night and only hang up and go to bed when im asleep (everyday without fail)
He will accompany me to shop, do paper work, anywhere, as long as i ask him and if his is free. Even if he's not avaliable...he'll try to make time for me.
He will not let anyone bully me...because he is the biggest bully that is bullying me.HAHAZ
He will listen to my grumbles, my unreasonable theories and my unwraped reasonings
He complains alot. (He's a complain king)
but at the end of the day....
He is the one that dote on me the most.
Worries alot when im all alone in London
His eyes filled with sadness when he sees me coming back from london with sores all over my body.
He is the one that i trusted most
He is the one that i know...i can really rely on...
Happy anniversary pang pang!!!
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy 19th Birthday Teng Siew Furrn!!!
hahaz.... Today went to ICA building with Toh hsien yew to collect his passport
But that stupid dumb dumb didnt even have his IC with him !@#$!@$#%$
Where got so stupid 1???hahaz....anw his IC is at China now. omg..stupid pig.
went to bugis after that... Wanted to go to bugis street...but i was like raining heavily can?!? fish, prawn also can lorrr...we walked around bugis junction and i bought jes's gift.
Then that fat ass went to play soccer because he's complaining that he's toooo fat. haha
While i went to meet my mum. hahaz. holiday is ending soon....damn sad.
Next week i will be having my ED posting...
$#@$Im feeling worried for PRCP..
1mth overseas..but i haven learnt how to take 1 single case..felt so damn useless~
its not that overseas is no good, but its just that ppl practise different things marz~~~
So...i'll be damn loss when im at local hosp~
Some1 save me pls~
How will i survive in PRCP???
Im worried...Im worried!~
i think i really need to study..hahaz.
I really miss schoool~!!! i miss projects!~ hahaz...all the chit chatting sessions with them!!~

i miss seeing them everyday~! i miss gossiping with them everyday!!!!

Let me go back to sch will you??? even if it means failing a semester!! hahaz..
im just being lame..ignore me pls.~
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
12/10/07 – out with the girlsss…
Met the girlsss….
Carmen and
Winnie Ye!
Love Loves and Lovessss
Met Fiona at 12pm at woodlands Mrt…we headed to Novena to shop….
We shopped around and we really chatted a lot!!hahaz…we are such chatterbox..hahaz
Later, we headed down to city hall and we walk around Raffles city and Suntec..
Finally its 5.30pm!!! time to meet the otherss…!
We had our dinner at
Changing Appeitite!~ Those idiotic womans keep laughing at my slang when i was ordering my food.. -.-"'
Well well…that place was freaking cold!~ but our dinner ended off with a sumptuous mud pie!!! YAY~ ice-cream~ hahaz…
Hahaz…after dinner, where did we go??
We decided to be touristss and hence,we headed to esplanade.
We took loadssss of photo and did a lot of chou shi!!!hahaz..
with my forever chou shi partner Carmen and suyi~ with winnie ye as the photographer, capturing our ugly actions
Hahaz….i’ll let the photos do the talking!!~
Wheres mau??hahazz....

was caught unprepared by winnie ye...hahaz

we were trying to pose like those ppl in 80s when the twist with their hands out-stretched.
Wu jia man...~~ dun leave us!!!
We decided to punish her for attempting to "jump"
At the end of the day...i still love her lotss...haha
Trying to be Mr bean..haha...with that beam of light~
Hahaz...that "singapore bridge" that TV always flim
im thirsty~~!!
At the end of the day-my chou shi partnersss
14/10/07- Shopping day with Toh Hsien Yew
Well….woke that pig up at 1pm…hahaz…and told him to meet me at 2 at sembawang mrt…apparently, he was late.. -.- nvm~
We headed down to Orchard.. He attitude-ed me!!! Sickening… but later he finally realized he was wrong and everything regained back to normal (u r such an idiot, toh hsien yew)
Went Far East~ hahaz…I bought my cardigan there…hahaz… all thanks to toh hsien yew…
Blossomz was having their sales …the dresses were only $20 but I didn’t buy…
erm like what toh hsien yew says-I’m like viewing at my own clothes..
whahaz..because their design all sama sama 1…And I got a few of it, so no point buying the same pattern~ hahaz
We went to Plaza Sing to watch movie… Balls of Fury…hahaz…not bad lar. Quite funny. HaHaz…
Anyway dun ask me why there is no picture of me and toh hsien yew. That’s because he’s so damn irritating today and he kept talking and talking, blabbering and blabbering that I did not have time to take picture of us together at all. Thanks Toh Hsien Yew!
While im waiting for that unpunctual pig...
While he was busy playing his soccer game on PSP and cant be bothered with me
Jus some ugly pictures of him...
as ugly as ever~ OMG~
YAWNS...~~ good nites =)
I just felt that u were a little unreasonable that u are unhappy for no apparent reason...
I wasnt angry but i just wanted u to tell me wads with you.
I totally couldnt understand why u behaved like that.
when i've explained things as it dont seemed to get it..
i was truly disappointed in you at that point in time when u threw ur temper.
I really hope u were truly sorry...
I hoped thats the last ...
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Monday, October 15, 2007