Friday, December 30, 2011
Just visited the dentist and there's a whole list of things to be done, and that includes wisdom tooth extractions.
It actually scares me, as all 4 has to be removed cos it's sitting too near to the nerves.
Hmm. When should I get it done?
On the side note, the dentist kept praising my teeth for being very straight and nice. He even insisted that I had a braces done and refuses to admit! Zzz
Shall choose a date that I wanna do my dental surgery. And also my lasix that I've planned with dearies.
2012, a year that I did my first surgery? Though it's jus dental surgery and a minor eye procedure.
Wished you were here, YY...
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Yawns! I'm so sleepy, but I'm trying not to sleep to avoid insomnia at night!!
School starts again tomorrow and that's the last lap to the completion of my degree already!
Hopefully everything goes well and I'll graduate november this year :))
I'll be going for a bintan staff retreat on 23rd July with UDC! My god, I'm starting to love my clinic benefits :))
I hope I can complete my assignment before going! I didn't want to go initially, as I'm worried that I might not be able to complete my assignment in time.
But since everything is paid for, it seemed stupid for me not to go!
Random: I likey this eye gel :)) this is my 6th or 7th bottle already!

Dinner last night! Maggie mee! We went shopping for ingredients to put in @colds storage and spent more than $20 there!

And salmon belly sushi to try. Err sushi tei is better...

Hmm, going out for dinner soon! :))
Code blue drill tomorrow, bless me alright! It's stressful cos the whole clinic would be looking at me! Lol
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Sunday, July 03, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
random post...
continue eating, and u will be like this...
in the month of june...
i finished my exam, and i think thats the last written exam for my degree. say weeeee
toh hsien yew sleeping while im painfully mugging for pharmacology.
red hair in the making after exams

and buffet at sentosa boardwalk after that with colleagues
crab and durain, not up to expectations. in fact, its awful!
17th June
pang had to work, so i went out with mummy instead
pedicure and manicure by my dearest tenant, ah bee
who is born just a day after me! =D

high-tea at goodwood park after nails pampering

my dearest irritating mummy. haha

23rd june
fish and chips for lunch,
fish and co for dinner.
fat max!

26th june,
dinner at amk s11. i love hawker food!
yummilicious carrot cake!

pang's fattening food

and time to sleep now. no-more-shopping-until-bonus-comes. lol
gotta wake up early tomorrow to check e trolley.
i loathe checking e trolley. such a hassle
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Monday, June 27, 2011
been a while!
I've just cleared my last semester school fees the day before!
omg, could u imagine i've paid 24k for school fees.
it could have bought me a birkin. zzz
went out for dinner @ far east with toh hsien yew and friends after clearing my school fees.
after dinner was cold stone, and the peanut butter ice cream was marvelous!
and, it was k-box after that. with my almost-gone voice. lol, i think i sung badly.
well, to begin with, i dont sing well. LOL
finally home at near 8am.
and my weekends were spent lazing and sleeping at home.
well, i bought many things in recent months... and i think i need to stop.
confessions of a shopaholic
numerous amount of make-up

and more dresses
some other random clothes

sigh, this is just 冰山一角
my birthday. something memorable!
i had a good 4 days of celebration which really tires me out.
16th june: dinner with janice and girls
17th june: pedicure and manicure with my mum, and goodwood park high-tea and sleep over with dearies at my house! love pillow talks!
18th june: meet up with my dear xunci first for lunch at itachio sushi. thanks for the gift <3! and shopping around with pang, bought my gift and movies with his gang of people and sheesha later.
19th june, was spent sleeping till later afternoon where i woke up lazily, got ready and cabbed to toh hsien yew place.
our dinner at Basilico, The Regents hotel. =))
menu in italian

busy choosing his main course
parma ham! Prosciutto di Parma
wine selection

the bread was amazingly good!

the wide array of cheese made me happy =)
the nicey-nicey-nice bread

my main course, queen scallop

his steak


the pistachio was OMG-ly good

and again, the nicest pistachio ice-cream~

like a tourist

thanks girls for the gift!
loved it <3
my little blue box by my dearest toh hsien yew
i didn't have a proper cake for my birthday (its not essential to have anyway), BUT....
i received cakes in the form of ice-cream from toh hsien yew gang, a small cake from dearies, cake slices and ice cream cakes....
i feel loved.
thanks =)
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Monday, June 27, 2011